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Revision as of 12 September 2011 at 14:31.
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I've been focusing a lot on beating DrussGT and Shadow lately and just wanted to give you props on how incredibly strong DrussGT is. Nothing I do to movement or gun seems to have any positive effect, like there's just some magical element I am unaware of. I tested with my flattener or Anti-Surfer gun hard-coded on, and those too had almost no effect - the flattener helped slightly, giving me my best score of 46.6% over 55 battles, up from the usual 45-46 range. Definitely need to put my Thinking Cap on over here. =)

    Voidious05:03, 6 September 2011

    Haha, thanks. I'm putting in work on my side as well, I'm experimenting with using DC for movement. My best version loses around 0.4% on the MC2K7 vs 2.2.0, mostly against the top bots, so I haven't released anything yet as I don't want to lose my new PL crown =)

      Skilgannon11:11, 8 September 2011

      Oh, neat! DC surfing requires some serious thought after years of doing things in VCS ways. I'm still working some fairly basic things out, after all this time. It gets you to really analyze how/why aspects of your VCS setup worked. Actually, I think I had an important realization just last night...

      0.4% doesn't sound like much. :-P But then I don't think MC2K7 is a particularly robust way to measure a drastic movement change, either.

        Voidious15:56, 8 September 2011

        Interesting, no matter what I tried I couldn't get it better than my 3rd try (the -0.4% one). I guess I'll have to stick with my VCS for now... it's just that DC would be much more suitable for an idea I had...

          Skilgannon10:48, 12 September 2011

          Sounds familiar. =) You sure you ran enough seasons? Sometimes I convince myself I ran enough and then waste lots of cycles trying to match what was actually just a lucky score...

            Voidious16:31, 12 September 2011