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|[[Ugluk]] 0.14.1a
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Latest revision as of 00:52, 14 January 2015

Name Author Gun BFly CC Chk Cig Cya DM FM Grb RMB Tig Total Comment
Dookious 1.543 Voidious GF/VCS/VG 99.92 75.03 94.63 88.49 80.98 96.27 93.91 94.18 94.87 95.25 91.35 5 seasons
Phoenix 0.851 David Alves GF/VCS/VG 99.92 76.67 92.29 87.08 78.55 95.96 93.36 92.33 95.14 92.20 90.35 6 seasons
DCResearch 0071 Simonton DC/GF 99.97 73.61 96.39 88.41 81.93 96.26 94.69 91.06 92.51 85.83 90.07 6.0 seasons
CassiusClay 2lamda PEZ ST/VG 99.58 71.99 90.79 91.78 77.60 96.18 92.29 93.08 93.64 91.13 89.81
Ascendant 1.2.6 Mue GF/VG 99.78 69.90 94.27 89.77 77.50 92.65 92.92 91.56 91.40 88.31 88.81 3 seasons
Lukious 1.19.13 Voidious DC/GF 99.84 70.69 95.71 87.89 80.29 94.16 91.79 89.38 90.83 86.17 88.68 4 seasons
Pear 0.62.1 Tide GF 99.97 70.87 94.71 89.25 80.04 93.84 90.33 89.50 90.64 84.25 88.34
Chalk 2.5.He Corbos DC 100.0 68.58 95.31 87.04 76.20 96.48 91.64 91.47 92.42 82.05 88.12 2 seasons
WaveSerpent 1.051 Kev GF 99.88 70.10 90.49 88.41 77.40 95.97 91.98 92.09 91.46 82.88 88.06
Shadow 3.66 ABC DC/PIF 99.85 72.26 96.16 85.04 74.01 95.50 90.77 90.56 89.67 86.67 88.05
Garm (dev) Krabb GF 99.30 67.42 89.43 85.40 72.16 94.58 87.62 88.81 90.87 81.18 85.68 no VG, no tickwaves
Prototype 016 Chase-san NN 99.31 65.83 88.22 78.57 76.69 92.92 85.59 87.95 87.96 91.20 85.42 2 Seasons
PowerHouse 1.7c7 wcsv GF 99.55 62.02 87.49 87.77 71.81 95.66 90.67 88.64 91.09 76.98 85.17
Puzzle 2.23 Kev GF 97.04 64.52 89.46 85.89 73.93 93.62 86.39 88.35 87.25 83.77 85.02
DCBot 1.01 ABC DC/PIF 97.41 67.12 81.18 92.76 74.02 93.75 93.31 87.24 84.34 78.34 84.95
Ali 0.4.9 PEZ DC/GF 99.54 62.39 88.78 82.62 76.20 93.49 87.61 85.90 85.62 81.22 84.34
Drifter 18 Tim Foden DC/GF 99.36 66.11 86.24 85.50 69.99 92.64 89.25 85.65 89.31 79.36 84.34
PulsarMax 0.8.9 Pulsar GF 98.51 67.34 76.92 87.38 71.43 94.97 88.18 90.97 89.52 76.75 84.20
Raiko 0.43 Jamougha GF 99.93 59.41 78.14 84.64 68.00 94.92 89.47 91.01 90.76 74.98 83.13
Ugluk 0.14.1a Pedersen BO 97.59 65.70 86.27 84.19 70.80 92.03 84.92 83.86 85.60 77.73 82.87
Komarious 1.69 Voidious GF/VCS 99.43 48.22 85.47 86.09 65.04 95.18 89.27 90.84 92.35 74.76 82.66 9 seasons
GresSuffurd 0.2.4 GrubbmGait GF 97.25 59.09 80.76 80.67 71.38 93.77 91.31 88.01 86.68 74.44 82.34 2 seasons
RaikoMX 0.32 Jamougha GF 98.34 53.86 76.44 87.37 67.80 94.94 89.68 90.11 88.72 73.02 82.03 3 seasons
PatternBed 1.4 Simonton PM 98.67 68.19 81.96 70.65 72.86 88.75 86.15 82.96 85.29 82.00 81.75
Velshea 0.0.1 Chase-san GF 99.27 56.07 80.73 84.36 65.50 94.25 86.68 88.99 88.12 72.81 81.68
Cyanide 1.80.b Alcatraz GF 98.98 48.72 73.52 80.66 72.38 93.41 88.85 85.66 88.90 72.20 80.33
Krabby2 1.8b Krabb GF/VG 96.98 57.91 81.34 71.28 63.83 91.85 83.94 86.15 84.50 79.21 79.70
Shaakious 0.12 Voidious PM/GF 95.92 60.06 80.68 71.24 59.52 89.12 75.73 81.52 81.80 76.19 77.18
Freya 0.61 Loki GF 96.94 55.52 67.27 75.62 63.55 90.48 85.03 85.04 85.16 57.64 76.22
Fenrir 0.36l Loki PM 97.09 54.41 66.57 65.83 57.01 83.63 72.44 81.89 80.15 76.99 73.60
GrubbmGrb 1.2.0 GrubbmGait VG 89.78 48.80 57.37 73.56 49.48 89.37 86.28 83.25 88.96 63.44 73.03
Drifter 7 Tim Foden GF 91.4 37.6 62.3 71.4 34.4 90.5 86.5 88.6 84.9 50.8 69.84
GFTargetingBot 1.02 PEZ GF 88.57 31.62 41.16 72.73 28.45 92.84 77.53 85.38 84.18 51.91 65.44
GrypRepetyf 0.10+dev GrubbmGait PM 97.80 25.49 24.02 70.17 41.54 81.16 67.18 85.66 83.74 58.19 63.40
Perpy Perpy Jp VG 82.30 36.32 40.73 60.73 37.74 76.68 65.55 76.66 80.27 63.11 62.01
Fe4r 0.4 Krabb NN 93.02 11.58 30.24 66.86 9.67 90.52 72.00 76.57 82.00 19.84 55.23
WSCBotA HT 65.15 0.16 4.98 65.57 0.57 92.18 79.08 15.39 74.59 1.62 39.93
WSCBotC CT 29.18 3.62 16.2 59.46 14.9 67.04 75.94 8.08 87.74 32.65 39.48
WSCBotB LT 30.26 3.59 11.92 56.51 3.59 67.24 70.04 5.92 86.06 30.54 36.57

Gun Abbreviations
Abbr. Name Abbr. Name
HT Head-On Targeting PM Pattern Matching
LT Linear Targeting GF GuessFactor
CT Circular Targeting VCS Visit Count Stats
NN Neural Network DC Dynamic Clustering
DT Displacement Vector PIF Play-It Forward
VG Virtual Guns Array ? Unknown Type