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Well, I think this approach first helped me against their Main guns. Then, as unpredictability improved, their AS guns also have some trouble hitting me. Anyway, adding virtuality dimension may further help ;)

I've also been thinking about simulating the fact that bullets can only hit one enemy at a time. But what I came up with is to use max(enemy1, enemy2) instead of enemy1 XOR enemy2, since when I have 50% probability hitting enemy1 and 75% probability hitting enemy2 at the same bearing offset, I'll end up 75% probability hitting an enemy, instead of 125% ;p. Anyway, by XOR, do you mean to do some max - min? Or "enemy1 + enemy2 - 2 * enemy1 * enemy2" like fuzzy XOR?

Xor (talk)02:51, 22 October 2017

Your formula for the max(enemy1,enemy2) is incorrect. Given your example of 75% and 50%, if you miss the first one then you still have 50% chance of hitting the second one. You don't add them to get 125%, instead it is P += Pn * (1 - P) so you get .75 + .5*(1-.75) = .875

This is what I'm doing in Neuromancer. I guess it isn't exactly an XOR, but it does take both the hit probability and the miss probability into account correctly for multiple enemies.

Skilgannon (talk)11:33, 22 October 2017

Well, your formula is correct. I just forgot the chance after the first miss ;)

Xor (talk)12:27, 22 October 2017