GresSuffurd/Version History
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Version history of GresSuffurd
- 0.4.17 (20210701) gun: GV 0.4.9 move: WS 0.4.13
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.69% (16th), PL: 1160-20 (19th), Survival: 93.38%
- Use gray shadows instead of black shadows, use exact size of shadows.
- 0.4.16 (20210608) gun: GV 0.4.9 move: WS 0.4.12
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.03% (15th), PL: 1164-16 (16th), Survival: 93.76%
- Movement number of bins from 37 to 73. Bugfix accidentally shadows always on to only against good bots after 3 rounds.
- Note: 0.1 drift up, due to (temporary) removal of a few melee-capable bots
- 0.4.15 (20210607) gun: GV 0.4.9 move: WS 0.4.11
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.96% (16th), PL: 1168-15 (13th), Survival: 93.83%
- Calculate the risk for each movement option with the real number of bins, with the real botwidth. Instead of fixed pyramid of 5 bins.
- 0.4.14 (20210605) gun: GV 0.4.9 move: WS 0.4.10
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.04% (15th), PL: 1168-15 (14th), Survival: 93.74%
- When I get hit, mark all the bins are touched, even use botwidth under an angle. Instead of fixed pyramid of 5 bins.
- 0.4.13 (20210401) gun: GV 0.4.9 move: WS 0.4.9
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.27% (11th), PL: 1171-10 (10th), Survival: 94.01%
- Several tweaks tested in testversion (without bulletshadows): no fancy firepower
- 0.4.12 (20210302) gun: GV 0.4.8 move: WS 0.4.8
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.13% (14th), PL: 1171-11 (11th), Survival: 94.08%
- Tweak to velocity-segment in gun, tweak to danger calculation and threshold shadowing in movement
- 0.4.11 (20210224) gun: GV 0.4.7 move: WS 0.4.7
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.08% (14th), PL: 1169-12 (11th), Survival: 93.98%
- Tweaks to movement and threshold shadowing, enhanced behaviour if opponent is killed
- 0.4.10 (20210214) gun: GV 0.4.7 move: WS 0.4.6
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.12% (14th), PL: 1168-13 (12th), Survival: 94.01%
- Also use 'distance last 14 ticks' segmentation in movement
- 0.4.9 (20210211) gun: GV 0.4.7 move: WS 0.4.5
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.16% (13th), PL: 1169-11 (11th), Survival: 94.08%
- Use some extra wave-info when dying in gun
- Fixing bug which put all info in one wall segment. Unclear when that happened.
- 0.4.8 (20210129) gun: GV 0.4.6 move: WS 0.4.4
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.12% (14th), PL: 1168-12 (11th), Survival: 93.97%
- Tweaked bulletpower again for special cases. Improved wave-matching when bullets hit me
- 0.4.7 (20210122) gun: GV 0.4.5 move: WS 0.4.3
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 87.07% (14th), PL: 1168-12 (11th), Survival: 93.92%
- fixing bug in myDirection . . .
- 0.4.6 (20210119) gun: GV 0.4.5 move: WS 0.4.2
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 85.21% (24th), PL: 1155-25 (24th), Survival: 92.77%
- slightly more accurate nextPos in gun, more exact bulletshadows and lower threshold for bulletshadows in movement
- 0.4.5 (20210114) gun: GV 0.4.4 move: WS 0.4.1
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.69% (16th), PL: 1161-19 (18th), Survival: 93.41%
- rudimentary passive bulletshadows. Good for PL and survival, ok for APS.
- 0.4.4 (20201203) gun: GV 0.4.4 move: WS 0.4.0
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 85.98% (18th), PL: 1146-34 (29th), Survival: 92.47%
- some guntweaks . . . should improve somewhat somewhere somehow
- 0.4.3 (20201201) gun: GV 0.4.3 move: WS 0.4.0
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.05% (18th), PL: 1146-33 (29th), Survival: 92.36%
- Hit easy targets harder, add kinda anti-surfer gun, small tweak second gun
- 0.4.2 (20201125) gun: GV 0.4.2 move: WS 0.4.0
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.11% (18th), PL: 1144-35 (30th), Survival: 92.46%
- Adding missing 4th dimension in gun (when was it shut off ?). Arrgh, no improvement ???
- 0.4.1 (20201124) gun: GV 0.4.1 move: WS 0.4.0
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.16% (17th), PL: 1142-37 (33rd), Survival: 92.51%
- Fix small bug visible against stop-and-go.
- 0.4.0 (20201123) gun: GV 0.4.0 move: WS 0.4.0
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 85.36% (20th), PL: 1132-47 (45th), Survival: 91.67%
- Code restructured to be able to expand with new features.
- 0.3.26 (20171211) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.18
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.3% (13th), PL: 1128-29 (24th), Survival: 92.69%
- Multidimensional dangerarray instead of accumulated single arrays, only against good bots
- 0.3.25 (20171123) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.17
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.35% (12th), PL: 1126-28 (23rd), Survival: 92.78%
- Take surfingdanger on t+1, to avoid edgeshots
- Only better in PL it seems
- 0.3.24 (20171118) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.16
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.26% (13th), PL: 1120-32 (28th), Survival: 92.68%
- back to 0.3.20. Replace virtual 'real danger' waves with virtual HOT waves.
- The '70% against every rammer' release. +21% total against all 20 rammers => 0.02% APS gain
- 0.3.23 (20171027) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.15
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86% (16th), PL: 1114-34 (33rd), Survival: 92.45%
- Increase number of surfing bins from 37 to 137 (part 3). Now it should be better than 0.3.20.
- Not . . . so back to the drawing board
- 0.3.22 (20171027) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.14
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.1% (14th), PL: 1116-35 (31st), Survival: 92.6%
- Count every would-be hitted bin instead of fixed 5 bins piramidshaped (part 2)
- 0.3.21 (20171026) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.13
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.29% (12th), PL: 1117-34 (31st), Survival: 92.7%
- Calculate surfingdanger over botwidth bins instead of fixed 5 bins piramidshaped (part 1)
- 0.3.20 (20171021) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.12
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 86.32% (13th), PL: 1120-32 (29th), Survival: 92.79%
- Improve against non-firing bots, pea-shooting bots and extends Robot, also in endgame.
- On par with 0.3.19. Crushing dragonbyte.Neutrino and better against, but also some lesser side-effects.
- 0.3.19 (20171015) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.11
- APS: 86.27% (11th), PL: 1130-29 (25th), Survival: 92.69%
- Preferred distance 495, even better, good point to go on with real changes.
- 0.3.18 (20171014) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.11
- APS: 79.41% (68th), PL: 1066-94 (81st), Survival: 86.89%
- Preferred distance 180, but indeed diving in way to steep.
- 0.3.17 (20171015) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.11
- APS: 86.1% (14th), PL: 1123-37 (32nd), Survival: 92.62%
- Preferred distance 450, better than expected.
- 0.3.16 (20171014) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.11
- APS: 85.8% (16th), PL: 1100-41 (53rd), Survival: 92.44%
- Preferred distance 360, quite some interesing results . . .
- 0.3.15 (20171014) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.11
- APS: 84.71% (23rd), PL: 1104-56 (49th), Survival: 91.66%
- Half the preferred distance (so 270), see what an eventual dynamic distancing can do.
- Too close, 1.2 APS loss. But maybe something changed since 2009 with 740 bots.
- 0.3.14 (20171004) stats after 5 years . . .
- RoboRumble ‒ APS: 85.9% (15th), PL: 1127-32 (28th), Survival: 92.53%
Old rankings
- 0.3.14 (20121224) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.10
- APS: 85.57% (8th), PL: 945-21 (19th), Survival: 92.59%
- calc acceleration on right tick, append with constant for xx ticks.
- Nice Christmas present: 0.6 APS just for adding acceleration to my movementprofile.
- 0.3.13 (20121221) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.9
- APS: 85.22% (8th), PL: 940-26 (22nd), Survival: 92.25%
- add extra uni-dimensional array about acceleration to movement
- 0.3.12 (20121007) gun: GV 0.3.3 move: WS 0.3.8
- APS: 84.82% (11th), PL: 920-27 (23rd), Survival: 91.8% (0.15 APS higher than 0.3.11)
- use bulletlist to choose bulletpower (due to remark from Skilgannon)
- NO adaption of bulletpower when enemy has more energy left.
- 0.3.11 (20111029) gun: GV 0.3.2 move: WS 0.3.8
- APS: 84.06% (10th), PL: 814-24 (21st), Survival: 91.24% = on par with 0.3.8
- back to 0.3.9, bugfixing danger calculation (was 0.5*(bin-1), 1.5*(bin), duh)
- dangercalculation now 0.2*(bin-2), 0.6*(bin-1), 1.0*(bin) etc. iso 0.5*(bin-1), 1.0*(bin), 0.5*(bin+1)
- 0.3.10 (20111018) gun: GV 0.3.2 move: WS 0.3.7
- APS: 83.83% (14th), PL: 812-22 (19th), Survival: 91.27%
- use BulletHitBullet info to go to the created 'safe spot' (although whole wave is safe). Small step before implementing Bullet Shadows
- 0.3.9 (20111015) gun: GV 0.3.2 move: WS 0.3.6
- APS: 83.92% (11th), PL: 805-28 (27th), Survival: 91.27%
- normalise surfingdanger with average danger for that wave (necessary for 0.3.10)
- surfingdanger dependent on bulletpower (just because I think it is logical)
- 0.3.8 (20110922) gun: GV 0.3.2 move: WS 0.3.3
- APS: 83.95% (9th), PL: 805-24 (20th), Survival: 91.24%
- back to 0.3.5, for normal gun, increase influence of non-bullet waves
- for decaying gun, decrease influence of non-bullet waves
- 0.3.7 (20110813) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.5
- APS: 83.25% (12th), PL: 780-36 (35th), Survival: 90.34%
- use 'classic' binsmoothing (1/sqr(bindiff)) iso fixed small pyramid (0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0.2)
- 0.3.6 (20110813) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.4
- withdrawn
- use 'classic' binsmoothing, but due to auto-cast to int, it recorded only the single hitted bin
- 0.3.5 (20110710) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.3
- APS: 84.1% (8th), PL: 789-25 (23rd), Survival: 91.48%
- back to 0.3.2
- widen surfingdanger from 1 bin to (bin + (((bin-1)+(bin+1))/2)) (small pyramid)
- 0.3.2b (20110708) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.0
- APS: 83.82% (11th), PL: 791-24 (20th), Survival: 91.28%
- re-introduce due to switch to Robocode
- 0.3.4 (20110612) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.2
- APS: 83.63% (11th), PL: 773-31 (30th), Survival: 90.83%
- re-introduce binfactor to counter possible problems at extreme MEA (MEA * 1.07)
- 0.3.3 (20110610) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.1
- APS: 83.55% (11th), PL: 770-36 (34th), Survival: 90.73%
- increase bins from 37 to 73
- when hit, count every position (bin) that would have been hit fully (iso 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0.2)
- when calculating risks, take the accumulated risks of botwidth iso just 1 bin
- ouch, did it became to predictable or are there any bugs??
- 0.3.2 (20110522) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.3.0
- APS: 83.99% (9th), PL: 783-21 (16th), Survival: 91.57%
- when enemy is killed, assume it fired if it was able to
- more consistent behaviour if no real enemywave is present
- 0.3.1 (20110504) gun: GV 0.3.1 move: WS 0.2.10
- APS: 83.95% (9th), PL: 782-21 (18th), Survival: 91.56%
- revert ignore of bullet-hit-bullet in gun (what was I thinking . . .)
- movement graphics inspired by (and peeked at) voidious.Diamond
- move at minimum angle (11.6 degrees) at very close ranges
- 0.3.0 (20110426) gun: GV 0.3.0 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 83.75% (11th), PL: 776-30 (28th), Survival: 91.15%
- general cleanup
- add cornersegment to wallattribute
- some bulletpower/energymanagement issues
- bugfix/improve precise MEA in close range/nearwall situations
- mark bullet-hit-bullet waves as non-bullet waves
- Comment: to much changes in one time, now I have to check which change(s) caused the loss in APS
- 0.2.29 (20110412) gun: GV 0.2.20 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 83.84% (10th), PL: 778-21 (16th), Survival: 91.38%
- Replace 'distance' attribute with 'absolute lateral velocity' attribute in gun
- 0.2.28 (20110315) gun: GV 0.2.19 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 83.64% (11th), PL: 770-26 (25th), Survival: 91.3%
- Use estimated bearing next tick i.s.o bearing this tick when aiming gun (lining up bullets with virtual guns)
- I feared for a 'performance enhancing bug', but it turned out better than expected
- 0.2.27 (20110228) gun: GV 0.2.18 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 83.42% (11th), PL: 760-34 (33rd), Survival: 90.92%
- Simulate precise MEA in gun
- re-enabled the BulletCatcher tweak'
- 0.2.26 (20110131) gun: GV 0.2.17 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 83.15% (11th), PL: 754-30 (29th), Survival: 90.6%
- Use Precise Intersection in the gun
- small tweaks f.e. against stop-and-go
- accidentally disabled the 'BulletCatcher tweak'
- 0.2.25 (20110126) gun: GV 0.2.16 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 83.05% (14th), PL: 749-35 (33rd), Survival: 90.56%
- Updated ancient gungraphics, found and fixed missing 'killing bullet' processing
- 0.2.24 (20110125) gun: GV 0.2.15 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 82.92% (14th), PL: 754-32 (31st), Survival: 90.47%
- Adding second gun, just the same gun but with some decay. Good enough for 11th place ??
- Comment: less improvement than I hoped and expected, maybe some 'bad luck' battles?
- 0.2.23 (20110115) gun: GV 0.2.14 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 82.84% (15th), PL: 751-33 (33rd), Survival: 90.44%
- further BasicSurfer bug exploitation, energy management improvements
- 0.2.22 (20100414) gun: GV 0.2.13 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 82.8% (15th), PL: 729-32 (33rd), Survival: 89.69%
- version 0.2.20 firing 1.95 power bullets (BasicSurfer bug exploitation)
- 0.2.21 (20100112) gun: GV 0.2.12 move: WS 0.2.10
- APS: 81.86% (22nd), PL: 714-46 (42nd), Survival: 88.72%
- remove wallsegment in surfing once again, only abs velocity is left.
- 0.2.20 (20091026) gun: GV 0.2.12 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 82.09% (18th), PL: 707-34 (34th), Survival: 89.27%
- increase bins in gun from 37 to 73 for accuracy, check at least [botwidth] bins.
- Comment: accuracy means better against weak, worse against topbots
- 0.2.19 (20091017) gun: GV 0.2.10 move: WS 0.2.9
- APS: 82.01% (18th), PL: 707-33 (33rd), Survival: 89.14%
- back to 0.2.17
- increase surfingdistance from 480 to 540
- Comment: only marginal better, but I'll keep it
- 0.2.18 (20091005) gun: GV 0.2.11 move: WS 0.2.8
- APS: 81.44% (23rd), PL: 709-38 (28th), Survival: 88.71%
- half the influence for non-firing waves
- Comment: wrong bet
- 0.2.17 (20090925) gun: GV 0.2.10 move: WS 0.2.8
- APS: 81.88% (20th), PL: 707-34 (33rd), Survival: 89.3%
- no energysaving against rammers
- use multiple unidimensional surfbuffers instead of one multidimensional.
- Comment: first release to enter the top-20 !
- 0.2.16 (20090919) gun: GV 0.2.9 move: WS 0.2.7
- APS: 79.61 (37th) Surv: 87.99 PL: 708-32
- tweaking wallsegment: set treshold a lot higher, but try keep PL score.
- 0.2.15 (20090917) gun: GV 0.2.9 move: WS 0.2.6
- APS: 79.58 (38th) Surv: 87.88 PL: 707-34
- tweaking wallsegment: only use it when treshold per round is met. Should help against simpler targetters.
- 0.2.14 (20090916) gun: GV 0.2.9 move: WS 0.2.5
- APS: 81.52 (27th) Surv: 89.30 PL: 703-37
- adding wallsegment to surfing (third time), now with same calc as in gun
- 0.2.13 (20090914) gun: GV 0.2.9 move: WS 0.2.4
- APS: 81.84 (21st) Surv: 89.04 PL: 701-39
- reduce the inprecision of the fireangle to +/- 0.6 pixel
- change the wallsegment calc from 'linear extends current direction' to 'orbital from my position'.
- 0.2.12 (20090905) gun: GV 0.2.8 move: WS 0.2.4
- APS: 80.73 (32th) Surv: 87.58 PL: 686-53
- bugfix in bulletdetection. Also sees bullets from accelerating bots that suddenly brake (thx BulletCatcher)
- add a small random inprecision to my fireangle
- 0.2.11 (20090426) gun: GV 0.2.7 move: WS 0.2.3
- APS: 80.75 (29th) ELO: 2053 PL: 648-51
- 0.2.4 (20090426) gun: GV 0.2.5 move: WS 0.1.7
- APS: 80.28 (33rd) ELO: 2043 PL: 638-60
Ancient rankings
- 0.2.11 (20080830) gun: GV 0.2.7 move: WS 0.2.3
- Rating: 2050 (8th) (due to messed up ranking), PL: 596-44 (40th)
- keep a 'firing-window' to (further) eliminate enemy ghost-bullets
- anti-ram: when calculating the GF -1/1 bins, assume enemy is chasing me at constant distance
- 0.2.10 (20080216) gun: GV 0.2.7 move: WS 0.2.2
- Rating: 2041 (25th), PL: 581-41 (39th)
- add 'distance last 14 ticks' segment in gun
- more conservative energy-management in endgame
- DookiSuffurd 0.2.9 (20071009) gun: DookiLightning 1.554 move: WS 0.2.2
- Rating: 2078 (5th), PL: 561-15 (12th)
- what to improve in the [gun]
- what to improve in [surfing]
- 0.2.9 (20070612) gun: GV 0.2.6 move: WS 0.2.2
- Rating: 2015 (21st), PL: 509-35 (33rd)
- remove wall segmentation of movement
- what is left is 0.2.4 with some minor changes
- 0.2.8 (20070608) gun: GV 0.2.6 move: WS 0.2.1
- Rating: 2013 (22nd), PL: 487-36 (35th)
- remove distance segmentation of movement
- re-introduce wall segmentation of movement (other implementation)
- 0.2.7 (20070523) gun: GV 0.2.6 move: WS 0.2.0
- Rating: 2014 (22th), PL: 487-36 (34th)
- segment movement also on distance
- slight preference for current direction
- get rid of 'GF1-protection' multiplyfactor (gun)
- no decay on gunstats
- 0.2.6 (20070317) gun: GV 0.2.5 move: WS 0.1.9
- Rating: 2017 (20th), PL: 479-29 (29th)
- rollback rolling the surfingstats
- get rid of 'GF1-protection' multiplyfactor (movement)
- 0.2.5 (20070311) gun: GV 0.2.5 move: WS 0.1.8
- Rating: 2010 (21th), PL: 481-27 (28th)
- rolling the surfingstats (0.7*old + 0.3*new)
- lower rating but better in PL
- 0.2.4 (20070222) gun: GV 0.2.5 move: WS 0.1.7
- Rating: 2019 (20th), PL: 474-34 (34th)
- change wall-segmentation (gun) from 3 to 5 bins
- 0.2.3 (20070208) gun: GV 0.2.4 move: WS 0.1.7
- Rating: 2009 (22nd), PL: 468-38 (36th)
- do not fire virtual waves if opponent did not move yet
- use information from onBulletHitBullet
- 0.2.2 (20070125) gun: GV 0.2.3 move: WS 0.1.6
- Rating: 2001 (21st), PL: 456-39 (36th)
- small decay in gunstats
- always have a surfable (real or simulated) wave
- 0.2.1 (20070117) gun: GV 0.2.2 move: WS 0.1.5
- Rating: 2000 (21nd), PL: 448-40 (37th) member of The2000Club
- bugfix weighting of waves
- 0.2.0 (20070114) gun: GV 0.2.2 move: WS 0.1.4
- Rating: 1992 (22nd), PL: 444-43 (38th)
- removed nearwall segmentation
- also evaluate second wave
- 0.1.9 (20070102) gun: GV 0.2.2 move: WS 0.1.3
- Rating: 1980 (23nd), PL: 439-43 (40th)
- segment movement also on nearwall (3 segments)
- 0.1.8 (20061212) gun: GV 0.2.2 move: WS 0.1.2
- Rating: 1982 (22nd), PL: 436-44 (41st)
- reverted anti-ram energymanagement, segment movement on absolute currentvelocity (3 segments)
- 0.1.7 (20061127) gun: GV 0.2.1 move: WS 0.1.1
- Rating: 1946 (30th), PL: 428-50 (46th)
- no stop-position evaluation and adapted energymanagement when enemy is close (anti-ram)
- 0.1.6 (20061117) gun: GV 0.2.0 move: WS 0.1.0
- Rating: 1946 (30th), PL: 429-48 (43rd)
- also use non-bullet waves with 0.1 weighting
- 0.1.5 (20061028) gun: GV 0.1.5 move: WS 0.1.0
- Rating: 1938 (33rd), PL: 414-57 (50th)
- proper onDeath handling (David Alves) and 'onWin handling'
- slowdown when wallhit is eminent
- 0.1.4 (20061024) gun: GV 0.1.4 move: WS 0.0.8
- Rating: 1931 (33th), PL: 418-49 (45th)
- bugfixing stop-position
- 0.1.3 (20061023) gun: GV 0.1.4 move: WS 0.0.7
- Rating: 1925 (33th), PL: 415-51 (47th)
- continue direction when evaluations are equal
- evaluate stop-position
- use 5-bin wide hitmark instead of 3-bin (no 'classical' binsmoothing)
- 0.1.2 (20061014) gun: GV 0.1.4 move: WS 0.0.5
- Rating: 1900 (40th), PL: 413-52 (49th)
- keep preferred distance, this automatically includes simple dive-in protection
- circle enemy when no wave is airborne
- 0.1.1 (20061007) gun: GV 0.1.4 move: WS 0.0.4
- Rating: 1854 (49th), PL: 395-61 (56th)
- record all hitted bins and fire on highest concentration
- fire HOT and no waves on disabled enemies
- 0.1.0 (20060926) gun: GV 0.1.1 move: WS 0.0.4
- Rating: 1828 (54th), PL: 384-73 (65th)
- basic wavesurfing and basic segmented guessfactor gun