GigaRumble results

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GigaRumble results

I should know better than to even look at the results after so few battles, but this already seems pretty interesting: [1].

First thing I notice is Diamond/DrussGT about even in APS, but DrussGT almost 5% ahead in survival. Of course, I start thinking, "maybe some better bullet power management would rocket me ahead of DrussGT!" But my experience is generally that more conservative bullet power selection will increase survival, but tend to lose the same in bullet damage, for the same overall score in the end. Perhaps DrussGT could even gain some score by sacrificing some survival...

Shadow is lower than I expected.

Pris does awesome, as I expected.

This LiteRumble thing is pretty cool! =)

    Voidious22:12, 7 June 2012

    Like I expected, GresSuffurd is dangling at last place. Btw, is there a way to check if a robot extends Robot, without looking in the source?

      GrubbmGait16:17, 8 June 2012

      Given how strong GresSuffurd already is, I bet you could move up to the middle of the pack in a night's work, adding rolling average to surf stats and/or an Anti-Surfer gun.

      About Robot, do you mean for accounting for wall collisions in energy tracking? I was just thinking about that the other day (very old "TODO" in Diamond's movement code)...

      I'm pretty sure Robocode doesn't tell you, but you could detect it pretty quickly by noticing if a wall collision affects their energy. With gun heat tracking, since most collisions won't happen at gun heat = 0, I bet it would usually take only one wall collision to tell if they're Robot or AdvancedRobot. (A bullet being fired is the only other reason the AdvancedRobot might have lost energy, and you could rule that out.)

        Voidious17:08, 8 June 2012

        It is an interesting rumble. I'm surprised Scarlet does as well as it does. The movement is mostly designed to dodge simpler targeting, rather then adaptive targeting.

          Chase-san23:14, 4 August 2012