Simple Bullet Shadowing Surfer

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Simple Bullet Shadowing Surfer

Hi, I have an idea for a bullet shadowing wave surfer robot but I don't really know how to get started. Could someone point me to a relatively easy to understand wave surfer that implements bullet shadows into its danger prediction? Thanks in advance!

    Slugzilla (talk)17:55, 12 May 2019

    Implementing bullet shadow in wave surfer is very easy; just set danger covered by shadow to 0

    however, calculating bullet shadow is not trivial

    the first bot featuring this technique is Diamond, and it’s open source!

    Just have a look at it, you’ll know that better.

      Xor (talk)04:49, 13 May 2019
      Both Diamond and Gilgalad use bullet shadows but IIRC Gilgalad's code was optimized for speed and made it harder to understand.
      If you plan on using bullet shadows with bins(Slightly less effective), both DrussGT and WhiteFang use it.
      DrussGT calculates all the shadows before hand while WhiteFang calculates them when the bullet overlaps the wave(Easier to implement and shorter code).
      BTW, anybody setting wave dangers as done below?
      Position danger = (bulletPassed ? 1: chanceOfBulletCollision) * dangerWithoutShadows
        Dsekercioglu (talk)08:51, 13 May 2019

        Thanks for the input! I'll check out the code for Diamond, DrussGT, and WhiteFang later today.

          Slugzilla (talk)22:49, 13 May 2019