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Revision as of 31 May 2012 at 16:55.
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I've discovered that there are some really weird cases that happen when trying to run a Precise predictor on a bot that is already against the wall... and dealing with it properly means adding all sorts of extra distance checks into the code with extra sin()s and cos()s hanging out all over the place... it's an affront!

And it means sometimes the prediction angles are crazy tight, meaning that when those waves actually reach the real bot, it's well beyond them.. meaning Guess Factors >> 1 are getting into my data. Eww!

Blah.. Sorry. Just venting.

    Tkiesel17:51, 31 May 2012

    This is for a precise MEA calculation? One of the predictions I do in my precise MEA calculation is having the enemy move with wall smoothing, but ignoring wall collisions (he can just move outside the battle field). Getting stuck on the wall is never going to be the optimal way to reach the MEA, and precise MEA calculation is never going to be exact, so I just try a few predictions and take the max MEA I can find.

      Voidious18:34, 31 May 2012

      So you calculate wall-smoothed MEA without wall collisions? Interesting!

      My intuitive guess about Escape angles is this:

      naive MEA >= accel/decel-accurate naive MEA >= Wall-smoothed MEA ignoring wall collision >= Perfect implementation of Robocode physics Wall-smoothing MEA

      (ignoring bot bounding box issues of course...)

      So the tack you take is that the difference between those last two is too small to worry about the extra processing overhead of really getting it perfectly implemented? Or, (equivalent outcome, not equivalent motivations) that the last one is just too iffy to really get properly right, so settle for the second to last one?

      This is good news for me! Maybe I can stop dashing my head against a stone here, and move on to getting the Wave Surfing happening finally! :)

        Tkiesel18:47, 31 May 2012

        Well, actually I think #4 could be > #3 - wall smoothing is not the way to get true MEA, turning and moving directly to the farthest point you can reach is, but I use wall smoothing w/o wall collisions as an approximation as I try to iterate towards the max MEA. The full algorithm I use is here: Talk:Maximum_Escape_Angle/Precise#Calculating.

        But yeah, I think getting close to precise MEA is good enough, and GFs barely > 1 aren't really the worst thing, although obviously can result in shooting at unreachable spots in situations where your MEA is accurate. At the same time, just because I settled doesn't mean you have to... =) My current method has room for improvement, and it is one of the things I consider revisiting in Diamond's gun.

          Voidious18:55, 31 May 2012