Talk:Targeting Challenge RM/Results

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Hmmm. So it seems my movement in CunobelinDC is pretty good =) --Skilgannon 15:04, 2 May 2009 (UTC)


Great work! I can't wait to see if these latest changes show any big improvement in performance in the rumble! --Skilgannon 16:24, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. =) I actually used it in Diamond 1.39. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it didn't show much improvement over the old KNN gun, but I'm glad it at least performed on par. [1]. Maybe the points I lose to the VG are the bigger obstacle now, and of course I know there are just not nearly as many points left in the gun as in the movement. --Voidious 16:57, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

Collecting results for TCRM

I dusted off the RoboLeague installation I had lying around, and ran the TCRM for 50 rounds. Then I had to manually add (well Excel did the addition) all 50 results for 15 bots. I thought there was a way (xml-file?) that would give the correct and complete result without any extra action. Am I wrong, or are you all using RoboResearch, as I can not imagine anyone crazy enough (except myself) to actually spend an hour Excelling to get the results. --GrubbmGait 20:47, 30 September 2009 (UTC)

Yes, I'm using RoboResearch. Apparently we don't have the TCCalc page up in a working state any more, but I'll get that setup for you if you want to stick with RoboLeague. At least then you could just re-arrange the final scores and compute the subtotals, or I could add TCRM support like I did for TC2K6. --Voidious 21:00, 30 September 2009 (UTC)

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Problems with TCRM018:15, 25 March 2013

Problems with TCRM

I recently tried out the TCRM challenge and found the following issues that may need to be addressed:

1) TCRM page on the wiki doesn't state the rules. You have to follow another link to an older TC challenge to find the rules.

2) Reference bots download does not include the challenge file. It is unclear where to get the challenge file from. The reference bots and challenge file should probably be packaged together in a single download.

3) Multiple inconsistencies between stated robot version numbers on the wiki page and the actual specified version numbers (whether or not "TC" is shown, mostly).

4) inside of pe.SandboxDT_1.91TC specifies the version as "1.91". To follow proper convention, it should specify version "1.91TC".

Skotty18:14, 25 March 2013