Planned investigations

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Planned investigations

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Last edit: 10:57, 4 September 2017

Although this bot is one of the top rammers for more than 10 years and hasn't changed in the meantime, I don't like it that more and more bots get a score above 70% against it. So I plan to try out two possible improvements.

- introduce a 'wobble' in its movement (like MaxRisk), so the LT/CT guns can miss it even from near close range. This will lower the average speed a bit, but hopefully this will be compensated by an occasional miss by the opponent.

- At the beginning of the round, turn the radar in the direction of the center of the field. This will increase the possibility to find the opponent earlier, so I can move earlier and will be on his tail earlier. This should (in theory) increase the score a little against everyone. But you know: The difference between theory and practice is in practice bigger than in theory.

If I get hooked again ( . . . ), prepare for other updated bots, or even a new one.

    GrubbmGait (talk)13:23, 3 September 2017


    Good to hear about hooked part.

    As for the rammer, I look closely at couple battles. I think the CT has its weakness since its tends to overshoot, may be push the firing angle a bit closer to HoT.

      Beaming (talk)02:55, 4 September 2017

      Good to hear a planned better rammer for challenge! I also have some ideas on rammers, etc. using the techniques from wave surfing to precisely track and dodge bullets, while at the same time move closer constantly. Most bots will be pushed to walls or even corners, where their tombs lay. Even the most advanced ones will have very limited movement options, and their advantages at farther distance will be gone.

      However, I didn't tried any of them, and the reality is generally very different from the imaginations ;p

        Xor (talk)05:51, 4 September 2017