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Revision as of 29 May 2013 at 13:15.
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Wow, I'm really excited about this! Finally I have a better idea where to focus my benchmarks. =) [1]

What k are you using? And is DrussGT getting k/2 because there's nobody above him, or still getting k, but all below him?

    Voidious22:19, 12 June 2012

    (Well, I mean, I'll know where to focus once you've run about a million more battles... ;))

      Voidious22:38, 12 June 2012

      Sorry I missed this...

      Right now I'm using k=sqrt(opponents), and it just chops it off. So the top bot gets k/2, second bot gets (k/2)+1 etc.

        Skilgannon17:46, 8 July 2012

        I just discovered that my numpy conversion had broken the KNNPBI completely, so I've fixed that and re-run all of the rumbles. Now that it is using numpy, it should give nice symmetrical results (although KNNPBI isn't really symmetrical, by design, but now they are consistent).

        Also, looking at the code, k=sqrt(len(bots))/2

          Skilgannon21:42, 9 April 2013

          Hi, the KNNPBI doesnt work for DeepThought ( any idea why?

            Cb (talk)12:33, 28 May 2013

            I'm not sure, I'll look into it this evening. How long has DeepThought been in the rumble?

              Skilgannon (talk)13:07, 28 May 2013

              Since 15:13, 24 May 2013.

                Sheldor (talk)15:20, 28 May 2013

                OK, I've made some changes in the way the batch rankings (KNNPBI, ANPP, Vote) are calculated. Notably, the memcache is set using different sized batches and while I was messing about I made Vote account for ties (so it should be more stable). I'm not sure if this will fix the scores for DeepThought since I'm not really sure why they aren't being saved, I'll check back in a few hours to see if it worked. I know DeepThought is definitely getting the scores calculated because the ANPP and Vote show up in the main rumble score, so clearly it isn't being saved somehow.

                  Skilgannon (talk)15:15, 29 May 2013