Adding opponent APS in bot comparison?
Awesome! Thanks a lot.
Since you in a wish granting mood, would it be possible to have api call which returns only summary table with APS, PWIN, etc for a given bot in a given game. Right now, I parse
but its spits the whole comparison table, which is overkill and wastes the bandwidth. All I need is info stored in the header table.
I do it to plot APS vs bot version for my bot, but I can imagine other will be interested in this too.
You can do this with the &limit=0
. limit works in both api and html mode, you could also do a sort with a limit=1 to just get a best/worst opponent, etc.
Thanks. It does the trick. Which brings the question: is API published anywhere? I get what I had by looking at the source, but clearly did not look careful enough.
I see that there are dark parts for exchanging with rumble clients too.
No published API, no. That said, with JSON I don't plan to remove any fields. It is possible field might be added though, which is why I wanted to use JSON to begin with.