Client java version

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Client java version

Can we have a quick survey about java version with which you run your litumble clients?

I see that performance of my bots dropped since I switched to java-8-openjdk for bot compilations. Plus I see ridiculosly low scores for my bot against some very simple bots at the literumble. On my machine I beat them with much bigger margin. So I suspect that there is something strange with one of the clients.

For the record, I compile everything with java-8-openjdk and run my literumble clients with java provided within this jdk.

    Beaming (talk)04:03, 4 September 2017

    I'm using Java 8 for my rumbles. However, it seems that some bot stopped working on Java 8? etc. MoxieBot.

    I'm also using Java 8 and its features for bot development. However, I compile my bot with Java 8, then transpile the bytecode to Java 6 compatible using retrolambda, as Java 8 compiled code will generally refuse to run on lower platform.

      Xor (talk)05:45, 4 September 2017

      Cross porting from Java 8 seems to be excessive, if the rest of us are running Java 8. But let's see what others are running.

        Beaming (talk)06:20, 4 September 2017

        But why risk getting low scores when there are someone using Java6? I think anyone who participant in rumble should make the bot compatible with Java 6 until it is not officially supported by the literumble.

        Maybe what we really need is a vote for moving the minimum requirement of running rumble from Java 6 to Java 8?

          Xor (talk)11:18, 4 September 2017

          > what we really need is a vote

          The problem with the Robocode community is that everyone talks making changes, but no one actually does anything.

            MultiplyByZer0 (talk)11:58, 4 September 2017

            Please don't be so harsh.

            Our problem that we don't have large enough community. We can count active users in two hands. You cannot expect everyone to jump on the issues right away.

            At least we can make reasonably complete bug reports and see if they can be addressed.

              Beaming (talk)16:25, 4 September 2017

              By the way, ncj.MoxieBot 1.0 is running OK on my machine. It sometimes freezes but it seems to be the fault of the internal logic.

                Beaming (talk)06:24, 4 September 2017

                But all my bots are getting 100% against MoxieBot on my computer, whereas there seems to be some 50% on the rumble, which makes me think that it doesn't work as expected on Java 8.

                  Xor (talk)06:57, 4 September 2017

                  openjdk8 here, on Linux.

                    Skilgannon (talk)08:26, 4 September 2017

                    java version "1.8.0_102" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)

                      Cb (talk)10:14, 4 September 2017

                      JDK 9 on Mac. Having the same problems with you.

                        Dsekercioglu (talk)10:33, 4 September 2017
                        java version "1.8.0_144"
                        Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
                        Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)

                        on Windows 10.

                          MultiplyByZer0 (talk)11:36, 4 September 2017

                          Java 1.7, as I just use an older unused computer for it. Some bots don't run in the rumble, but those battles are not even fought, so no pollution of the stats. I plan to update to Java 1.8 later this week.

                            GrubbmGait (talk)12:11, 4 September 2017


                              Rsalesc (talk)12:47, 4 September 2017

                              Ok. Among recent literumble clients uploads we mostly have java8. The only exceptions are Dsekercioglu and GrubbmGait, we also have uncertainty on Anonymous uploads. GrubbmGait did not make uploads more recent than 4 days old, while I have score glitches on more recent releases. It could be abnormality in Java9.

                              One more thing. If I run GUI client at full speed with debug graphics toggle off, from time to time I see a error message in console from robocode about java Threads dying. In such battles my score drops a lot, strange thing that it is not directly related to skipped turns counts. It could be a bug in robocode itself.

                              Does anyone see such phenomenon?

                                Beaming (talk)16:20, 4 September 2017

                                @ Dsekercioglu, would you mind switching off you liteclient for a while? Let's see if we can pinpoint the issue to java9 glitches.

                                @ all, if you are not running java8, please do not run liteclient for a week, starting from 2017/09/04.

                                  Beaming (talk)16:27, 4 September 2017

                                  Okay I'm closing it.

                                    Dsekercioglu (talk)16:28, 4 September 2017

                                    Or you can just use two versions in parallel ;) For me I develop my bot and run the rumble on Java 8, but I always test it on Java 6 before every release to make sure it works.

                                    Just install them in different directories, and call java executable with the correct directories when starting robocode/roborumble.

                                      Xor (talk)16:42, 4 September 2017

                                      Yeah, I have exactly the same issue, but since I never saw anyone complain about this, I just ignored it. I can reproduce the issue with as well.

                                      I spent a lot of time reading Robocode's source trying to find a connection between that and skipped turns with no real success. Perhaps Skilgannon, which seems to be strongly related to how Robocode evaluate skipped turns as it is today, could share his thoughts about this.

                                      When testing it with Roborio, there were a few times I fixed the running speed at 1000 TPS and could see skipped turn messages instead of these Thread errors, but this only happened when using my old GoTo code, which was really slow. I can't see skipped turn messages with Roborio 1.2.4, for example.

                                      Then I tried to run Neuromancer with the same setup and could see a lot of these Thread dying errors as well, despite seeing no skipped turn messages when locking at 1000 TPS.

                                      What is weird is not that the crashes are occurring at all. Maybe they really make sense. But the thrown exception instead of a helpful message is somewhat weird.

                                        Rsalesc (talk)16:34, 4 September 2017