Another bug fix, another 15 places gained ...

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Another bug fix, another 15 places gained ...

It still surprises me that fixing bugs gains so many places! I had a bug in my enemy wave generation because my bot lost its radar lock every so often for a tick. Fixed the radar lock and added gun heat tracking to stop other erroneous enemy waves being generated and my score increased around 2% APS! :o Unexpected! Made it into the top 100! Whooop!

    Wolfman (talk)22:09, 29 July 2015

    Congrats dude! :-)

    If you don't mind a suggestion, I'd forget fancier stuff and focus on high scores vs Head-On Targeting until you're crushing it. HawkOnFire and Barracuda are the classics - vs HawkOnFire, you get 97.48 while Diamond gets 99.73. Both get 100% survival, so that means he's hitting you almost 10x as much! I think something like that can only be due to bugs in your core surfing code.

      Voidious (talk)00:33, 30 July 2015

      Hah its an interesting thing because it also might be my targeting too. If you think about it if HoF hits my movement 1 time each round (for example), but I hit him twice I will still win, but the APS will be much lower than if he hits me once and I hit him 10 times a round. So I have looked at the matches vs HoF and my movement is pretty good, I only give up a few hits over 35 rounds but my gun is pretty rubbish at hitting him so he tends to lose a lot of energy shooting me and I just get a low number of hits on him. I think there probably is still room for improvement in my movement though. There always is isn't there! :D

        Wolfman (talk)10:06, 30 July 2015