Hey guys, can I...

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Hey guys, can I...

Hey guys can I get enough permissions not to have to go through all the captcha to link externally, etc. I think you are fairly certain by now I am not going to spam the wiki to death right?

I mean I am probably not the smartest robocoder by any stretch of imagination, and I often end up with my foot in my mouth. But I generally mean well.

Chase07:09, 14 December 2012

Done. And while I was at it, I added a few more as well, people who have proved they can make meaningful contributions and delete spam when they see it. If I've forgotten anybody just yell!

Skilgannon07:51, 14 December 2012

Skilgannon, add me also, please.

Jdev05:52, 28 December 2012

Thanks too:)

Jdev14:07, 2 January 2013


Sheldor18:03, 31 December 2012


Chase07:55, 14 December 2012

Sorry, I didn't realize life was so littered with captchas for the non-admins. =) Maybe we can lighten the settings a bit for registered users? Seems like we get a steady amount of wiki spam that we just have to delete/block. All that captcha suffering may be for naught.

Voidious21:10, 14 December 2012

Not sure of a good way to go about fixing the problem. We could always switch to using KittenAuth. Asirra is a slightly newer MS based variant of the same type of captcha.

Chase23:01, 14 December 2012


I realize that I am making a bold request considering I have only been a member for a little over a month, but I would greatly appreciate having my status upgraded to administrator.

In addition to the external link issue, it seems there has been a flood of spam recently and I would like to help.


Sheldor01:32, 28 December 2012

Hey all. It's a bit late, but I've taken some measures to both lighten the settings for registered users, and also reduce the amount of spam.

  1. Adding external URLs to a page no longer triggers the captcha (registering an account still triggers the captcha)
  2. Adding an external URL to a page is outright disallowed until 24 hours after the account's first edit.

Hopefully that helps.

Rednaxela16:03, 27 February 2013