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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Gilgalad
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Well, I'm not entirely certain and I don't want to spread false information, so we'll just wait until Rednaxela fills us in...

Regarding my problem, it was indeed related to skipped turns. I have a record of the enemy's positions and I use it to check the wave intersection with the enemy robot after I retroactively set the bullet powers. Skipped turns caused me to miss the entries on some turns, resulting in the OutOfBoundsException.

But this led me to think of another question. In PIF guns, how do you deal with the end of a round. Do your logs just jump to the next round or do you keep separate logs for each round or what?

Thanks for the help!

AW (talk)18:14, 21 June 2013

Any PIFs that hit the end of the round I discard. I pull a bigger cluster than I need and just do the first N that work.

Skilgannon (talk)20:42, 21 June 2013

Keeping separate logs for each round is more accurate, but with bigger codesize as well.

MN (talk)21:55, 21 June 2013