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Just add your bot name (as appears in the Robocode selector after packaging, so including versionnumber) and the RobocodeRepository id number separated by "," (there must be no space after the comma).
The list is in alphabetical order. Add your bot in the right slot.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always scroll to the end after saving this page, to make sure the list is not truncated due to poor network connections

For your bot to be accepted by the RR@Home server, the following rules are mandatory:

  • The bot must have a package-name.
  • The bot must be packaged in a jar-file.
  • A <botname>.properties file must be present in the jar-file.
  • The naming of the bot must reflect the internal structure,see [1]for sample.RamFire.
  • The bot should be compatible with Java 17 (Compile with JDK 17 or lower, or set sourceCompatibility = 17)

The easiest way to do this is to package your bot with Robocode (Robot -> Package robot for upload).


a.FreyaOS 1.0,
aaa.r.ScalarR 0.005h.053-noshield,
ab.DengerousRoBatra 1.3,
abc.Shadow 3.83c,
abud.ThirdRobo 1.0,
acid.Bl4ck 1.0,
acid.Null 1.0,
acid.Syzygy 1.0.4,
acogdev.alpha 0.2,
AD.CodaFirst 1.1,
ad.last.Bottom 1.0,
ad.Quest 0.10,
adt.Ar1 2.1,
adt.Ar2 1.0,
aetos.AetosFirstBot 1.0,
ag.Gir 0.99,
agd.Mooserwirt2 2.7,
agrach.Dalek 1.0,
agrach.MicroDalek 1.0,
agrach.RobotSlayer 1.0,
ags.Glacier 0.3.2,
ags.micro.Carpet 1.1,
ags.polished.PolishedRuby 1,
ags.rougedc.RougeDC willow,
ahf.Acero 1.0,
ahf.NanoAndrew .4,
ahf.r2d2.R2d2 0.86, 1.0,
AIR.iRobot 1.0,
ajs.Guessit 1.3,
ajs.Solveit 1.3,
ak.Fermat 2.0,
alex.Diabolo5 1.1,
alk.lap.LoudAndProud 2.23,
alpha.BlackIce 1.0,
alpha.RainingFire 1.0,
am.Miedzix 3.0,
amarok.Rookie 1.1,
amc.ROBv202 1.01,
amc.ROBv203 1.0,
amc.ROBv300 1.1,
amc.ROBv301 1.1,
amc.ROBv400 1.0,
amk.ChumbaMini 0.2,
amk.ChumbaWumba 0.3,
amk.jointstrike.JointStrike 0.2,
amk.Punbot.Punbot 0.01,
amk.ShizzleStiX.ShizzleStiX 0.6,
amk.superstrike.SuperStrike 0.3,
And.BasicSurfer FF1.6,
ao.T100 0.9,
ap.Frederick 1.1,
apc.botM 3.0,
apc.Caan 1.0,
apc.Colossus2 0.12,
apc.LeeroyJenkins2 1.0,
apollokidd.ApolloKidd 0.9,
apv.Aspid 1.7,
apv.AspidReloaded 0.6,
apv.LauLectrik 1.2,
apv.MicroAspid 1.8,
apv.NanoLauLectrik 1.0,
apv.NanoLauLectrikTheCannibal 1.1,
apv.ScruchiPu 1.0,
apv.test.Virus 0.6.1,
apv.TheBrainPi 0.5fix,
ar.horizon.Horizon 1.2.2,
ar.QuantumChromodynamics 1.2.1,
ar.TheoryOfEverything 1.2.1,
ara.Shera 0.88,
ArchAlpha.ArchimedesAlpha 1.0,
areb.Union 1.06,
arthord.KostyaTszyu Beta2,
arthord.MannyPacquiao Delta2,
arthord.micro.Apoptygma 0.4,
arthord.micro.Muffin 0.6.1,
arthord.NanoSatan Mu,
arthord.NanoSatanMelee Beta,
ary.Crisis 1.0,
ary.FourWD 1.3d,
ary.Help 1.0,
ary.micro.Weak 1.2, 1.0,
ary.nano.AceSurf 1.2,
ary.nano.ColorNanoP 1.1,
ary.SMG 1.01,
as.xbots 1.0,
asd.Cthulhu 1.2,
asm.Statistas 0.1,
av.RobAtHome 1.2,
aw.Gilgalad 1.99.5c,
awesomeness.Elite 1.0,
awl.Locutus 1.5,
axeBots.HataMoto 3.09,
axeBots.Musashi 2.18,
axeBots.Okami 1.04,
axeBots.SilverSurfer 2.53.33fix,
ayk.WallHugger 1.0,
az.Ololobot 0.2.4,
baal.nano.N 1.42,
banshee.micro.Nexus6 0.3.0, 0.2.0,
barontrozo.BaronTrozo 1.7.6,
bayen.nano.Squirrel 0.2,
bayen.nut.Squirrel 1.621,
bayen.UbaMicro 1.4,
bayen.UbaRamLT 1.0,
bbo.RamboT 0.3,
bbo.TheRoof 1.4.3,
benhorner.PureAggression 0.2.6,
bh.PencilRain 0.01,
bigpete.Stewie 1.0,
bing2.Melody 1.3.1,
bjl.LoneDragon 0.5,
bk.Shooter 1.0,
blir.micro.blixi.Blixi 1.2, 2.0,
blir.nano.Bruce R1.0.0,
blir.nano.Cabbage R1.0.1,
blir.nano.inch.Inchworm 1.0,
blr.Chicken001 0.1,
bndl.LostLion 1.2,
boe.Minerva 0.80,
bons.NanoStalker 1.2,
bots.UberBot 1.2c,
bots.UnterBot 1.0,
bots.UnterExBot 1.0,
bp.Kuma 1.0,
braaropolis.Abot 1.0,
brainfade.Fallen 0.63,
brainfade.melee.Dusk 0.44,
bts.mega.Gnarly 1.4, 0.9b,
buba.Archivist 0.1,
buba.Buba 0.3,
bumblebee.Bumblebee 1.0,
bvh.fnr.Fenrir 0.36l,
bvh.frg.Friga 0.112dev,
bvh.fry.Freya 0.82,
bvh.hdr.Hodur 0.4,
bvh.loki.Loki 0.5,
bvh.micro.Freya 0.3,
bvh.micro.Svadilfari 0.2, 0.39, 0.55, 0.3, 0.50,
bvh.tyr.Tyr 1.74,
bwbaugh.nano.Tirunculus 0.0.0a,
bzdp.BoxCar 2.0,
bzdp.Pansy 2.1,
caimano.Furia_Ceca 0.22,
can.Pookie 1.1,
casey.Flee 1.0,
casey.Flump 1.0,
catcat20.atom.Atom 0.51,
catcat20.helios.Helios 1.5,
catcat20.Lambda 0.017,
catcat20.Rabbit 0.001,
catcat20.shape.Theta 0.018,
cb.Domogled 1.2, 2.0f,
cb.mega.RandomBot 1.0,
cb.nano.Insomnia 1.0,
cbot.agile.Nibbler 0.2,
cbot.cbot.CBot 0.8, 1.0,
cf.OldMan.OldManXP 0.1,
cf.proto.Shiva 2.2, 1.23,
ch.rhj.rbc.RHJ1 1.0,
CharlieN.Omega.Omega 1.03, 1.0,
chickenfuego.UrChicken2 1.0,
cjk.Merkava 0.1.1,
cjm.chalk.Chalk 2.6.Be,
cjm.Charo 1.1,
cjm.Che 1.2,
cjm.Chomsky 1.5,
cli.Dancer 1.1,
cli.WasteOfAmmo 1.0,
codemojo.nano.Woot 1.0,
com.arsenic.NewTest 1.0,
com.blogspot.malinkody.DestrobotMalin 1.0,
com.cohesiva.robocode.ManOwaR 1.0,
com.sociesc.T1000 1.0.0,
com.spp.robocode.MostlyHarmless 010,
com.syncleus.robocode.Dreadnaught 0.1,
com.timothyveletta.FuzzyBot 1.1,
conscience.Bulldozer 1.0a,
conscience.Electron 1.3g,
conscience.Idem 1.0a,
conscience.Suicidal 1.1,
cre.Karolos 0.32,
cs.Nene 1.0.5,
cs.PumpkinPie 1.0,
cs.s2.Seraphim 2.3.1,
cs.Wren 1.0,
csm.NthGeneration 0.04,
csp.Eagle 3.30,
css.Delitioner 0.11,
cuoq.Kakera 1.0,
cw.megas.Blade 0.8,
cw.megas.GhostShell GT,
cw.megas.Gridd 0.4,
cw.megas.Polar 3.2,
cw.megas.Silhouette 1.1,
cx.BlestPain 1.41,
cx.CigaretBH 1.03,
cx.Lacrimas 1.36,
cx.micro.Blur 0.2,
cx.micro.Smoke 0.96,
cx.micro.Spark 0.6, 0.60, 1.31, 0.55,
cx.nano.Smog 2.6,
cx.Princess 1.0,
cyragia.Bot 1.1,
da.NewBGank 1.4,
daemons.DizzyA 1.0,
dam.MogBot 2.9,
dans.Cinnamon 1.2,
darkcanuck.Gaff 1.50,
darkcanuck.Holden 1.13a,
darkcanuck.Pris 0.92,
davidalves.Firebird 0.25, 0.1.6src, 1.22, 1.1, 1.1, 1.0,
davidalves.Phoenix 1.02,
davidalves.PhoenixOS 1.1,
davv.DOne b002,
dcs.Eater_of_Worlds 1.1.3-A,
dcs.Eater_of_Worlds_Mini 1.0,
dcs.PM.Eater_of_Worlds_PM 1.2,
de.erdega.robocode.Polyphemos 0.4,
de.simpleworks.robocode.bots.swiBot 1.1,
deewiant.Anomaly 0.2,
deith.Czolgzilla 0.11,
demetrix.ForceMajeure 0.75,
demetrix.nano.Neutrino 0.27,
demetrix.nano.SledgeHammer 0.22,
deo.CloudBot 1.3,
deo.FlowerBot 1.0,
deo.virtual.RainbowBot 1.0,
dft.Calliope 5.6,
dft.Cyanide 1.90,
dft.Cyprus 3.0,
dft.Freddie 1.32,
dft.Guppy 1.0,
dft.Immortal 1.40,
dft.Krazy 1.5,
dft.Virgin 1.25,
dggp.haiku.gpBot_0 1.1,
dhn.Immortal 1.0,
disan.Chair 2.2.0,
disan.Ghost .01, 0.25,
dittman.BlindSquirl Retired,
divineomega.DivineBot 1.9.5,
divineomega.PatrollerBot 1.0,
divineomega.TrialBot 0.003,
djc.Aardvark 0.3.6,
djdjdj.NanoSkunk10 1.0,
dk.stable.Gorgatron 1.1,
dks.MicroDanMK2 1.0,
DM.Capriite 3.7.2,
DM.Chicken 4.0,
DM.mega.Bezier 1.618fprrr,!AISvjCSnfLr8pQs
DM.mega.Regicide 2.0rrr,!ALncIZkNsg6UQoM
DM.Mijit .3,
dmh.robocode.robot.BlackDeath 9.2,
dmh.robocode.robot.BlueBerry 0.5,
dmh.robocode.robot.GreenDragon 1.0,
dmh.robocode.robot.PinkPanther 1.1,
dmh.robocode.robot.YellowBird 0.12,
dmp.micro.Aurora 1.41,
dmp.nano.Eve 3.41,
doka.KillerRabbit 1.0,
doka.Shinigami 2.2,
doka.ShinigamiKNN 1.0,
doka.Test 1.0,
donjezza.Jezza 1.0,
donjezza.Muncho 1.0,
dragonbyte.Neutrino 4,
drd.Dreadknoght 0.9,
drm.CobraBora 1.12,
drm.Magazine 0.39,
ds.OoV4 0.3b,
ds.Versatile RB1.0.1,
dsekercioglu.mega.Raven 3.56j8,
dsekercioglu.mega.WhiteFang 2.8.1, 0.1.3,
dsekercioglu.shield.ColdBreath 1.0,
dsw.StaticD 1.0,
dsx724.VSAB_EP3_ATR 1.1,
dsx724.VSAB_EP3a 1.0,
DTF.Kludgy 1.2b,
dukie.Ambassador 1.0,
dummy.micro.HummingBird 2.14,
dummy.micro.Sparrow 2.5, 2.40,
dvogon.GangBang 1.0,
dy.LevelOne 2.0,
dz.Caedo 1.4,
dz.GalbaMicro 0.11,
dz.GalbaMini 0.121,
dz.MostlyHarmlessNano 2.1,
dz.OthoMicro 0.12,
dz.OthoMini 0.15,
e32.Omni 0.04,
eat.HumblePieLite 1.0,
EBBU.Sim2 1.02,
ebo.Sparse 0.02,
ebo.Tahoe 1.1.79,
EE.LittleBig 1.0,
eem.awful v1.2,
eem.EvBot v4.6.4,
eem.EvBotNG v12.8,
eem.IWillFireNoBullet v2.4,
eem.zapper v6.03,
EFD.AdvancedEFD 0.4.5a,
EH.Fusion 0.32,
EH.kms.LightningStorm 0.11B, 0.2,
EH.nano.NightBird M,
EH.Pegasus 0.113,
ej.ChocolateBar 1.1,
ejbots.AngryGrandpappy 1.2,
el.Attackr 0.1,
el.JumpShoot 0.2,
el33t.EL33tGangstarr2 2.0,
eld.Hmm 1.0,
element.Earth 1.1,
elloco.Flower 0.1r1,
elloco.Kabuto 0.2r,
elvbot.ElverionBot 0.3,
emp.Yngwie 1.11,
ender.EnderRobot 1.1,
ep.MyFirstRobot 1.0,
erdnis.Rover 0.3,
ers.micro.ISuck.ISuckMicro 0.1f,
ers.nano.gokdeniz.Gokdeniz 1.3f,
ers.nano.iSuck.ISuckNano 1.0a,
ers.nano.lig.LigMA 1.8a,
ers.nano.meroka.Meroka 1.8a,
ers.nano.sawcon.Sawcon 1.3c,
ers.nano.sunderer.Sunderer 1.19b,
eskimo.micro.Echo 0.1,
et.Predator 1.8,
ethdsy.Malacka 2.4,
etienne72230.Wall_street 1.0,
evd.X1 0.01,
Ex.Survival 3.7,
exauge.GateKeeper 1.1.121g,
exauge.LemonDrop 1.6.130,
exauge.Leopard 1.1.019,
extra.LightSauce 0.01,
extra.Sauce .01,
fala.robocode.FalaRobot 1.0,
FatalFlaw.FatalFlaw 1.0.5,
fcr.First 1.0,
Fenix.FenixTrack 1.0,
fire219.CatBot 1.0,
fire219.cymba.Cymba 1.8,
florent.FloatingTadpole 1.2.6,
florent.small.LittleAngel 1.8,
florent.test.Toad 0.14t,
florent.XSeries.X2 0.17,
fm.claire 1.7,
fm.mammillarias 1.3,
fnc.bandit.Bandit 5.2.0,
fnc.bandit2002.Bandit2002 4.0.2,
fowl3628800.LightningBolt 2.6.0,
fowl3628800.SitAndGo 1.0.0,
fowl3628800.StopAndGo 1.0.0,
fowl3628800.ThunderStruck 3.0.0,
frag.FragBot 1.0,
franzor.Lizt 1.3.1,
froh.micro.Aversari 0.31,
fromHell.BlackBox 0.0.2,
fromHell.C22H30N2O2S 2.2,
fromHell.C4H10O 1.5.1,
fromHell.CHCl3 1.4.2,
fruits.NanoStrawbery 1.3,
fullsail.LaxativeTeaTwo 1.0,
fullsail.SweetTea 1.1,
fullsail.TimbotNoPrediction 1.0,
fushi.PvP1.PvP1 2004-02-16,
fw.Number1 1.0b,
gadsky.Gadsky 1.01,
GarmBox.Anger 1.0,
GarmBox.Oranges 1.0.1,
Gecko.ultimateGeckoBot 1.0, 1.0, 1.1,
genprog.Gajeel 1.0,
genprog.Rinmorikazu 1.0,
genprog.Zafaran 1.0,
germ.TheMind .2,
gf.Centaur.Centaur 0.6.7,
gg.Squaraus 0.6,
gg.Wolverine 2.0,
gh.GresSuffurd 0.4.13,
gh.GrubbmGrb 1.2.4,
gh.GrypRepetyf 0.13,
gh.micro.Grinnik 1.0,
gh.micro.GrubbmThree 0.9x, 0.3.6,
gh.nano.Grofvuil 0.2,
ghent.ArthurPanzergon 1.0.0,
gimp.GimpBot 0.1,
gio.RealGioBot 1.0,
gjr.Cephalosporin 0.2,
goblin.Bender 2.4,
gre.svman4.Leonidas 1.3.2,
gre.svman4.Morfeas 1.4.3,
grybgoofy.GoofyBot 0.10,
Grystrion.RandomTrackerNOREV 1.0,
Grystrion.TrackerWO 1.0,
gtf.robocode.Strafer 2.1.1,
gu.MicroScoob 1.3,
gwah.GBotMarkIV 1.0,
gwah.GerryBotMkII 1.5.1,
ha2.T2 0.2,
ha2.T2b 0.2b,
ha2.T3 0.2,
hamilton.Hamilton 1.0,
hapiel.Spiral 0.1,
Heal.TekitokaBot 1.0,
hfgrobots.HFG 1.0,
hirataatsushi.Neo 1.6,
hirataatsushi.Trinity 0.003,
hlavko.micro.Flex 1.5,
hlavko.nano.Phoenix 1.0,
hlavko.nano.Ringo 2.0,
homerbots.h1 1.0,
hp.Athena 0.1,
hs.SimpleHBot 1.3,
hvilela.HVilela 0.9,
ICS4U1.Patrick_White_Schrodinger 1.1,
infovk.s_schwarzm16.silverbird 1.0,
ins.MobyNano 0.8,
intruder.PrairieWolf 2.61, 1.0, 1.0,
jaara.LambdaBot 1.1,
jab.avk.ManuelGallegus 0.6,
jab.DiamondStealer 5,
jab.micro.Sanguijuela 0.8,
jaemcrb.nano.M1Abrams 1.0,
jam.micro.RaikoMicro 1.44, 0.43,
jam.RaikoMX 0.32,
janm.Jammy 1.0,
japs.Serenity 1.0,
japs.Sjonniebot 0.9.1,
jasolo.Sonda 0.55,
jaw.KarenCain 0.11,
jaw.Mouse 0.11,
jaybot.adv.bots.JayBot 2.0,
jaybot.bots.Oddball 4.0,
jbot.Rabbit2 1.1,
jcs.AutoBot 4.2.1,
jcs.Decepticon 2.5.3,
jcs.Megatron 1.2,
jcs.Seth 1.8,
jcw.ArcherOne 1.0,
jcz.linio.Linio 2.0.H,
jdw.Hornet 1.0,
jekl.DarkHallow .90.9,
jekl.Jekyl .70, .91,
jep.nano.Hawkwing 0.4.1,
jep.nano.Hotspur 0.1,
jep.Terrible 0.4.1,
jeremyreeder.Bully 1,
jeremyreeder.collective.Prophet 5,
jeremyreeder.Vincent 2011.12.09,
jf.Dodger 1.3,
jgap.JGAP12584 1.0,
jgap.JGAP130166 1.0,
jgap.JGAP23423 1.0,
jgap.JGAP6139 1.0,
jgap.JGAP7247_2 1.0,
jgap.JGAP7958 1.0,
jje.BagPuss 1.2,
jk.mega.DrussGT 3.1.7,
jk.melee.Neuromancer 7.12,
jk.micro.Cotillion 0.8, 1.2,
jk.nano.Machete 2.0,
jk.precise.EnergyDome 1.6,
jk.precise.Wintermute 0.8,
jk.sheldor.nano.Yatagan 1.2.3,
jmcd.BeoWulf 2.8,
joe.ADinosaur 1.0,
josago.Jorgito 0.16,
jp.Perpy 16.0,
jp.SineWall 1.0,
jrm.Test0 1.0,
js.PinBall 1.6,
jsal.Jsalbot 1.0,
jt.SpearmintCT Alpha,
justin.DemonicRage 3.20,
jw.Booring 1.11,
jwirde.Gort 2.0,
jwst.DAD.DarkAndDarker 1.1,
kanishk.Fr0z3n 1.1,
kano.gamma.KanoGamma 1.8,
kawam.kmBot9 1.0,
kawigi.f.FhqwhgadsMicro 1.0,
kawigi.micro.Shiz 1.1, 1.1, 1.1,
kawigi.nano.FunkyChicken 1.1,
kawigi.nano.ThnikkaBot 0.9,
kawigi.robot.Girl 1.2,
kawigi.sbf.Barracuda 1.0,
kawigi.sbf.FloodHT 0.9.2,
kawigi.sbf.FloodMicro 1.5,
kawigi.sbf.FloodMini 1.4,
kawigi.sbf.FloodNano 1.2,
kawigi.sbf.FloodSonnet 0.9,
kawigi.sbf.Teancum 1.3,
kawigi.spare.SpareParts 0.7.6nosnd,
kb.PingPong 1.0,
kc.mega.BeepBoop 2.0,
kc.micro.Needle 0.101,
kc.micro.rammer.MaxRisk 0.6,
kc.micro.Thorn 1.252,
kc.micro.WaveShark 0.5,
kc.nano.Splinter 1.2,
kc.serpent.Hydra 0.21,
kc.serpent.WaveSerpent 2.11,
kcn.percept.PerceptBot 2.3,
kcn.unnamed.Unnamed 1.21,
kenran.Bakko v1.0.1,
kenran.mega.Pantheist 1.1,
kid.Gladiator .7.2,
kid.Toa .0.5,
kinsen.melee.Angsaichmophobia 1.8c,
kinsen.nano.Charp 1.0,
kinsen.nano.Hoplomachy 1.6,
kinsen.nano.Quarrelet 1.0,
kinsen.nano.Senticous 1.0,
KiraNL.Cataris 1.0,
KiraNL.Chupacabra 0.5,
KiraNL.ChupaLite 0.4,
KiraNL.SpaceKees 0.1,
kjc.etc.Dharok 1.0,
kjc.Karaykan 1.0,
kjc.MailManX 2.0,
klein.GottesKrieger 1.1,
kms.Golden 0.10,
kms.Royal 0.15M,
knackibot.KnackOnOne 0.8.1,
kneels.nano.Derp 0.2,
kneels.ToNoone 0.2,
Krabb.fe4r.Fe4r 0.4,
Krabb.krabby.Krabby 1.18b,
Krabb.sliNk.Garm 0.9u,
krillr.mega.Psyche 0.0.3, 2.0.0,
kronenthaler.Basilisk 1.0,
krzysiek.robbo2.Robbo 1.0.0,
kurios.DOSexe .9a,
kvk.HebusLeTroll 0.41,
labg.Cataclysm 2.05,
lancel.Lynx 1.09,
lazarecki.mega.PinkerStinker 0.7,
learn.ISmart 2.0s,
leb.ShootAnArrow 0.1,
lechu.Ala 0.0.4,
lechu.Lechu 1.1,
Legend.Biogon 1.5,
Legend.BoulderZY 1.4.9,
Legend.Qetro 1.6,
Legend.X_FireFly 1.3,
lessonz.robocode.Oz 0.5.0,
lion.Kresnanano 1.0,
lj.Dapps 0.2,
lk.nano.Avesnar 1.1,
lmk.ACPFinal 0.2,
Lo_Ian.Gandalf_V4 4.0,
logiblocs.Fire 1.0,
logiblocs.SittingDroid 1.0,
lorneswork.Predator 1.0,
lrem.magic.TormentedAngel Antiquitie,
lrem.micro.FalseProphet Alpha,
lrem.micro.MoggFanatic 0.2,
lrem.quickhack.QuickHack 1.0,
lrem.Spectre 0.4.4,
lucasslf.Dodger 1.0,
lucasslf.HariSeldon 0.2.1,
lucasslf.Wiggins 0.6,
lunchie.Lunchbox 0.93,
lundal.Mark8 2012.09.15,
lw.LuthersTest 0.1,
lxx.ConceptA 0.8,
lxx.Emerald 0.6.5,
lxx.Tomcat 3.68,
m3thos.Eva00 1.1,
m3thos.Eva02 0.7.1, 0.5.5, 0.01,
madmath.Cow 0.1.1,
mae.Mae1 1.1,
mahrgell.mahrram 1.3,
marcinek.TopGun 1.3,
maribo.FollowFire 1.11,
maribo.IotaCT 1.0,
maribo.melee.BMV 0.1,
maribo.Omicron 1.0,
marksteam.Phoenix 1.0,
matt.advanced.Katana 1.0,
matt.BlueMind 0.8.00,
matt.UnderDark3 2.4.34,
matt.UnderDark4 0.4.00,
maye.SlashBot 1.0,!183&authkey=!ADPCkUOMRP2quWg&ithint=file%2cjar
mb.Beast 0.4.1,
mb.Monte 0.1.0,
mbh.Mbh 0.1,
mbro.BelajarBot 0.0.3,
mbro.Detektor3 0.1.1,
mc.Messapia 0.1.8,
mc2.enemy.Original 0.9,
mcb.Audace 1.3,
McS.Spanky_test 0.1a,
md.November 1.0,
md.Pasta 1.1,
md.VelociRaptor 1.3,
mdouet.BotKicker 2.0,
metal.small.dna2.MCoolDNA 1.5,
metal.small.MCool 1.21,
microtestbotpack.MicroTestBot 1.0,
mjhjd.MattHussey1 1.1,
mk.Alpha 0.2.1,
mladjo.AIR 0.7,
mladjo.GnuKlub 0.1,
mladjo.Grrrrr 0.9,
mladjo.iRobot 0.3,
mladjo.Startko 1.0,
mld.DustBunny 3.8,
mld.Infinity 2.2,
mld.jdc.nano.LittleBlackBook 1.0,
mld.LittleBlackBook 1.69e,
mld.Moebius 2.9.3,
mld.Wisdom 1.0,
mmb.Roskilde 0.5,
mme.NikeEnhanced 2.0,
mn.Combat 3.25.0,
mn.micro.perceptual.Mimic 1.0.0,
mn.nano.perceptual.Impact 1.3.0,
mn.nano.SkippedTurns 1.1.0,
mnt.AHEB 0.6a,
mnt.SurferBot 0.2.5,
morbid.MorbidPriest 1.0,
mrm.MightyMoose .2,
ms.Ares 0.19,
mue.Ascendant 1.2.27,
mue.Hyperion 0.8,
muf.CrazyKitten 0.9,
mwj.A1176183 1.0,
myl.micro.Avipes 1.00,
myl.micro.NekoNinja 1.30,
myl.micro.Predator 1.50,
myl.micro.Troodon 1.10,
myl.nano.Graviton 1.10,
myl.nano.Kakuru 1.20,
myl.nano.KomoriNinja 1.1,
mym.EdgeStalker 1.0,
mz.Adept 2.65,
mz.AdeptBSB 1.03,
mz.Movement 1.8,
mz.NanoDeath 2.56,
mz.NanoGod 2.02,
nammyung.ModelT 0.23,
nan.Ihivatar_Mk_1 1.0,
nanoskank.NanoSkank 1.0,
nat.BlackHole 2.0gamma,
nat.Hikari dev0001,
nat.micro.Reepicheep 0.1a,
nat.nano.Ocnirp 1.73,
nat.nano.OcnirpPM 1.0,
nat.nano.OcnirpSNG 1.0b,
nat.Samekh 0.4,
ncj.MoxieBot 1.0,
NDH.GuessFactor 1.0,
ndn.DyslexicMonkey 1.1,
ne.Chimera 1.2,
nexus.Experimental 0.2,
nexus.One 1.0,
nexus.Prototype 1.0,
nexus.Two 0.2,
NG.LegatusLegionis 1.2,
ngf.nano.Sparky 0.1.5,
nic.Nicator 2.4,
nic.SnippetBot 1.0, 0.1,
non.mega.NaN 0.1,
non.mega.NoName 0.0,
Noran.BitchingElk 0.054,
Noran.RandomTargeting 0.02,
nosteel.Welby 0.0.3,
nova.Snow 1.0,
ntc.Cannon 1.12test,
ntc.Evader 1.2,
ntc.Knowledge 1.1,
ntc.Lasers.Lasers 0.9,
ntc.Plains 0.9,
ntc.Swim 0.9,
ntw.Sighup 1.5,
ntw.Sigsys 1.6,
nz.A7Ibwenape A7Ibwen1.0,
nz.jdc.micro.HedgehogGF 1.5,
nz.jdc.micro.HedgehogP 1.2,
nz.jdc.nano.AralR 1.1,
nz.jdc.nano.AralT 1.1,
nz.jdc.nano.NeophytePattern 1.1,
nz.jdc.nano.NeophytePRAL 1.4,
nz.jdc.nano.NeophyteSRAL 1.3,
nz.jdc.nano.PatternAdept 1.0,
nz.jdc.nano.PralDeGuerre 1.2,
nzeemin.Izh 0.5,
oa.weak.BotherBot 0.1,
oa.weak.FlyMk1 0.1,
ola.Puffin 1.0,
omens.CannonfodderMicro 1.4,
omens.CannonfodderNano 1.4,
oog.melee.Capulet 1.2,
oog.melee.Mercutio 1.0,
oog.micro.Claudius 1.11,
oog.micro.MagicD3 0.41,
oog.micro.Maui 1.2,
oog.micro.SavantMicro 1.1, 0.1,
oog.nano.Caligula 1.15,
oog.nano.Fuatisha 1.1,
oog.nano.MagicD2 2.4,
oog.nano.SavantVS 1.1,
oog.nano.SavantWS 0.1,
oog.PricklyPear 1.0.6,
origin.SleepSiphon 1.7b,
ouroboros.Dragon 0.0.3,
pa.Improved 1.1,
pa3k.Manta 1.20,
pa3k.Quark 1.02,
pa3k.Viper 5.03,
pac.ABC 2.1,
pak.Dargon 1.0b,
pak.JakeTheTestingRobot .1b,
paket.MojRobot 1.0,
panzer.Panzer 0.2,
paolord.TheHulk 1.0,
patson.PatsonTestBot 1.0,
paulk.PaulV3 1.7,
pb.Oscillator 1.0,
pbg.NinjaX 1.2, 1.2,
pe.minimelee.SandboxMiniMelee 1.1,
pe.SandboxDT 3.02,
pe.SandboxLump 1.52,
pedersen.Hubris 2.4,
pedersen.Ugluk 1.0,
penguin.Ivy 1.1r,
penguin.Joker .611wr,
penguin.MrFreeze 1.0a,
pez.clean.Swiffer 0.2.9,
pez.gloom.GloomyDark 0.9.2,
pez.mako.Mako 1.5,
pez.micro.Aristocles 0.3.7, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5.1f, 0.9.1, 0.4.0,
pez.nano.Icarus 0.3,
pez.nano.LittleEvilBrother 0.1,
pez.rumble.Ali 0.4.9,
pez.rumble.CassiusClay 2rho.02no,
pfvicm.Sobieski 7.2.3b,
ph.micro.Pikeman 0.4.5, 0.6.6,
ph.musketeer.Musketeer 0.6,
ph.Thinker 0.2.5,
pi.Dark 10,
PK.Twardy 0.4.2,
pkbots.BoyTDSurfer 1.0,
pkdeken.Paladin 1.0,
PkKillers.PkAssassin 1.0,
pl.Drum 0.1,
pl.mskiba.Hilton 0.4,
pl.Patton.GeneralPatton 1.54,
pl.robocode.Pacyfista 1.0,
pla.Memnoch 0.5,
pmc.SniperBot 1.0,
Polkwane.Intensive 1.0,
Polkwane.Piyane 0.7b,
populations.TrainStoopidbot 0.01,
positive.Portia 1.26e,
povik.nano.Smilee 0.2.1,
projectx.ProjectNano 2.0,
projectx.TestNano 1.0,
PSW.Relentless 0.1,
pulsar.Nanis 0.3,
pulsar.PulsarMax 0.8.9,
pulsar.PulsarNano 0.2.4,
qohnil.blot.BlotBot 3.61,
qualidafial.MajorDick 1.0.1,
Queens_teamrobot.UltraRazor 1.0,
quietus.Invader 0.1,
quietus.NarrowRadar 0.1,
qwaker00.Ahchoo 1.6,
qwaker00.Gandhi 1.2,
racso.Crono 1.0,
racso.Frog 0.9,
radnor.DoctorBob 1.42,
radnor.RamRod 1.0,
rampancy.Durandal 2.2d,
rampancy.micro.Epiphron 1.0,
rapture.Rapture 2.13,
ratosh.nano.Debo 1.36,
ratosh.Nobo 0.21,
ratosh.Wesco 1.4,
rc.RCBot 2.0,
rc.yoda.Yoda 1.0.6c.fix,
rcb.Vanessa03 0,
rcp.Kuramatron 1.0,
rdm.Dueler 0.4x,
rdm.Grasshopper 0.5e,
rdm.WallRider 0.5c,
rdt.AgentSmith.AgentSmith 0.5,
rdt.AgentSmith.AgentSmithRedux 0.02,
rdt.Wraith.Wraith 0.3,
rdt199.Warlord 0.73,
reaper.Reaper 1.1,
reeder.caden.Elmo 1,
reeder.caden.Grover 1.0,
reeder.colin.WallGuy3 1.0,
repositorio.NanoStep 1.0,
rfj.Sunburn 1.1,
rh.abs.Xwing 2.1,
rh.Intra 2.1DomoKN,!APuGrCDeZoDYFXg
rijteam.SmartDodge 1.1,
rjw.RabidWombat 0.71,
rnatest.MendelBot 1.0,
robar.haiku.Spike 1.0,
robar.micro.Gladius 1.15,
robar.micro.Kirbyi 1.0,
robar.micro.Topaz 0.25,
robar.nano.Assertive 0.3,
robar.nano.BlackWidow 1.3,
robar.nano.Breeze 0.3,
robar.nano.Mosquito 1.1,
robar.nano.MosquitoPM 1.0,
robar.nano.Prestige 1.0,
robar.nano.Pugio 1.49,
robar.nano.Scytodes 0.3,
robar.nano.Vespa 0.95,
robin.SCALPBot 1.0,
robin.ScalpBotC 1.0,
robo.PartsBot 1.1,
RobotMarco.MarcoV 0.1,
robots.Lucky 1.2,
romz.robot.circular.WildRabbit 0.9.6,
romz.robot.guessfactor.TeasingFox 0.2,
romz.robot.Test 0.1.0,
rsalesc.mega.Knight 0.6.28,
rsalesc.roborio.Roborio 1.2.4,
rsim.micro.uCatcher 0.1, 0.4,
rsk1.RSK1 4.0,
rtk.Tachikoma 1.0,
ruc.nano.Zealot 0.2,
rus.vv.Dzhigit 1.1,
rus.vv.Snezhok 1.1,
ry.LightningBug 1.0,
ry.VirtualGunExperiment 1.2.0,
ry.Worst 1.0,
rz.Aleph 0.34,
rz.Apollon 0.23,
rz.Artist 0.2,
rz.GlowBlow 2.31,
rz.GlowBlowAPM 1.0,
rz.GlowBlowMelee 1.4,
rz.HawkOnFire 0.1,
rz.SmallDevil 1.502,
sadoner.killer 0.2,
sam.ChipmunkDuelist 1.0,
sam.Samspin 1.0,
sample.Corners 1.0,
sample.Crazy 1.0,
sample.Fire 1.0,
sample.MyFirstJuniorRobot 1.0,
sample.MyFirstRobot 1.0,
sample.RamFire 1.0,
sample.SittingDuck 1.0,
sample.SpinBot 1.0,
sample.Target 1.0,
sample.Tracker 1.0,
sample.TrackFire 1.0,
sample.VelociRobot 1.0,
sample.Walls 1.0,
sanja.First 0.1,
sanyi.mikrobi.Roberto 1.0,
satan.R0 0.2,
satan.White 0.26,
sch.Simone 0.3d,
scheronimus.AntiRebel 1.1,
scheronimus.NanoScheroBot 1.0,
scheronimus.ScheroBot 2.3,
seed.Anastasia 1.0,
seed.Weed 3.0.2,
serenity.moonlightBat 1.17,
serenity.nonSense 1.39,
serenity.serenityFire 1.29,
SFS.SamsSecondRobot 1.0,
sgp.JollyNinja 3.53,
sgp.MadHatter 4.13,
sgp.nano.FurryLeech 1.0,
sgp.ShiningBeetle 1.1,
sgp.SleepingGoat 1.1,
sheldor.melee.nano.TestMelee 0.1,
sheldor.micro.Epeeist 3.7,
sheldor.micro.FoilistMicro 2.2, 1.3,
sheldor.nano.Feint 1.2.1,
sheldor.nano.FoilistNano 3.2,
sheldor.nano.PointInLine 1.0,
sheldor.nano.PointInLineRRAL 1.0.0,
sheldor.nano.Retreat 1.0,
sheldor.nano.Sabreur 1.1.2,
sheldor.nano.SabreuseNano 1.1,
shinh.Entangled 0.3,
shrub.Silver v048,
shrub.Vapour v159,
shu.nitro.LENIN .T34,
sigterm.Sigterm 1.0,
simonton.beta.LifelongObsession 0.5.1,
simonton.GFNano_D 3.1b,
simonton.mega.SniperFrog 1.0.fix2,
simonton.micro.GFMicro 1.0,
simonton.micro.WeeklongObsession 3.4.1, 1.10.4,
simonton.nano.WeekendObsession_S 1.7,
SK.SimpleKiller 1.0,
skm.butterfly 1.0,
skm.PateranBotlock2 1.0,
skm.Ryubot 1.0,
sL300.Mozart life,
slugzilla.Basilisk 3.9,
slugzilla.Basilite 0.13,
slugzilla.ButtHead 2.0,
slugzilla.OrbitGF 1.0,
slugzilla.OrbitLinear 1.1,
slugzilla.OrbitPattern 1.1,
slugzilla.OscillateGF 1.0,
slugzilla.OscillateLinear 1.0,
slugzilla.OscillatePattern 1.0,
slugzilla.Parallax 0.1,
slugzilla.RandomGF 1.0,
slugzilla.RandomLinear 1.0,
slugzilla.RandomPattern 1.0,
slugzilla.SNGGF 1.0,
slugzilla.SNGLinear 1.0,
slugzilla.SNGPattern 1.0,
slugzilla.SquirmyToad 3.9,
sm.Devil 7.3,
sng.arco.Arco 0.0,
snowman.Snowman 1.0,
sos.SOS 1.0,
sp.AstherNano 1.0,
spartancompany.Spartan2 1.0,
spin.Bugstard 0.012b,
spinnercat.CopyKat 1.2.3,
spinnercat.haiku.Refrigerator 1.1,
spinnercat.Kitten 1.6,
spinnercat.Limit .01,
spinnercat.mega.Tardis 1.2,
spinnercat.Robovirus 2.718,
sqTank.waveSurfing.LionWWSVMvoid 0.01,
squidM.SquidmanNano 1.0,
squidM.SurfinUSA 1.0,
starpkg.StarViewerZ 1.26,
staticline.whiskey.Whiskey 0.6,
steff.Rebel 2.1,
stefw.Tigger 0.0.23,
stelo.Chord 1.0,
stelo.FretNano 1.1,
stelo.Liblix 0.3.1,
stelo.Lifestealer 1.0,
stelo.MatchupAGF 1.1,
stelo.MatchupMicro 1.2,
stelo.MatchupMini 1.1,
stelo.MatchupWS 1.2c,
stelo.Mirror 1.1,
stelo.MirrorMicro 1.1,
stelo.MirrorNano 1.4,
stelo.MoojukNano 1.2,
stelo.PatternRobot 1.0,
stelo.PianistNano 1.3,
stelo.RamTrackSurfer 1.2,
stelo.Randomness 1.1,
stelo.SteloTestNano 1.0,
stelo.UnfoolableNano 1.0,
stelo.UntouchableNano 1.4,
step.NanoBidu 1.0,
step.nanoPri 1.0,
stf.PanzerGeneral 0.1,
stordy.StordyBot 1.0,
stranger.nano.TestBot 1.0,
strider.Festis 1.2.1,
strider.Mer 1.1.0,
stuff.Vlad 0.1,
suh.mega.WaveSurferGF 1.04,
suh.mega.WaveSurferPG 1.06,
suh.micro.MirrorPM 1.00,
suh.micro.WallPM 1.00,
suh.nano.AngularMirrorC 1.00,
suh.nano.AntiGravityL 1.01,
suh.nano.CornerRL 1.00,
suh.nano.CrossC 1.00,
suh.nano.CrossH 1.00,
suh.nano.CrossL 1.00,
suh.nano.MirrorH 1.01,
suh.nano.MirrorL 1.00,
suh.nano.MyFirstAdvancedRobot 1.00,
suh.nano.OscillatorL 1.00,
suh.nano.RammingC 1.00,
suh.nano.RandomPM 1.02,
suh.nano.StopAndGoL 1.01,
suh.nano.TargetC 1.00,
suh.nano.TargetH 1.00,
suh.nano.TargetL 1.00,
suh.nano.TargetR 1.00,
suh.nano.Worst 1.02,
sul.Bicephal 1.2,
sul.BlueBot 1.0,
sul.NanoR2 1.32,
sul.Pinkbot 1.1,
supersample.SuperBoxBot 1.0,
supersample.SuperCorners 1.0,
SuperSample.SuperCrazy 1.0,
supersample.SuperMercutio 1.0,
supersample.SuperRamFire 1.0,
supersample.SuperSpinBot 1.0,
supersample.SuperTracker 1.0,
supersample.SuperTrackFire 1.0,
supersample.SuperWalls 1.0,
suzushin7.nano.Galaxy01 1.01,
suzushin7.nano.Galaxy02 1.01,
suzushin7.nano.Galaxy03 1.01,
suzushin7.nano.TargetC 1.00,
syl.Centipede 0.5,
synapse.Geomancy 15,
synapse.rsim.GeomancyBS 0.11,
synnalagma.NeuralPremier 0.51,
synnalagma.test.MiniNeural 1.1,
t3.Ripper 1.0,
tad.Dalek98 0.98,
takeBot.SpinSpiral 1.2,
takeBot.SpiralCrash 1.0,
takeBot.WeavingWiggle 1.1,
tango.Recrimpo 2.51,
taqho.taqbot 1.0,
tcf.Drifter 29,
tcf.Repat3 2,
TCMI.Enyo 0.4,
TCMI.nano.Copper 0.2,
techdude.Class2C.Class2C 0.1,
techdude.kombat.FlamingKombat 1.5,
test.Fuzzer 1.0.1,
test.Podgy 4.0,
testantiswapgun.AntiSwap 1.0,
tex.Longbot 0.4,
theo.avenge.Pequod 1.0,
theo.Hydrogen 2.1r,
theo.QuarkSoup 1.5fga,
theo.real.Ahab 1.0,
theo.simple.Bones 1.0,
theo.simple.Lucid 1.0,
theo.Tungsten 1.0a,
throxbot.ThroxBot 0.1,
tide.pear.Pear 0.62.1,
timmit.micro.TimXJ 0.22, 0.43,
timmit.nano.TimCat 0.13,
timmit.nano.TimDog 0.33,
timmit.TimmiT 0.22,
TJ.Exupery 1.39,
tjk.AFlatNatural 1.0,
tjk.deBroglie rev0108,
tk.BotOX 0.3,
tkt.RedShift 1.1.CS.0,
tlp.ThreeLeggedPig 1,
tm.Yuugao 1.0,
tobe.calypso.Calypso 4.1,
tobe.Fusion 1.0, 0.9,
tobe.Relativity 3.9,
tobe.Saturn lambda,
tornyil.bottomup.BottomUp 1.05,
tornyil.Lajcsi2.Lajcsi2sm 1.0,
toz.Gnome 1.1,
trab.Crusader 0.1.7,
trab.nano.AinippeNano 1.3,
traker.Eraser 1,
trm.Wrekt 1.1.6.f,
tvv.micro.Antares 1.1.1,
tvv.nano.Polaris 1.2,
tw.Exterminator 1.0,
tzu.TheArtOfWar 1.2,
ua.kiiv.kosyak.robocode.tn1.Tn1 2.0,
uccc.Dorito 1.12,
uccc.MilkyWay 1.01,
uccc.RingDing 1.12,
uccc.Scrapple 1.0,
ultra.Defender 1.2,
unarmedlad.nano.VirginSteele 2.2,
ur4n0.UR4NO 1.0,
urdos.URDOS 1.3,
usa.nano.Nemo 2.0,
velas.Alpha 1.0,
velas.Beta_2_0 2.0,
vft.Hrist 1.0,
vft.Valkyrie 1.0,
vishius.Orbiter 1.0,
vjik.UnViolation 1.1,
voidious.Diamond 1.8.22,
voidious.Dookious 1.573c,
voidious.micro.Jen 1.11, 1.88,
voidious.perceptual.RetroGirl 1.0.0,
vort.Chaser 0.0.3,
vStar.RAFzilla 2.15,
vuen.Fractal 0.55,
WarfaJibril.Jibril_Warfa_Andromeda 1.11,
wcsv.Engineer.Engineer 0.5.4,
wcsv.mega.PowerHouse2 0.2,
wcsv.PowerHouse.PowerHouse 1.7e3,
wcsv.Stampede 1.3.3,
wcsv.Stampede2.Stampede2 1.1.0,
WdV.Lesserbee 0.01,
Welt.ClankBang 1.0,
Welt.Firefly 1.0,
whind.Constitution 0.7.1,
whind.Strength 0.6.4,
whind.StrengthBee 0.6.4,
whind.Wisdom 0.5.1,
whitesquare.robots.SkynetAdvanced 1.1,
WidowMakersAtWar.EpicCow 1.0,
wiki.BasicBulletShielder 1.0,
wiki.BasicGFSurfer 1.02,
wiki.mako.MakoHT, 0.9.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0,
wiki.nano.DevilFISH 1.0,
wiki.nano.Flick 1.0,
wiki.nano.RaikoNano 1.1,
wiki.SuperSampleBot.SuperSittingDuck 1.0,
wiki.WaveRammer 1.0,
wiki.Wolverine 2.1,
wilson.Chameleon 0.91,
winamp32.micro.MicroMacro 1.0,
wit.Chuliath 1.0,
wit.Deep7 2.0,
wompi.Kowari 1.6,
wompi.Numbat 1.9, 1.4, 1.2, 1.1, 1.4, 12.9,
xiongan.Xiongan 1.1,
yabot.YaBot 0.1,
yagami.Tidus 0.11,
yarghard.Y101 1.0,
yarhoslav.YaroBot 1.2,
yk.JahMicro 1.0,
yk.JahRoslav 1.1,
zch.David 0.21,
zch.Hirkan 0.11,
zen.Lindada 0.2,
zeze2.OperatorZeze 1.05,
zezinho.QuerMePegarKKKK 1.0,
zh.UnderDog 0.0.2,
zignd.ZigIndexOutOfRange 1.1,
zyx.mega.YersiniaPestis 3.0,
zyx.micro.Ant 1.1,
zyx.nano.Ant 1.1,
zyx.nano.EscherichiaColi 1.0,
zyx.nano.RedBull 1.0,
zzx.Gron 1.14,
zzx.Ignohis 8.0,
zzx.Serunyr 2.0.2,
zzx.StormHead 1.0.1,

If you can see this line when finish loading, the participants list is ok, otherwise, undo the last revision immediately here.

No chatting on this page. Use the /ParticipantsChat page for that.

Removed due to Igniring ... ,SERVER output in client uji.SiberianKhatru 2.0,

Removed due to it is an invalid robot or team kurt.robot.KurtWaveSurfer 1.6, me.rishshadra.Ouranos 1.0, me.rishshadra.Poseidon 1.0, too.TheOnlyOne 1.0, subm.fd.nano.FireDragon 1.0.1,

Removed because Could not download Bemo.Sweet30 1.6.1, xyzdev.SimpleJack 1.1.1, ivor.prophet.Prophet 0.01, elsg.ImpactBat 1.0, kebabs.kebabs.Frankenstein 1.0, ROB.TraumaLlama 1.0,

Removed due to Out Of Memory Exceptions in long battles cs.ags.Scarlet 1.1c,

Removed because the jarcontent/filename is not correct
cberendt.Bot1 0.160
dmsr.MiniR101 0.6
henriquevilela.TieFighter 0.1,3224
jgap.Aspirant_7980_gen7 1.0,3552br> jgap.Aspirant_13029_gen7 1.0,3553
techdude.Carruthers 1.2.6
uccc.Orbiter 1.0
WhoAmI.WhoAmI 1.00
Nucleii.ED4 1.0
xatu.MySecondRobot 0.1

Removed due to incompatible with Java 11
stelo.PastFuture 2.3.1,
fd.shark.Quickfd 1.0.5,
stelo.Spread 0.5.2,

Removed until file corruption is resolved:

cas.CelsoKiller 1.0,3465

Removed due to almost always giving '0' scores:

lazarecki.PinkerStinker 0.1,

Removed because it's incorrectly packaged:

Indesh.Indesh 1.1,

loganom.FirstRobot 0.1,

fruits.micro.Cherry 1.1,

Removed due to invalid line


Removed due to WontFix issues in Robocode 1.7+:
* Hviela: ([SF #2953268])
: hvilela.HVilela 0.9.3,
* Barney (Tries to write files without using RobocodeOutputStream. Robocode 1.7 punishes for that more harshly which will give 0 scores)
: Homer.Barney 1.0,

Removed due to constant compatibility issue "is not stopping"
Krabb.krabby2.Krabby2 1.9o,

Removed due to "Downloaded file is wrong or corrupted: origin.nano.Vergere_0.1.jar"
origin.nano.Vergere 0.1,

Removed due to 403, remember to allow public link access:
bqf.Hadou 1.0,

Removed due to not working in
abc.tron3.Tron 3.11,

Can't load 'gm.GaetanoA 2.15' because it is an invalid robot or team.
gm.GaetanoA 2.15,