Nominations 2017-11-25

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Nominations 2017-11-25

Seems that an update is appropriate, as rsalesc.Knight(#4) and cb.Firestarter(#5) would enter. Next to that, updated versions of aaa.ScalarBot, gh.GresSuffurd and jk.Neuromancer and the re-entrance of ags.Midboss. Alas ags.RougeDC, kc.Hydra and pulsar.pulsarMax will (temporarily ?) disappear from the list. I will update the list tonight and try to start running a client.

    GrubbmGait (talk)18:40, 25 November 2017

    Updated to Java 8, but I can't run battles for rsalesc.Roborio and xander.XanderCat. Seems that they are made with Java 9 specific things. So if anyone else with Java 9 can also run Gigarumble, the ranking can become complete.

      GrubbmGait (talk)23:21, 27 November 2017

      Suddenly Roborio works, with some luck XanderCat will also . . .

        GrubbmGait (talk)02:35, 28 November 2017

        Team rumble and Twin Duel are broken in Java 9. I won't upgrade until the Robocode engine is fixed.

          MN (talk)02:38, 28 November 2017

          Both works fine here in Java 8, so maybe restarting the rumble/cleaning the caches helps? btw I would like to run Gigarumble as well, may you post a working config file for it? Hope that is included in the next release of robocode.

            Xor (talk)07:00, 28 November 2017

            I removed the caches from all installations (RoboRumble and GigaRumble are separate installs), and now XanderCat also works! I can't run battles till I get home though, as the firewall at work prevents download/upload of necessary files and results.

            My config file is listed in the discussion below. The gigarumble.bat file contains:

            java -Xmx512M -cp libs/robocode.jar;libs/roborumble.jar;libs/codesize-1.1.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/gigarumble.txt
              GrubbmGait (talk)11:56, 28 November 2017

              It will be cool to see DrussGT #1 in GigaRumble be threatened as we kick BulletShielding-susceptible bots off from the top30 :P

                Rsalesc (talk)10:43, 28 November 2017

                There are 4 bots vulnerable to BulletShielding present: Phoenix (#16), Chalk (#21), CassiusClay (#22) and Seraphim (#27). They earn their presence as they kick a lot of butts. But you are right, DrussGT only clings on the first place due to its Bullet Shielding. Diamond on the other hand does not use it.

                  GrubbmGait (talk)12:21, 28 November 2017

                  Yeah, sure they do, but these are bots we can probably assume that won't receive new updates, so they will be BulletShielding-susceptible forever and, let's be honest, they will eventually be kicked off from top30. Maybe it will take very long, but they will. And of course, they will be kicked from top30 in part because of the legacy they left behind :P

                    Rsalesc (talk)23:52, 28 November 2017