Spam bot invasion

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Skilgannon
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I made CAPTCHA suggestions here.

I believe it is possible that these spammers are not bots, but low-paid humans working in huge "spam farms". A registration CAPTCHA should therefore require at least basic knowledge of Robocode (e.g. name one sample bot).

In any case, nothing is going to happen until Skilgannon wakes up.

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)10:37, 24 August 2017

Great ideas! Thank you for your effort!

Cb (talk)12:22, 24 August 2017

Yes registration only CAPTCHA can be easily skipped by low paid humans, however it seems that the spams are created by machines — therefore adding a CAPTCHA when creating/editing pages for new users may help ;)

Xor (talk)02:21, 25 August 2017

Given that every new spam user posts about 3 pages and then stop, I would say that bots hacked the CAPTCHA algorithm.

I think we should make registration harder and then we will be fine.

Beaming (talk)02:36, 25 August 2017

I suggest we use Google's nocaptch ReCaptcha, it's not only using hard problems to solve, but also browsing history & browser fingerprint and more to stop bots.

Xor (talk)19:11, 25 August 2017