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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble/Participants
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Hey, sorry for the delay. This has been a longstanding problem with the rumble client. In some interfaces it replaces the spaces with underscores, and in others it doesn't and expects the server to do it. In order to be compatible I had to replace the last _ with a space in the server. It can't be the first _, because many bots have _ in their names. However I hadn't considered what would happen if we have _ in the version. Manually removing is a little complicated, I think I'd actually have to patch the code. However that doesn't prevent this from happening again.

I guess maybe I need some more intelligent logic in splitting the version and the name. Maybe this should be done as a challenge? It is a fairly 'soft' problem, and we have a bunch of input data (the rumble population) that we can verify the algorithm on. Bonus points if it is written in Python.

So the basic requirements are:

  • Has the same behavior as 'replace last _ with space' for the current rumble population
  • If you add an _suffix in the version number of any of the current bots, correctly detect that it is in the same prefix version, and the suffix you add is part of the version.
Skilgannon (talk)20:47, 27 August 2017

However I think this problem can be solved by simply trying all of the combinations when failed to remove a bot ;) As the problem seams to happen mostly on removing bots.

When removing bots, first try the canonical method, if failed, try everything that matches the name where '_' are replaced by `[ _]` (regex that matches space or underscore).

Say, if it failed to remove "SimpleBot_0.023h knn", try /^SimpleBot[ _]0\.023h[ _]knn$/ until success ;)

Xor (talk)04:56, 28 August 2017

Finally had a free moment to work on this, done! If there is more than 1 underscore I iteratively test replacing each with a space and the first which matches a bot gets used.

Skilgannon (talk)15:31, 3 September 2017

Thanks a lot!

Xor (talk)16:37, 3 September 2017