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Wait - I don't get it. I've uploaded my bot into robocode repository, but I don't now how to get the download link to put on the participants page. The explaining paragraph says something about noting the corresponding id number. How would I get that id number? thanks

    AncientPyro14:09, 24 February 2012

    You should be able to see the ID in URL. Note that the Robocode Repository is not very stable, so maybe you should host your robot on your own hosting if available, or try some free service. Google Pages is proven to be working. Dropbox public link might work too, but hasn't been tested.

      Nat Pavasant14:39, 24 February 2012

      Thank you so much!!! It works!

        AncientPyro22:05, 24 February 2012

        I need some help to enter the competition. Where to download my robot and how to put it to the competition Can you explain to me?

          Dsekercioglu (talk)18:42, 7 February 2016

          Hi, welcome to the game.

          Your question is a bit to general. Please have a careful look at RoboRumble/Enter The Competition and ask for clarifications. We will be happy to help.

            Beaming (talk)20:42, 7 February 2016

            Now I have my bot in dropbox but it doesn't look like the links of other robots my link is this "https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=dsekercioglu.Tomahawk_5.01.jar". but other robots have links like dl.dropbox.

              Dsekercioglu (talk)13:03, 9 July 2016

              I forget to say. Now I know how to put in roborumble just having problems with the site

                Dsekercioglu (talk)13:04, 9 July 2016

                I've done it. The link is perfect. just one more question. How many hours it takes until a added robot gets into the competition. (very bad english sorry)

                  Dsekercioglu (talk)15:24, 9 July 2016

                  Hi, the link doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe try putting it in your Shared folder, then right-click, "get public link" or something similar and use that for the url.

                    Skilgannon (talk)07:07, 14 July 2016

                    Thank you very much it didn't worked I tried it in a different way if it doesn't work I will try it your way

                      Dsekercioglu (talk)16:40, 20 August 2016

                      And thanks for the robots you have made. They helped meet Improve very much. (Not from code I didn't understand anything)

                        Dsekercioglu (talk)16:42, 20 August 2016

                        Just one more question I battled DrussGT against Diamond in 5000 round battle in robocode.command but Diamond gets %92. Is it because of robocode.

                          Dsekercioglu (talk)16:48, 20 August 2016

                          I understood it I use a mac and I use java 7

                            Dsekercioglu (talk)15:56, 21 August 2016