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Revision as of 28 July 2015 at 00:08.
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So I just noticed the "meleeTop30rumble" ... Are we specifically trying NOT to call it the "GigaMeleeRumble"? :-) I was just getting archived rankings working again (and @roborumble on Twitter) and paused at what to call it. Any objection to GigaMeleeRumble?

    Voidious (talk)00:13, 27 July 2015

    No objections here. Also, glad to see you pulled back into this world of battle.

    I managed to get Nene up two more ranks recently (But haven't really been working on it much tbh).

      Chase16:40, 27 July 2015

      Haha, thanks. :-) It's nice to get rrtweeter and rrarchiver up and running again, but don't expect a new version of Diamond any time soon. :-P

        Voidious (talk)19:26, 27 July 2015

        Why not? ;)

          Wolfman (talk)20:49, 27 July 2015

          The only thing I'm still interested in is beating DrussGT head-to-head. But ever since I started development on BerryBots, it's just felt wrong to spend any of my recreational coding time on Robocode bots. I've got the new AngularJS web UI mostly done and I also have a cool new stage that I want to write. Plus I've got an entirely new, fully web-based game in mind which is just in brainstorm / research phase... So yeah, Robocode bots are a no-go. :-)

            Voidious (talk)21:10, 27 July 2015

            Well, I would argue the GigaRumble should be renamed to the Top30Rumble. I was the one who created the meleeTop30rumble. The name make sense to me. Top30 is self speaking, unlike GigaMeleeRumble which confusingly seems to be opposite of nano/micro/mini, i.e. refers to the size. I presume it has some historical roots, but I joined robocode too late to know the meaning of the Giga name.

            May be someone with longer presence can enlighten us about the Giga name history.

              Beaming (talk)01:58, 28 July 2015

              Well, originally the name was Strongest Bots Rumble. Yeah, I used "giga" as a riff on (bigger than) "mega" when we finally implemented it, whatever 9 years later.

                Voidious (talk)02:08, 28 July 2015