Problems with JollyNinja

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Problems with JollyNinja

I noticed that JollyNinja is getting unusually bad results in the latest battles it has run (it currently votes for Quantum, which it really shouldn't be!)

JollyNinja's results on LiteRumble

When I run battles locally I get the following warnings:

SYSTEM: Warning: sgp.JollyNinja uses static reference to a robot with the following field(s):
sgp.JollyNinja.instance, which points to a sgp.JollyNinja
sgp.Environment.robot, which points to a robocode.AdvancedRobot
SYSTEM: Static references to robots can cause unwanted behaviour with the robot using these.
SYSTEM: Please change static robot references to non-static references and recompile the robot.

When I run battles on a client I see the poor performance seen in the rumble but with the performance looks to be okay.

David414 (talk)16:44, 17 May 2024

Hey good catch. I guess we should upgrade the rumble to

Skilgannon (talk)13:56, 18 May 2024

If it helps I'd be happy to point a client at a fresh rumble to generate enough results to compare to the current rankings. I figure it'd be much easier to spot any bots that get broken that way.

David414 (talk)15:25, 18 May 2024