User talk:Lewesian

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Welcome318:58, 1 May 2013

Welcome, and good luck with the recovery!

Skilgannon10:10, 1 May 2013

Yeah, welcome, and good luck with your bots!

Voidious15:19, 1 May 2013

I just hope you run a handicap system :D as it's been years since I coded in Java

Lewesian18:17, 1 May 2013

That's not an excuse. Robocode was my first ever experience with Java. This wiki is a huge Robocode knowledge-base, and there are many open source bots from which one can learn very much. Also, if you want to try limited Codesize development, I could give you many pointers and tips.

Welcome from me as well, and best of luck.

Sheldor18:58, 1 May 2013