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Revision as of 11:35, 22 August 2009 by Rsim (talk | contribs) (reply)
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93.22 against CunobelinDC? Are you kidding me? I can't wait to watch some battles and see how you're doing this. =) Nice work! --Voidious 14:33, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Hehe, I was kind of freaked out when i saw the score at first too :) --Rsim 15:52, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

91.98 against Hydra is probably more amazing =) I never saw this -76 PBI before! » Nat | Talk » 15:07, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Yes, that's the most important thing about this bot. I think it will knock Hydra down enough that Diamond will be #4. :-D Thanks dude! --Voidious 15:59, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for the positive feedback! I'm glad you liked it :) --Rsim 15:52, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

Aha! Very precise Bullet Shielding while trying to remain unmoving so they always fire exactly head-on! Even a tiny tiny random factor in aim will foil BulletCatcher, but still, many bots this will work on. GF-targeting bots often end up just by chance learning something slightly off-center so they often hit it, however the first few shots are still caught by BulletCatcher (See what happens when YP faces BulletCatcher! Neat!). Additionally, BulletCatcher doesn't hit exactly-head-on bullets from RougeDC and Shadow, because they are two of the very few bots that predict their own location on the next tick when calculating where they need to rotate their gun. I'm not sure what makes Komarious inaccurate and sometimes even completely miss the near-stationary bot, but it's intermittent inaccuracy saves it's life against BulletCatcher. Very interesting bot here! --Rednaxela 15:14, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

You got it figured out. I'm trying to cover the most common aiming styles in the mini-rumble at the moment :) --Rsim 15:52, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

(2 edit conflicts) He he... I love his secret =) He just sits still and aim head-on at enemy with bullet power 0.1 to destroy enemy bullets... It won't work with a lot of robot since a little slippage though. Amazing bot! I wonder if I take a strategy like this to destroy some bots completely and switch back to normal when it didn't seem to be success? » Nat | Talk » 15:20, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Haha, but the fun part is it isn't -quite- still. It moves just slightly back and forth in order to get a slight angle on the bullet it appears :) --Rednaxela 15:23, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Right (edit conflict =)), he can't be sitting exactly still, since two HOT bullets would be parallel and not intersect and thus not collide (if I remember how bullet intersections work). As for K's inaccuracy, to truly fire straight at the center of an opponent, you need to predict your own location next tick, which of course would be a lot of code for little benefit in a MiniBot. So she would fire at the HOT bearing from the previous tick. --Voidious 15:29, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
About K's inaccuracy, I don't think that's it. As I already noted: The bots that BulletCatcher DOES hit are only ones that don't predict their own location next tick. See how it blocks the first couple bullets from YP but not from RougeDC or Shadow. Either Komarious has some other inaccuracy, or the way that Komarious moves causes distortion in a far different way than CunobelinDC, enough that it completely misses the nearly unmoving bot occasionally. --Rednaxela 15:36, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
You're right, I was just sitting here thinking about that. =) Obviously BulletCatcher can't predict my location next tick (though it could come pretty close - idea to try?), so it would actually help to predict it against BulletCatcher. I don't think predicting your location next tick is all that rare, though, I know at least CassiusClay, Ascendant, Phoenix, I'd assume DrussGT, and all my 1v1 MegaBots have done it, too. K also stays very far away, possibly amplifying the effect of any inaccuracy - I'm curious to go take a look. --Voidious 15:39, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Now in version 0.4 there is some anti-locationPredictors code (thanks to CunobelinDC 0.4) so now both Hydra and Phoenix loses pretty badly against it, pretty good for Diamond huh? =) --Rsim 23:03, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
You are the MAN! =) --Voidious 23:07, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Congrats on getting this working! I join the ranks of those whose bots can't currently penetrate the shielding. I wonder - could you calculate their next gun cooled time and maybe squeeze in a shot of your own in between shield shots? -- Synapse 21:01, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Hi Synapse! Nice that you like my bot. There isn't enough time to both shoot the bullets and at the same time target the enemy bot. Even if the opponent fires with a power of 3, it's gun heat will only be 1.6 (16 ticks) while my bot fires a bullet with power 0.1 witch gives a gunheat of 1.0 (10 ticks). There is not enough time to fire a bullet in 6 ticks and still be able to shoot the next bullet. --Rsim 21:17, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
You requested collaboration -- I'd love to help out with this effort. I'm not sure what level of competitive you had in mind; Geomancy is currently around #60, and is a pretty standard multi-factor wavesurfer. Its structure makes the addition of different firing modes really easy, and the source is straightforward. It's built in Eclipse. Send me email at if you're interested. -- Synapse 04:32, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

OMG this bot is SO cool, nice job man, I bet this can be used to great advantage. --zyx 21:15, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Yes, I believe it can :D --Rsim 21:17, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

I wonder, you requested for collaboration, but your robot is fully close sourced. I wonder what you will do in open sourced robot. Not that I have one that meet your request, though. » Nat | Talk » 11:29, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

I'm sorry, i didn't understand your wondering. --Rsim 21:29, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
Because your robot is close-sourced and obfuscated. And we must email you for collaboration. If I has an open-sourced robot and I want to collaborate with you, your code will be opened, thus it isn't close-sourced anymore. » Nat | Talk » 04:39, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
That's one of the reasons I offered Geomancy for collaboration - he can open the joint bot if he likes, or not. I'm all right with either outcome. -- Synapse 04:45, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
First you don't have to email me, posting on the wiki is fine by me :) Second I have nothing against open-source. In fact, I've planed to open-source this bot in the future, when I feel it's ready.