Is wiki wrong about MEA?

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Anyway, if your opponent moves orbital, not perpendicular, asin formula will make higher power bullet shoot at an angle greater than needed, and lower power the less — decrease hit rate. Therefore using max_vel/bullet_speed withou trig may be better in this case (if you don't cape gfs, it will never be an issue)

Xor (talk)01:12, 18 September 2017

Well, the asin gives MEA where M stands for maximum :). Also, there is a hidden assumption that the bullet speed is always faster than a bot (i.e. a bot cannot run away from the bullet) and that the battlefield is infinite.

This asin is probably the oldest formula in my framework. It is dated by 2015 and was used even in an earlier bot. Yesterday, I decided that I am ready to challenge it. Actually, it was part of the effort to calculate the battlefield constrained MEA. I think I finally get it, though it still assumes that a bot can reach max speed instantaneously.

Now I expect my guns to be better especially in melee. I hope they will not shot into a wall when aiming at Diamond hiding in the corner. Hopefully my bot will move up the ladder a bit.

Beaming (talk)02:29, 18 September 2017