Why don't you make one?
Then what benefit would a BasicDCSurfer be?
It's just not necessary. Between the Wave Surfing Tutorial and DCBot or the Dynamic Clustering Tutorial, there's plenty of info to help someone make such a bot. The tutorials aren't intended to provide base code for every possible combination - making exactly the bot you want is the interesting part. :-)
Probably based upon Kawigi's GuessFactorTargeting Tutorial and Voidious' Wave_Surfing_Tutorial. At least, it sounds logical to me (not to mention the fact that it is explained on the BasicGFSurfer page)
Reply to message 'maybe you should make a basic dc surfer im asking everyone' from Tmservo:
By BasicDCSurfer do you mean a surfer with a DCBot's gun or a surfer using Dynamic Clustering in its movement? Because for the first one, it's a few copy-pastes and it's finished(I've done it and I'm pretty nooby). But sometimes I find a glitch in DCBot's gun...
A. a surfer with a Dynamic clustering gun from the dynamic clustering tutorial B. a surfer using dynamic clustering in it's movement C. a surfer with dcbot's gun D. first two E. (B. and C.)
The DC tutorial tells you the technique, not the gun itself.