Version 12.1

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:XanderCat
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After looking at the individual battles against a number of opponents, I might add that with more testing and time, I can probably improve the scenario to activate a little more reliably against vulnerable opponents. This could eliminate at least some of the volatility and possibly give another 0.2 to 0.3 APS boost (assuming 12.2 holds around 86.5). I will have to create a challenge of shielding vulnerable opponents and collect more diagnostics to see which of my conditions for continuing bullet shielding are occasionally violated and why; then I can hopefully tweak it a bit to make detection more reliable.

Skotty19:43, 14 February 2013

I've actually been thinking about this. It's not possible to know how well you can dodge their targeting without risking poisoning their targeting into shooting non-GF0 bullets, which makes it difficult to know against bots that you can dodge perfectly if they are secretly a Hydra, and the 97% is a 30% increase in possible score, or if they are just DoctorBob and the 97% is a 3% decrease in score.

Skilgannon21:23, 14 February 2013

That's true, but bullet defenses are very unexplored areas of Robocode strategy. Some sort of "Adaptive Bullet Shielding" could be very successful.

Sheldor22:41, 14 February 2013