Ideal amount of segments

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Ideal amount of segments

Hi, how much segmentation can you add to a gun before the benefit of the segmentation is lost due to the added noise created by the segment? I noticed many MiniBots only have 5-6 different segments in their guns. I don't know if this is because of the codesize requirements or because too many segments create too much noise in the enemy's movement profile. Thanks!

    Slugzilla (talk)04:21, 15 June 2019

    You can use as much segments as possible, as long as you keep enough data points within given segment.

    Experience is that those bots aren’t using 5-6 segments because of code size, but increasing dimensions further decreases data points greatly. To solve this, advanced bots use many buffers.

      Xor (talk)12:16, 15 June 2019