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I nominate the following robots for admission into the GigaRumble: Nene, Neuromancer, CunobelinDC, RaikoMX, and SandboxDT.

If anyone else would like to nominate a robot for the GigaRumble, feel free to use this thread to do so.

    Sheldor03:26, 26 March 2013

    Well, Nene has more than earned its place at #11 in PL. As for the others, my vote is definitely to stick to "top x bots" instead of hand picking bots we like.

    Top 50 would include all those bots... I still like 30 and personally feel like even that's erring on the high side. (A bot at #30 has almost no chance vs DrussGT.) What do other people think?

      Voidious03:46, 26 March 2013

      For: Nene, top 10 bot. I have no problems with someone entering it, but its turned for simple bots.

      Against: SandboxDT, impressive for its age. But not impressive enough. RaikoMX, see SandboxDT. Neuromancer, great at Melee, only decent in One on One. CunobelinDC, entering it in the gigarumble just isn't fair.

      Nominating: Seraphim, decent post-debug, holds #10 Vote and #22 PL (PWIN). Tuned against surfers originally.

        Chase05:23, 26 March 2013