Nominations 2017-09

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Nominations 2017-09

Seems like the following adaptions should be made:

Whether these last ones (except Mint) should be added now, or that that has to wait for a 'stable' version, seems up to the developer.

    GrubbmGait (talk)15:29, 14 September 2017

    Is there a problem specifically about GigaRumble on adding a non-stable version then update it along the way?

    About Roborio: it will be retired as soon as Knight surpasses it, and that won't take too long since I used this an opportunity to rewrite parts of Roborio from scratch (I'll retire it because they have too much in common). Therefore, I think it shouldn't be added.

    The others make sense, GigaRumble seems to be a quite interesting rumble.

      Rsalesc (talk)15:47, 14 September 2017

      These all look good to me =)

        Skilgannon (talk)20:57, 14 September 2017

        Looks good to me. I approve of these changes, especially since GigaRumble hasn't been updated since 2014.

        We will need copies of gigarumble.txt and meleetop30rumble.txt, as well as the accompanying .bat/.command/.sh files to run the rumbles, though...

          MultiplyByZer0 (talk)23:09, 14 September 2017

          Looks good to me =)

          Current version is already a "stable" version, althrough optimized for APS not PL. I would like to update it one more time in the gigarumble after the gun is reworked (not touched since initial), but that would be long after...

            Xor (talk)01:05, 15 September 2017

            I think we can always add or drop a bot from GigaRumble. Once you tuned the bot up, just switch the version at the wiki page.

            The real challenge is to retune your clients so they run the GigaRumble.

              Beaming (talk)02:26, 15 September 2017

              that's true. afaik the RumbleSuperPack contains everything you need to run that, but i don't know whether the RumbleSuperPack is still available...

                Xor (talk)03:55, 15 September 2017