Well you write something about this bot?

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:DeepThought
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What type of input do you use for gun? Pre-processing is helpful. I also recommend you to use a perceptron. It doesn't create much difference but much faster. You can use non-linear functions to make a perceptron create a non-linear function f.e. x^2 + y^2. Also congratulations!

Dsekercioglu (talk)16:10, 26 October 2017

Thanks for the suggestion with the perceptron! I read Gaff also uses multiple perceptrons. I will look into it.

I use regular gun attributes such as velocity, acceleration, distance, time since deceleration, distance-last-10, current guess factor etc., all re-scaled to be between 0 and 1.

Cb (talk)18:04, 26 October 2017

Is Gaff using perceptions? I remembered that he uses traditional neural networks without hidden layers. But I’m not sure anyway.

Xor (talk)18:13, 26 October 2017

As long as I can remember he uses a simple MLP with no hidden layers + radial basis function.

Rsalesc (talk)18:27, 26 October 2017

Yeah, in Gaff/Targeting it says "Each network network is a simple multi-layer perceptron network. There are no hidden layers since I found that they only slowed down learning without adding any significant improvement."

Cb (talk)18:38, 26 October 2017