
From Robowiki
Revision as of 15:24, 9 August 2011 by Chase-san (talk | contribs)
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Author(s) Chase
Extends Interface
Targeting Raiko
Movement Wave Surfing
Released August 5th, 2011
Best Rating 2051.5 (22th)
Current Rating 2051.5 (22th)
Current Version MC46k7 (pre-alpha)
Code License ZLIB

Background Information

What's special about it?
  • Best defending bot under the Japanese flag (strangely enough!)
  • It uses Heat Waves like RougeDC and DrussGT.
  • It's structure is more like a tower then most robots branching tree.
  • It's version is currently longer then its name!
  • It is an interface based robot!
How competitive is it?
Strangely enough very well, at least compared to my other past robots. With just Raiko's gun it ranks 22th, placing it well within The 2000 Club.


How does it move?
Uses precise intersection wave surfing. It also does some nice minimal risk that avoids getting trapped in corners when there are no waves around, also makes it do well against rambots.
How does it fire?
It uses Raiko's gun, so see that page for details.
How does it dodge bullets?
It surfs!
How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?
It doesn't know anything about melee (not even radar!)
How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee ?
It has melee?
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Between matches: Nothing.
Between rounds: KdTree movement data. Whatever Raiko saves gun-wise.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?
It was actually named after a character in a story I was writing at the time. A very happy positive somewhat hyper girl. I never actually expected to release it.
Can I use your code?
Not at the moment, when I release all her code will by ZLIB, but I still ask if you want to tweak her to submit the changes to me, so they can be included. (Credit!)
What's next for your robot?
Finishing the movement, which isn't even done yet.
What other robot(s) is it based on?
Seraphim for it's precise prediction originally. I have read many other robots and I gained some insights from DrussGT and Diamond. But I don't use any of their code directly. Mostly learned from descriptions on the wiki. I do use Rednaxela's KdTree however.