Skilgannon's kd-tree

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tmservo
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This should be a good place to start [1]

Skilgannon (talk)09:26, 6 October 2013

i mean when i put drussgt 3.1.0's tree in the base directory where i extracted the files it doesn't work

Tmservo (talk)18:23, 6 October 2013

There were some minor changes in the tree, so the adapter might need to be changed from new KDTree(... to new KDTree.Euclidean(..., but after that you're on your own. You haven't given any indication of what is wrong, why it isn't working or even exactly what you did.

Skilgannon (talk)14:35, 7 October 2013

how do i change the adapter

Tmservo (talk)01:27, 8 October 2013

I already explained that here and in the post above.

Skilgannon (talk)08:54, 8 October 2013