- FloodGrapher Sub-pages:
- FloodGrapher - Design - Troubleshooting
Post any problems you run into below, and (if you have them) their solutions:
Submitted by Jim:
Environment: Windows XP, Java 1.4.2
Symptom: The batch file ran and stalled, but no window appeared
Solution: comment out the "plaf=" line in kawigi/resource/floodgrapher.ini and try running it again. You may need to do this every time you start it, or just set overwrite to false ([#f]) as well so it doesn't change your settings again when you close it.
Reason: No idea.
Submitted by Simonton:
Environment: Windows XP, Java 1.5.?
Symptom: The batch file ran and stalled, it ran once after following the solution above, but then the window didn't show up the next time.
Solution: change the "LocationX=" and "LocationY=" lines in kawigi/resource/floodgrapher.ini to something reasonable and try running it again. You may need to do this every time you start it, or just set overwrite to false ([#f]) as well so it doesn't change your settings again when you close it.
Reason: I seems to be saving the X coordinate as both X and Y, which, when you closed in on your secondary monitor, makes for a very far out-of-bounds Y coordinate.
Submitted by Simonton:
Environment: Windows XP, Java 1.5.?
Symptom: No lines are showing up on the graph when opening a graph file.
- On my system they only show up after clicking "Refresh" -- Skilgannon
- Or on mine sometimes you need to click on the color bar first --Starrynte
- Set the "bft" (Bullet Flight Time) to something reasonable, not "0 to 0".
Reason: Not many bullets hit you in 0 ticks.
Submitted by Nat:
Environment: Windows Vista Home Premiem, Java 1.6.?
Symptom: Graph cannot be shown. It have NaN hit rate.
- Don't know!
Reason: ?