Adding opponent APS in bot comparison?

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Adding opponent APS in bot comparison?

Would you mind adding another column called Opponent APS in bot comparison? When sorting with opponent APS, it could be really useful to see the difference of two bots against bots with different APS range, as in the Diff Distribution graphic, but with more information, especially the bot name. This could also help us to create a good test bed ;)

    Xor (talk)17:46, 5 September 2017

    I can take a look (although not this weekend, I'm away from home). However, what would you consider appropriate behavior on bots which had been removed from the rumble, but which are a shared pairing? The APS/diff image does this by just ignoring those pairs, but I don't think we want to do that here. Do I put a 0.0?

      Skilgannon (talk)23:36, 7 September 2017

      Can we assume that APS is relatively stable? Since we can click into the detail page to see the history APS even when that opponent is removed, can we simply put that value?

      Opps this assumption breaks when comparing ancient bots ;( Then polluting the table must be a bad idea. However, why don't we use NaN or N/A instead of 0?

        Xor (talk)02:05, 8 September 2017

        NaN sounds most appropriate. I don't want to have to fetch each bot object that is not in the rumble anymore to look up its last APS.

          Skilgannon (talk)08:30, 8 September 2017

          Done. I also added a link on the BotDetails page to find the bot on the wiki.

            Skilgannon (talk)18:19, 9 September 2017

            Awesome! Thanks a lot.

            Since you in a wish granting mood, would it be possible to have api call which returns only summary table with APS, PWIN, etc for a given bot in a given game. Right now, I parse but its spits the whole comparison table, which is overkill and wastes the bandwidth. All I need is info stored in the header table.

            I do it to plot APS vs bot version for my bot, but I can imagine other will be interested in this too.

              Beaming (talk)21:08, 9 September 2017

              You can do this with the &limit=0. limit works in both api and html mode, you could also do a sort with a limit=1 to just get a best/worst opponent, etc.

                Skilgannon (talk)21:14, 9 September 2017

                Thanks. It does the trick. Which brings the question: is API published anywhere? I get what I had by looking at the source, but clearly did not look careful enough.

                I see that there are dark parts for exchanging with rumble clients too.

                  Beaming (talk)21:23, 9 September 2017

                  No published API, no. That said, with JSON I don't plan to remove any fields. It is possible field might be added though, which is why I wanted to use JSON to begin with.

                    Skilgannon (talk)21:50, 9 September 2017

                    WoW that's amazing! Thanks a lot!

                      Xor (talk)00:27, 10 September 2017