Possible errors

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Possible errors

I still see low scores such as %5 against some bots and it seems like it isn't about the crowd part. I tried to fix it two times and it didn't work. I also tried to reproduce the error but it doesn't occur in my robocode I didn't change anything but the normalised crowd thing. I would see if there was any IndexOutOfBounds Exception or Arithmetic Exception.

    Dsekercioglu (talk)16:59, 24 December 2017

    Don’t worry, ScalarBot is having the same bug, e.g. it scores near 0% against some opponents, which is never reproduced even after thousands of rounds.

    Anyway, if that happens too much, you can try to catch every exception and log it to file, then look up the low scored opponents in the log. ScalarBot fixed a really rare bug in kd-tree by doing so.

    Anyway, it still scores very low against some bot randomly, without throwing any exceptions,

      Xor (talk)03:34, 25 December 2017

      I think I should worry. In my tests it does better than my normal gun but in the rumble it has about -3 APS. May it be the bug fixed with

        Dsekercioglu (talk)08:12, 25 December 2017
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 50
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.knnCore.ags.kdtree.KdNode.addLeafPoint(KdNode.java:70)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.knnCore.ags.kdtree.KdNode.addPoint(KdNode.java:63)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.knnCore.ags.kdtree.KdTree.addPoint(KdTree.java:7)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.knnCore.KNNPredictor.addData(KNNPredictor.java:67)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.wfGun.gun.TestGun.wavePassed(TestGun.java:24)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.wfGun.Fang.updateWaves(Fang.java:122)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.wfGun.Fang.onScannedRobot(Fang.java:80)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.WhiteFang.onScannedRobot(WhiteFang.java:44)
        	at robocode.ScannedRobotEvent.dispatch(ScannedRobotEvent.java:315)
        	at robocode.Event$HiddenEventHelper.dispatch(Event.java:259)
        	at net.sf.robocode.security.HiddenAccess.dispatch(HiddenAccess.java:191)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.events.EventManager.dispatch(EventManager.java:422)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.events.EventManager.processEvents(EventManager.java:376)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.proxies.BasicRobotProxy.executeImpl(BasicRobotProxy.java:423)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.proxies.BasicRobotProxy.execute(BasicRobotProxy.java:122)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.proxies.StandardRobotProxy.turnRadar(StandardRobotProxy.java:55)
        	at robocode._AdvancedRadiansRobot.turnRadarRightRadians(_AdvancedRadiansRobot.java:150)
        	at robocode.AdvancedRobot.turnRadarRightRadians(AdvancedRobot.java:1962)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.wfEyes.Lock.run(Lock.java:17)
        	at dsekercioglu.knn.WhiteFang.run(WhiteFang.java:39)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.proxies.HostingRobotProxy.callUserCode(HostingRobotProxy.java:274)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.proxies.HostingRobotProxy.run(HostingRobotProxy.java:221)
        	at net.sf.robocode.host.proxies.BasicRobotProxy.run(BasicRobotProxy.java:44)
        	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

        I got this exception after some testing.

          Dsekercioglu (talk)21:13, 25 December 2017

          This is a bug in Rednaxela’s kd-tree. I created a PR to fix it in his bitbucket a few years ago, but no response. f

            Xor (talk)22:44, 25 December 2017