Talk:Main Page

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Forum For Discussion

Does anyone else think that Wiki Discussion pages are an absolutely terrible way to communicate? It's fine for individual page feedback, but has anyone considered hosting a normal chat forum for Robocode? Skotty 00:08, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

I don't think they're terrible, but I am curious to check out something like LiquidThreads, which might be a good fit with the large role that discussion has on this wiki/in this community. --Voidious 02:09, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

IMO, Wiki Discussion is very good, because it allow very easy comment structuring, and very flexible way of communicating. I personally think that User_talk page should be use for thread not related to other topics. The only bad thing IMO is that is is not newbie-friendly (more like newbie-enemy). --Nat Pavasant 06:02, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

Why is the "Robo Wiki" icon in the upper left corner so small?

The headline speaks for itself. --Awesomeness 21:08, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

So small? It seems just right to me really. --Rednaxela 21:56, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Because it is the same size as the old wiki =) » Nat | Talk » 23:41, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

I have a solution to this! I was bored so I drew this (though it is probably too big!). I realize I forgot the radar, but to be honest, from this angle it would block to much however. Just consider it a drone! --Chase 21:50, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

You could just said that it is a Droid instead of saying that you forgot them... --Nat Pavasant 13:36, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
I like it - it looks good :) on the current one you cant really read wiki because its blocked but this looks really good :) --Exaugetalk 14:51, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
I suppose I could have. On another note, I notice that some of my shadows are wrong/inconsistent. --Chase 15:30, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
Looks really nice! I like it. Of course I have a soft spot for the old one, but this one's also very true to the original idea. And the text is way more readable. --Voidious 00:05, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

I fixed some of my shadow work in this. I made the wording a bit more visible as well (by adding more depth to it). I also made the book lines heavier. — Chase-san 06:25, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Obviously this is to big to go in the corner, but I made a reduced size one. — Chase-san 06:28, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Was a decision ever reached on this, because I am considering redrawing this (but better). — Chase-san 20:13, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

I'm up for changing it and I don't think anybody objected. Just fell off my radar - sorry! I think my only criticism of that first one is that the "IKI" is a little smushed together. --Voidious 20:20, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

Well (I personally think) my art has improved considerably since I drew this. — Chase-san 21:31, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

If nothing else, I will go over it with a pen and clean up the line work. — Chase-san 21:38, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

Here is the new version. It's a bit cleaner, though it doesn't have as much character (because it is so much cleaner). — Chase-san 02:01, 19 January 2011 (UTC)

Nice stuff, looks pretty good to me :) --Rednaxela 06:04, 19 January 2011 (UTC)

So are we going to use it? — Chase-san 16:12, 8 February 2011 (UTC)

Just updated it. I think it looks really nice, it really changes the look of the page a lot more than I expected. Let me know if anyone sees it looking weird anywhere - I'm not exactly a CSS guru. :-P Nice job, Chase! --Voidious 17:40, 8 February 2011 (UTC)

You just change the $wgLogo, right? I don't think it would affect the page at all. I does feel weird at first, I agree. --Nat Pavasant 15:18, 9 February 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, but the new one is taller so I had to move the sidebar down a bit. Took me a while to track down the right CSS to change. =) --Voidious 15:22, 9 February 2011 (UTC)

What about the favicon? --Nat Pavasant 10:59, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

Does robo rumble work?

hi im new to robocode, been doing it as part of my uni course and i was wondering, is it possible to run roborumble at home anymore because ive follwed the instructions and none of the battles ive been doing have been uploading.... Quietus 15:47, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

Yep! It sure as he heck still works! The thing is, the server has been kind of broken for a while. You need to point your client at this URL instead now (See here for more information). There's new fanciness in that server too :) --Rednaxela 19:48, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

Article count

A couple questions about the article count (after having some trouble Googling for answers). First, why isn't it updating automatically? Is that something I can trigger to update, or add to the "job queue", does anyone know? (Notice if you edit / preview it is higher than 43, which it reads on the main page right now.) Second, what qualifies as an "article"? Is there a minimum length that a page needs to be (other than not being a user or talk page) to qualify as an article? --Voidious 19:56, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

The main page just updated, it now says 48 articles. Also, the statistics page says that there are 145 pages total, but it is excluding, "talk pages, pages about RoboWiki, minimal 'stub' pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as content pages." --AaronR 20:00, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

According to the MediaWiki wiki (now that's a mouthful), the main page will come up to date as soon as its HTML cache is invalidated, at which point all of the templates, etc. will be transcluded again. Don't know if that helps... --AaronR 20:27, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

Font size

Just out of curiosity, why is the font size so large here compared to, say, Wikipedia? I know, I know, it's the same as the old wiki's font, but that wiki didn't have a sidebar. --AaronR 07:04, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

Primarily because I thought "x-small" was just too small, and yes, it was also just sooo much smaller than the old wiki. I also figured that with the skins options, we could easily give people more choices to choose their own style, anyway. I will confess that tiny fonts for the sake of sleeker designs is a major pet peeve of mine. :-P --Voidious 07:12, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

Smileys :-)

I would be relly nice if we could somehow support smile, e.g. just as simple as stating:


--Flemming N. Larsen 09:04, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Wikimedia Commons has a whole section of GFDL'd or public domain smileys (look at the link at the bottom for more). I don't really see the point though. If you want to upload them and use them, feel free, but I'll stick with =) on the wiki. --AaronR 01:21, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

Old wiki

The old wiki is not working (error 500), and so my roborumble client (it cannot find the list of partecipants), but i see many client is uploading. What is your solution? --Lestofante 10:35, 1 Dic 2008 (UTC)

The clients currently running are just using the last copy of the participants list they downloaded from the old wiki. I emailed PEZ a bit ago and got a reply that he'll look into it so hopefully the old wiki will be up again in not too long. If that ends up taking longer than expected though, we could update/fix the participants page on the new wiki and point clients at that instead. (Note: Don't point clients at the one on the new wiki just yet, it's out of date and such. It needs to be copied over from a downloaded copy of the list from the old wiki) --Rednaxela 12:00, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

maybe we can drop definitely the old wiki for roborumble client, or better every ramble server can implements it's own participants list, maybe integrated with general wiki list --Lestofante 15:13, 1 Dic 2008 (UTC)

I'd agree that migrating to using the new wiki participants list would be good, though I think some more veteran wikiers/rumblers than myself should give their input before any such switch is made 'official'. As far as keeping a participants list with the rumble server, well, there's only one working rumble server at the moment so I'm not sure what good that would do, and furthermore multiple rumble server would be a bad thing I think becacuse it would divide the processing power that goes towards making the battles. --Rednaxela 17:47, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

That's right, then I thing the server have to had a mirror of the wiki's official participants list, so in this case we can continue run our client, simple we cannot modify the list (if the two list are not synchronize together) --Lestofante 21:49, 1 Dic 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, the real problem is getting the participants list from the currently-erroring wiki. The RR client has no problem parsing the new wiki format. I may be able to get that from the RoboWiki server when I get home (if it isn't fixed before then).

The other issue we might encounter in the future would be when we move this wiki to, and we have RR clients pointing to, but I don't think forwarding that URL and/or having people update their clients would be a big issue. I'm glad you contacted PEZ about the old wiki's current problems, I've been out of touch for at least a week...

--Voidious 19:03, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Okay to mention it here as well for people who haven't been checking up on it... The old wiki is back up! --Rednaxela 18:43, 9 December 2008 (UTC)

mailer error

I'm trying to confirm my user e-mail, but I still get "mailer error". I've tried 3 different and working address... and there is a way for automatically sign the edits? --Lestofante 22:00, 1 Dic 2008 (UTC)

I couldn't get the mailer to work either, but you can easily sign your edits using --~~~~. See for more tricks. --Darkcanuck 03:13, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

InterWiki Links

Who have fully access to this server apart from David Alves? I want both my thai wiki and this wiki a inter-languages link. Please look here for more detailed. » Nat | Talk » 15:16, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

I have full access, or at least I do if I can remember the password. =) I'll see about logging in and taking a look at the InterWiki stuff. Sorry it took so long to respond about this. --Voidious 14:50, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Hey Voidious, I believed that the SQL will take less than 1 seconds to copy/past/execute. Plus login/connecting time I think this can be accomplished within a minute so please do asap (or I must say NOW). » Nat | Talk » 16:19, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Hey Nat - I will add the InterWiki link because I'd like to support your efforts to start a Thai Robocode community and wiki. But I really don't appreciate being commanded to do that (or much of anything, really), and especially to do so "NOW". Please keep in mind the RoboWiki's only rule: "Pretty please be polite." --Voidious 18:48, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Cool, I read up on the InterWiki stuff, added your Thai wiki to the database, and posted a link on the main page. As I can't read Thai, please make sure that looks right and edit it if necessary. =) --Voidious 22:54, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Sorry for that rude. But anyways, thank you very much. The link at main page is correct. » Nat | Talk » 01:37, 23 April 2009 (UTC)

Database error

I didn't know where to put this, but here seems like a decent spot. All my posts are getting this message today (4 times, probably 5 with this one), the posts are still uploaded but the message is:

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.
The last attempted database query was:
(SQL query hidden)
from within function "SearchMySQL4::update".
MySQL returned error "126: Incorrect key file for table './wikidb/searchindex.MYI'; try to repair it (localhost)".

I don't know if localhost is meant to be from mine point of view, or the server's. Maybe someone else is getting the same messages, I haven't tried to logout/in, because I just thought of that. --zyx 23:47, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

Just like when you go to the mechanic, I didn't get the message this time. Another piece of information may be that all the other 4 posts where at Talk:PwnBot‎, so maybe the problem relies in that page. --zyx 23:49, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
I found some mentions of people hitting this, and it sounds like a "repair table" SQL command is the remedy. I've run that now, so hopefully it's fixed. Can you let me know if it happens again? Thanks, --Voidious 00:31, 6 May 2009 (UTC)
Just got it again, and again in the same page Talk:PwnBot‎. --zyx 20:45, 6 May 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for the info. I saw it as well when I posted the downtime note. I'm guessing the server crashing corrupted the searchindex table -- I'll rerun the "repair table" and post here when I do. I'll also be backing up the database very soon. --Voidious 20:52, 6 May 2009 (UTC)
Is it... My fault?! I created that page. It seems whenever I change a page I get it too. It doesn't matter what page I go to. Also, for the majority of today, (for me at least) it seems your server has been down. I've been unable to connect. --Awesomeness 22:04, 6 May 2009 (UTC)
It's not your fault, and I saw it on another page too. The server went down for a while as of last night, still not sure what happened, but glad it's back up. I've rerun the "repair table" command, so I think that database error will go away for now. --Voidious 22:06, 6 May 2009 (UTC)
I now know why I can't access the wiki (and yesterday. Night there, afternoon here. » Nat | Talk » 00:25, 7 May 2009 (UTC) Community Choices Awards

Please nominate Robocode to Community Choices Awards!
Nominate Robocode

Anyone mind to put this to MediaWiki:Sitenotice or front page? I not sure if I can post to front page. » Nat | Talk » 10:21, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Please nominate Robocode in category of "Best Project for Academia" and "Most Likely to Change the Way You Do Everything". If you nominate to another category, please post here so other robocoder can nominate in same categories (note that you can nominate in multiple categories) Nevertheless, please nominate! » Nat | Talk » 11:26, 18 May 2009 (UTC)


Do anyone know why the Special:Disambiguations has spammy report? » Nat | Talk » 11:23, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

Image Uploads

It looks like the image uploads folder is not set as writable to the wiki. Is this expected to change? -- Synapse 05:27, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Haven't test yet. If this is true, I think this problem cause due the upgrading of MediaWiki. Voidious, check it please? Another note to Voidious, MediaWiki/1.15 just release =) » Nat | Talk » 13:29, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Not sure why it stopped working, but I'll take a look at the image uploads and upgrading MediaWiki this afternoon. (And making a mental note to test that whenever I upgrade. =)) --Voidious 15:41, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

Fixed the uploading issue and upgraded MedaWiki to 1.15. Enjoy. =) --Voidious 20:10, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

/wiki/PageName-style url

Recently this day I noticed that the /wiki/PageName-style URL is now work. Voidious, why don't you set the $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1" in LocalSettings.php? And I wonder why the old server at now has new wiki code, and available in both /wiki/PageName and ?PageName style (but not /w/index.php?title=PageName style). What's going on? » Nat | Talk » 12:56, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

Syntax Highlighting

It would be great if we could have syntax highlighting for code snippets. This would make code snippets easier to read. Currently, if I want to read a code snippet from the wiki, I would copy and paste it into my favourite text editor.

Wikipedia itself seems to use SyntaxHighlight GeSHi.—

Duyn 14:56, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

User:Voidious/RoboWiki_To-Do --Nat Pavasant 13:41, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, that's been on my to-do list for a while, I'll try to get it up and running soon. Can't be too tough. =) --Voidious 16:12, 19 January 2010 (UTC)


I just noticed that the new Robowiki doesn't have a favicon. This is easily remedied by copying so that it is accessible at --Skilgannon 18:00, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

Will do. --Voidious 16:12, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

Robocode on Wikipedia

Well, wikipedia:Robocode article is just challenged for reference, as well as a original research. Please help it by adding reference. --Nat Pavasant 15:09, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

Honestly, I believe many things on the wikipedia article, at least 2/3rds of the page, just plain don't belong on Wikiedia, due to valid reasons. In fact I'm not sure anything beyond the overview and the first two sections belong, given how Wikipedia's 'original research' and 'notability' criteria apply to such sections. Even those sections which do make sense to keep to desperately need citations. Essentially, I don't feel the sections added by PEZ fit wikipedia's criteria for what belongs. So... I think it does deserve to be challenged for good reason. I don't have time to improve what should stay though. --Rednaxela 16:39, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

I'll make more comments on the Wikipedia talk page, but I agree it needs a lot of cleanup and I'm willing to help out with that. I half agree with Rednaxela. The overview and first 2 sections are fine and neutral. The rest could use a lot of cleaning up, but I don't think it all needs just to be axed. Some editing down / revising / adding citations should do the trick. (I think the RoboWiki is a "reliable source"? If not, I don't know what is.) --Voidious 19:03, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

Well, while I would personally consider Robowiki a "reliable source" for my own purposes, it seems to me it violates some of what is noted on Wikipedia:Verifiability#Self-published_sources, in particular how it notes "open wikis" among other things as "largely not acceptable". Also, note the "no original research" policies, and consider that much of the purpose of Robowiki is for "original research". There is a significant difference between a source one trusts, and a source that fits Wikipedia's rules. --Rednaxela 01:54, 16 April 2010 (UTC)
Hmm, thanks. I really don't know much about Wikipedia's policies, but just starting to read up on it now. In that case, you are probably right that a lot of stuff needs to just be axed... --Voidious 13:46, 16 April 2010 (UTC)

"Robocode Guidebook"

Migrated to Talk:Robocode Guidebook

RoboCode Chat / IM

So it is to my understanding that currently the only real way for robocoders to talk is on talk pages on this wiki so I had this idea... what if we had an IM type web chat system for Robocoders to talk :) within a few months i could probably get a website set up to do that and it would use the open-source AJAX project. What do you all think of the idea? --Exauge 00:33, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

I think we have an (deserted) IRC channel (or not?). But actually I do chat with some Robocoder through GTalk and e-mail. --Nat Pavasant 00:38, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

Seems like a lot of work. =) Some of us have each other on IM. I use my handle on AIM and my handle at gmail for GTalk/Jabber. (But my AIM is set so you can't see my status if I don't have you as a buddy.) We used to have oldwiki:ContactInfo, but there's no current page with that kind of info. --Voidious 00:41, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

Hi, anyways I've started working on a Robocode talk page and it's getting to be pretty sweet ;) I can probably have it finished in a few weeks (maybe sooner) and anyways if you like it you will all be very welcome to use it and if it's popular enough I might purchase a domain name for it :) and if not, well it's a good way for me to practice my website building skills :) anyways back to studying for tomorrow's exams lol :S --Exauge

Well, personally anyway, if were to have a robocode live chat place, I'd strongly prefer it be an IRC channel (i.e. on Freenode?). Mostly because I always have an IRC client running anyway, and those without an IRC client can still sign in via a web page (i.e. [1] and [2]). Also, IRC is probably about the most mature system for such things anyway, and it's nearly maintain free to maintain a channel. --Rednaxela 04:03, 17 May 2010 (UTC)

Wall Avoidance

moved to Talk:DustBunny...

Walking to the center of the wall

Well, i'm trying to make a Robot that goes to one of the walls, walk to the center of it an then start to circulate the entire Field, touching the center of each wall.

Anyway, I'm having problems to take the Robot to the center of one of the walls. That's what i'm doing:

   package MyRobots;
   import robocode.*;
   import java.awt.*;
   public class Walle extends AdvancedRobot
       double moveAmount;
       int miss = 0, hit = 0;
       public void run() {
           moveAmount = Math.max(getBattleFieldWidth(), getBattleFieldHeight());
           turnLeft(getHeading() % 90);
           if((getY() + getWidth()/2) == getBattleFieldHeight() || (getY() - getWidth()/2) == 0) ahead(getX() - (getBattleFieldWidth()/2));
           if((getX() + getHeight()/2) == getBattleFieldWidth() || (getX() - getHeight()/2) == 0) ahead(getY() - (getBattleFieldHeight()/2));
           while(true) {

The problem is obviously with the 2 'ifs', but I really can't get it. Thanks for any help!

getX() & getY() methods returns double value and you cannot compare them using ==, use something like this

  epsilon = 0.0001; // or another small value
  if (Math.abs((getY() + getWidth()/2) - getBattleFieldHeight()) < eplsilon) {
      ahead(getX() - (getBattleFieldWidth()/2));

  // or
  if (robocode.util.Utils.isNear(getY() + getWidth()/2, getBattleFieldHeight())) {
      ahead(getX() - (getBattleFieldWidth()/2));

And it's better to ask questions like this on yours page --Jdev 16:21, 14 September 2010 (UTC)


So I'm in high school and I'm in a first year Java class. Right now our project is to create a robot in robocode. The rules are the each battle will be fought with 3 to 4 players, the final battle will be 1 on 1, and we aren't allowed to use Advance Robot. There's so many opions in Robocode that I have no clue what's the best strategy going into this. Help!!!


The class JuniorRobot might work well for what you are doing. For your robot just make a class extending JuniorRobot. It could be helpful to override onScannedRobot() and perform actions in there. Also be sure to check out the Radar page and try to implement one of those radar locks because without a decent radar system your robot will be seriously limited. Just spinning the radar might work OK though. ex turnRadarRight(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Also be sure to check out all the tutorials on this site. --Exaugetalk 02:56, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

Well... don't get hit. :-) My advice to get started would be:

  • Check out the sample bots first, learn how and why they work.
  • Try to beat all the sample bots.
  • I'd also check with your teacher about using code from the RoboWiki / internet. There's plenty of code and tutorials available, but it's up to your teacher if you're allowed to use that code (even if the code's license says it's ok).
  • A page like Melee Strategy should be good to get the strategy gears turning.

Good luck!

--Voidious 03:33, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

Question Forum

Is there a question forum or something of the sort where people can ask random questions? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Starhammy (talkcontribs)

No, but actually you can ask on your talk page. (I forgot to welcome you properly, so it's my bad you don't know where to ask) --Nat Pavasant 12:53, 29 December 2010 (UTC)

I got an email from some website ( Apparently an Indian college is hosting a "CodeFest" tournament for about 730 something USD (35000 Indian Rupees, it says), and it's an extension of Robocode; it has different modes including Capture the Flag, and it adds walls to the battlefield itself. My main concern: is it safe to download, ie. it has no viruses or trojan horses whatsoever? --AWOL 20:34, 31 January 2011 (UTC)

I don't know, but the first prize is only 15000, e.g. about 300 USD. The rest is for second, runner up, stuff like that. — Chase-san 23:05, 31 January 2011 (UTC)
I'm rather confident it's safe. It is hosted at a well reputed Indian university, and the event seems to have some notable partners. I'll point this out though... it appears to be using a build of the "custom-battlefields-workspace" branch of Robocode, which hasn't kept up to date with the main Robocode changes since version This means all known bugs in Robocode likely apply, and some of them are rather... serious... for a competition (i.e. a teleport bug, and a kill-other-robot-threads bug) --Rednaxela 00:20, 1 February 2011 (UTC)
And also a lot of security vulnerabilities in that branch... --Nat Pavasant 12:53, 1 February 2011 (UTC)
I've been playing around with it for the last couple days and it's seems to be just a different version of Robocode. Totally safe so far. Like Rednaxela said, it's just a reworked copy of the custom battlefield branch. I will say this, it's been a lot of fun working on how to detect objects in the battlefield... --KID 20:58, 3 February 2011 (UTC)

Main Page overhaul

I've been thinking the Main Page needs a serious overhaul. I'll probably experiment at User:Voidious/Main Page soon, and anyone else is of course free to do the same. Some of my thoughts apply to the wiki more generally, as well.

  • Rednaxela commented to someone recently about how discussion-based this wiki community is. We've also been looking at LiquidThreads because of that. We should probably point this out. I know I never visit Wikipedia's Recent Changes... I wonder how many people miss out on the community aspect of the RoboWiki?
  • Current events stuff needs to be removed or updated.
  • I don't think we need to list every Challenge. Maybe 2-3 of the recent ones and then links to the categories (which themselves could be polished a bit).
  • I think the "Building a Bot" section is really important. It's not bad right now, but could be better. We should probably link to more of the Robocode docs stuff. Radar is the 2nd link and goes to a very detailed page, but Targeting and Movement are not as newbie friendly.
  • Would be good to link to specific details about development tools - like Utilities, RoboResearch, Robocode/Eclipse.
  • I think the layout and colors could also be revamped - especially that gray background is pretty drab.
  • Maybe more prominent and detailed info on the RoboRumble.
  • Is the @roborumble Twitter feed interesting enough to include? (Like the @robowiki tweets on the sidebar.)

I'm sure there's plenty more we could do, just some quick brainstorming for now...

--Voidious 19:01, 10 February 2011 (UTC)

Another thing I think we need to note (especially to someone who is Wikipedia's editor) is that the RoboWiki is subpage-based, like we like Robocode/Getting_Start and not Getting_Start_to_Robocode. Just my two cents. --Nat Pavasant 10:59, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

About the spam... - See bottom of page for spamlists. - Has our old math captcha type thing in it. - No idea how this is suppose to work

That is all. :) — Chase-san 16:39, 12 March 2011 (UTC)

We already use ConfirmEdit in reCAPTCHA mode. I checked SpamBlacklist and it's blacklists don't match anything in the recent spam. Unsure about Bad_Behavior. Now, on the ConfirmEdit page, it does note that as of 2011 spammers seem to have gotten around reCAPTCHA by some means. --Rednaxela 18:18, 12 March 2011 (UTC)

I think the trick is to do something custom so that the usual anti-antispam techniques don't work. Just something simple like "What is the next prime number after 7?" or so. --Skilgannon 08:40, 13 March 2011 (UTC)

Maybe the spammer wait for autoconfirm to bypass the reCAPTCHA. Voidious, can we change the autoconfirm rules to four edits and ten days? And enable reCAPTCHA for every page edit in non-autoconfirm group? --Nat Pavasant 01:41, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Ah, good call! I forgot about the autoconfirm stuff. I just changed it to 4 edits/10 days. I checked and we only skip the captcha if you're autoconfirmed, bot, or sysop, so I think we're good. Hopefully we'll be seeing less spam now... --Voidious 01:56, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Since the spam was still coming in, I updated mediawiki, update the version of the ConfirmEdit extension, AND did some custom hacks to the ConfirmEdit extension to make it simultaneously require both reCAPTCHA and a LaTeX-rendered arithmetic question. Hopefully the combination of the two will keep this spam out for good :) --Rednaxela 06:06, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

I thought Voidious still keeping it up to date..... Well, Red, you have checked permission of upload folder, right? Every time Void upgrade the MediaWiki, he needs to re-set the permission of upload folder. Good thought with Recent Change cleanup, though.

If the spam doesn't stop (as I believe many spambot can solve simple math image, I've face one), maybe you could have them solve equation ;-). --Nat Pavasant 07:54, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

Well, it wasn't *very* behind in versions, but was still 1.15.x as opposed to 1.16.x. Yep, I made sure to check the permissions for that I believe. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if some spambots can solve ConfirmEdit's MathCaptcha as-is, but I'm doubting that many spambots are designed to handle both that and reCAPTCHA on the same page. If they do however, I'll keep that suggestion in mind :) --Rednaxela 13:57, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

I took a look at the HTTP logs and the recent spambots have been jumping IP addresses, never solving the reCAPTCHA from the same IP that they requested it via. As a precaution, I further tweaked the captcha code to only accept answers as valid if they're from the same IP that was given that captcha. --Rednaxela 15:34, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

It seems like we're still getting a high number of users with odd names... might I suggest doing something custom? Doesn't have to be complicated, just "the next prime number after X" or "the next number in the sequence 3 6 9 ..." or some such. The trick is to make it not worth the time and effort for the spammer to implement a custom cracker just for robowiki. --Skilgannon 13:04, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

I've looked at the http logs for the IP addresses of those recent users, and they appear to be real people. They browsed some pages, made an account for some reason, browsed some more pages. Btw, an interesting stat: On March 21st so far (based on the server's clock), there have been 76 failed signup attempts due to captcha, and none of them browse pages before the signup attempt. --Rednaxela 23:25, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Just seems odd to have 3 new people in 1 day =) Looks like it's stopped, nice work Red. I'm guessing the usage patterns would be a good attribute to block on if the spam ever picks up again in the future. --Skilgannon 12:16, 22 March 2011 (UTC)

Glad I could help by starting a thread about the problem. I also like making custom security. One of my favorite methods is changing the URL to the php or module that does the add page/register, and making a fake captcha (hidden via CSS, putting `anything` in it means you fail the check). :P — Chase-san 15:31, 24 March 2011 (UTC)

Robot Repository is down. Can't get any of the newer bots nor run the game efficiencty :) --Miked0801 16:00, 16 May 2011 (UTC) I can delete this entry when the issue is fixed...

It seems that Robot Repository has been down for about a week. Been trying to upload my newest bot but its not working. I need a place to upload my bot. --Khanguy 03:08, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

Well, one idea for both of you would be to using Google Sites to upload your bot; I started doing that recently and found it to be much simpler and easier than uploading bots onto the repository.--CrazyBassoonist 03:45, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

The problem being, I can't get the latest bots for running the rumble nor competing against you CB :) --Miked0801 04:28, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

The Robocode repository has always been sort of unreliable, hence why I've never used it personally. Anyway, perhaps look for backups of the relevant bots here or here? If missing ones that are avaliable in neither, list the ones that are missing? --Rednaxela 11:57, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

Neither of these locations contain CrazyBassoonists latest nanos, Fuatisha 1.1 nor Caligula 1.15. I'm also pretty sure they are missing a few of the other minis that were updated within the last 6 months as well. --Miked0801 14:57, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

If you go ahead and post your bot, I'll run a few battles to get some rankings. From now on none of my bots will be on the repository, but they won't make the switch until the next version.--CrazyBassoonist 20:12, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

Is is possible to upload bots here on the wiki?--Khanguy 23:43, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

Technically, yes. The issue we ran into is that it forces all filenames to start with upper case, while we all want the package name lower case. But we want the enforced on page titles, so we're kind of stuck. We could setup some kind of external file upload solution on the wiki server, just hasn't been a pressing issue because of other options, like Google Sites. --Voidious 00:59, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

I can't post a new version of my bots because I have no way of testing against your current bots Bassoon :) And I can't really contribute without a complete set of bots for the tournament server stuff. Grrr. --Miked0801 01:25, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

Hey Voidious, can you upload all the bots currently in the rumble to your dijitari site? or maybe another site. Its to help poor Miked here.--Khanguy 04:21, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

Yep, here's every JAR in my RoboRumble directory, but I didn't take the time to remove multiple versions of older bots (I'm sure there are a ton). So probably want to cherry pick the ones you need. (69 MB) --Voidious 13:42, 18 May 2011 (UTC)

Dl'ing now. Can't wait to see how things have changed :) --Miked0801 04:16, 19 May 2011 (UTC)

I don't suppose you can make it so I do not have to fill out those two captcha boxes, unless you think I am going to spam everyone with external links ;-) — Chase-san 15:20, 9 July 2011 (UTC)

I have a proposal: create new roles with skipcaptcha rights. Give this role to trusted users. This should help protect from spam and let others in peace. I know almost all long-time active accounts here are already admin with skipcaptcha rights... --Nat Pavasant 11:29, 10 July 2011 (UTC)

Google Plus

A number of the other robocoders and I myself are now on Google plus (thanks to Voidious and others). So if any of the rest of you feel up to it, you could join us as well. PEZ, Voidious, Skilgannon, Darkcanuck, FNL, Pavel Šavara, Nat, and a few others (probably) are there. Just ask for an invite, I am sure one of us could help out. — Chase-san 02:49, 14 July 2011 (UTC)

I've never even heard of Google Plus. Guess I should check it out if I want to maintain my computer programmer guy credentials. > Update: I just checked it out. I tried to log in, but it says they have exceeded their current capacity, and it won't let me do anything. -- Skotty 02:53, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
It is actually last I checked invite only. I got the exact same message, but someone then invited me and I got right in. — Chase-san 02:58, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
Kind of like Google Facebook? That was my first impression. Is there a Robocode group? If you can get me in, I'd join up. I suppose you would need my gmail address? -- Skotty 03:03, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
No idea how much like or unlike Facebook it is. Since I never used Facebook. See my latest post on the Talk:XanderCat page for a way to get your e-mail to us. — Chase-san 03:07, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
Sent. If you don't get my email, check your spam folder. Subject line is "Skotty from Robocode". -- Skotty 03:14, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
Alright, the reason that particular thing works is because bots are very simple and look for character matches, and the two things that it looks for in that thing are very common words/punctuation. So by doing that thing it breaks the bot from quickly scanning to find those things. Having to do that thing to the entire page to find just those things would be for the most case, not worth the bots time and effort as it is not often used as a way to conceal the thing we are talking about. — Chase-san 03:18, 14 July 2011 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
New to Robocode413:21, 9 June 2012
Robocode JGAP User Manual118:47, 11 May 2012
Robot vs Advanced robot618:44, 11 May 2012
Slow RoboWiki206:46, 9 May 2012
EverythingRobocode link215:42, 12 March 2012
Looking for Mentors612:18, 11 January 2012
The downtime this weekend.004:29, 6 December 2011
Slowness318:30, 4 December 2011
RoboRumble result208:26, 15 November 2011
Turbo Boost and Robocode203:23, 13 November 2011
RoboCode Mentors717:13, 11 October 2011
Virtual bullet doesn't line up with real bullets1408:33, 11 October 2011
Saving data between rounds221:56, 6 October 2011
while true loop308:12, 29 September 2011
LiquidThreads1014:56, 6 September 2011
Simplify recent change details from thread006:27, 6 September 2011
Talk from old wiki117:05, 5 September 2011
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New to Robocode

Hia I've only just started using robocode and I have never coded before doe anyone know any good tutorials out there ? Or could you give me any tips on how to get started. Any advise would be appreciated.

Rigged13:52, 8 June 2012

Hi Rigged!

The Tutorials on this wiki are great resources, especially Getting Started, My First Robot and Game Physics.

If you're brand new to programming entirely, I'd suggest that you also immerse yourself in some other avenues to learn programming concepts generally and Java in specific. Greenfoot is a tremendous tool for learning basic programming concepts in a very "object-oriented" way, with some great tutorials available.

There are also several good beginner's tutorials on Java in general.

Tkiesel15:14, 8 June 2012

Hi Rigged, welcome to Robocode. I had about 6 months programming experience at high-school (10th grade) level when I first got involved in Robocode. Although RC is a great way to pick up on programming, I do think it is important to have a tiny bit of knowledge of how the basic concepts etc work before starting. Once you understand what a class is, what a method is, and the basics of mathematics in a Java context (plus a bit of geometry/trig) you should be ready to start. The sample bots are lots of fun to play with, and understanding how they work is a great way to pick up on some of the concepts. Once you get there, just ask us what you should got for next and I'm sure you'll get tons of advice =)

Skilgannon17:00, 8 June 2012

Thanks for the advise :). I've started by building a simple robot and i was wondering how do you change the colour of your robot.

Rigged11:33, 9 June 2012

Hi. Lets talk about your questions on your user discussion page :) User_talk:Rigged. I think it would be to much for the main page and you can ask whatever you want there.

take care

Wompi13:21, 9 June 2012

Robocode JGAP User Manual


My name is Andrew Kirkland. I am currently writing a dissertation at the university of Abertay in Dundee(Scotland) which involves the use of Genetic algorythms to program robots in Robocode. I came accross Robocode JGAP . I have been testing it out but the webpage does not give me much information. Is their a user manual available for this software. I also need some general information on how it works for example the genome and what each of the 6 numbers represent, the fitness function, etc.

Any help would be much appreciated


Ginganinja198016:38, 10 March 2012

I don´t think anyone here is using Robocode JGAP. But I know genetic programming algorithms are being used with success in RoboRumble.

Currently, the most successful uses of genetic programming algorithms combine conventional development os robots without it, then using genetic programming algorithms to find optimal constants in statistical methods, like parameters in k-nearest neighbors search, kernel density estimation or histograms.

MN16:32, 12 March 2012

Robot vs Advanced robot


I've read about the differences between a Robot and an 'advanced robot' But there is a basic thing I do not understand : Does an advanced robot has an advantage in the battle field over a similar robot, because it can perform several action in the same tick?

As i understand it, if i call ahead(..) followed by fire(), a regular robot will call ahead (and block until it is done) and then fire, while an advanced robot calling setAhead(..) and setFire() will start moving forward and will fire at the same tick, thus having an advantage over it's fellow regular robot. that sounds weird, though..

Am i wrong?

Thank you very much yoni

Yonikes15:29, 18 April 2012

No, that's how it works. The only disadvantage I can think of is that Advanced robots can lose energy by hitting the wall. Personally, I find Robots boring and Advanced robots awesome, but maybe there are people who actually liked normal robots. Welcome to the wiki!

AW15:37, 18 April 2012

Thank you very much for the prompt reply.

So why on earth will someone write a regular robot, if a similar advanced robot will kick his ass? is it just a history thing?

Yonikes15:40, 18 April 2012

The author of Robocode thought Robot would be an easier starting point for beginners. I'm not really sure it is... And as for fairness, I'm not sure he could foresee how competitive Robocode would eventually become. :-)

As for why still write one? Sometimes people like writing bots under different constraints, even if they're silly. The most popular example would be weight classes based on Code Size (Mini/Micro/NanoBots), which even got their own Rumbles. People have also written Robots, Droids (+20 energy, no radar), and Perceptual Bots (don't store any state, even between ticks). Of course, comparing such bots to DrussGT is unfair =), but that doesn't have to ruin the fun. I recently wrote a Perceptual Bot myself (RetroGirl).

Voidious16:26, 18 April 2012

Someone can write a robot just for fun. Why there are races on bicycle, when you could also ride a motorbike. Why we have code-restricted classes. Mind you, the best robot (kawigi.robot.Girl) is not easy to defeat, especially in melee. Most school competitions I know of use Robots, as it probably easier to check and control the code and its behaviour, and to prevent 'lending' code from good bots out here. For me, writing a robot is more difficult than writing an advanced robot, because it is hard to wrap my mind around what to do when and so on.

GrubbmGait16:33, 18 April 2012


Thanks for he answer. I didn't mean for question to be offensive (as in "why should one bother to write a Robot and not an Advanced one) I just wanted to make sure i understood correctly that the Advanced indeed has more power in the battle field.


Yonikes18:11, 18 April 2012

RoboRumble could have an "extends Robot" category.

MN18:44, 11 May 2012

Slow RoboWiki

Hi mates. Is there an issue with RoboWiki? It is very slow and sometimes it even didn't responds.

Wompi10:57, 3 May 2012

Yes, I've also noticed this. I suspect a search engine may have been spidering, or perhaps a database backup was running.

Skilgannon18:33, 3 May 2012

I as looking into this on the server today, and it looks to me like the main thing loading the wiki down is Bing being ridiculously aggressive with it's spidering... :(

Rednaxela06:46, 9 May 2012

EverythingRobocode link

I'm not really seeing anything on EverythingRobocode that makes it worth having a prominent link on the front page. I don't want to seem like I have a problem with other sites about Robocode coming into existence, because I think it's great. If at some point it has a ton of original content, by all means we should link to it. But right now, it looks like just a few articles, and this is a pretty elite set of links. Could you just post a link on your user page for now?

Voidious23:58, 11 March 2012

I agree, we cannot link every page about robocode on the front page, only the most important/informative of them. Compounded the need to add a description as well, which is a bit needless. I will remove it (the link+desc) for now.

Chase-san05:38, 12 March 2012

Maybe an External Links page filled links? And then link the Main Page to that page.

MN15:42, 12 March 2012

Looking for Mentors

Hi everyone, Im new to this group but am hoping you might be able to help me out with a project I am going to be running at my school this term. I am going to be delivering an introduction to programming for some Yr 9 students (13 - 14 year olds) starting out with basic programming ideas and examples and then moving onto a group project where teams of students create their own robots using robocode. They will have regular competition against each other to see what team is making the most progress / come up with the best ideas.

The reason I am telling you all this is that I am looking for some mentors to help out and perhaps give some advice. All this would involve is you perhaps receiving 1 or 2 emails with some code or some questions about how to do something. This kind of interaction is really useful for students as they get to work with real experts and feel like they are being listened to and treated like adults.

The project will run for about 6 weeks and will start mid february, as I said it would only involve a couple of emails or perhaps a Skype session. The classes are all small and the students are really hard working

I would be very grateful if you would consider helping out and if you have any questions please fell free to get in touch with me.

Thanks for your help,


Mr Sutton08:45, 6 January 2012

I'm happy to help. I'll be very busy over the next few months getting my project ready for the international Robocup, but the occasional email should be fine.

Skilgannon10:15, 6 January 2012

I'm ready to help, but i'm afraid, that my english skill can become a problem

Jdev21:28, 6 January 2012

Thanks for the quick reply, its great to hear that people are keen to help out! I guess the best way to move forward would be to share some contact details. I will then give these out to the students once we start the robocode part of our project around the middle of february. Perhaps each of you could mentor a couple of teams therefore limiting the number of emails you will be getting.

It would be great if you could perhaps tell some other people about this project and see if they would also like to help our as the more people we have involved the better!

My email address is, please email me from the account you would like students to contact you at so that I can start putting a list together.

Thanks again for your help and I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps some other willing helpers soon.


Mr Sutton05:59, 7 January 2012

I'd also be glad to help. Projects like this are always interesting :)

Rednaxela06:11, 7 January 2012

actually i think that every active robocoder is ready to help. and there are google+ circle for robocode:

Jdev12:05, 7 January 2012

Thanks for the great response, I've had quite few replies and am also looking for mentors from other more general programming areas as well. If you think you might like to get involved please contact me and I can tell you all about it.

The students had their first programming lessons this week and are really excited, particularly by the idea of working with robocode and having mentors they will be able to contact and share ideas with.

If you have said you will be involved or would like to be can I ask you to send me a quick Bio about yourself and your experience that I can give to students so they can find out a bit about you. It would also be great if you could supply a picture as well and this could be an avatar if you like, It would be nice if students could put a name to a face!

Thanks again for all your help, if you know of anyone who might be willing and able to help please put them in contact with me.


Mr Sutton12:18, 11 January 2012

The downtime this weekend.

Just for the record, the downtime this weekend was my fault. Got the server into a nasty OOM state when trying to optimize performance. It should be working properly now (and still faster).

Rednaxela04:29, 6 December 2011

If anyone is noticing Robowiki being slow, it's because a PHP process is hitting a cpu bottleneck right now.

The logs are showing Bing and Baidu doing some heavy spidering right now so it could be that... but it could be something else, I'm not 100% sure.

Rednaxela00:14, 4 December 2011

Are you using php-fpm or spawn-fcgi? From my test, the former performs better under heavy load (though I am not sure since I tested it with nginx, not lighttpd; tested with apachebench with wordpress installation)

Nat Pavasant16:50, 4 December 2011

fcgi, however the number of requests per second was fairly modest really, so I doubt that type of overhead was the issue. More likely something on the MediaWiki side was being inefficient on the particular pages being spidered I think.

Rednaxela17:39, 4 December 2011

Yay for speedups! :D

I did some tweaking to the server configuration... according to benchmarks I improved things so that Main_Page went from 5.41 requests/second, all the way up to 80.71 requests/second.

Special:RecentChanges improved less though, going from 2.26 requests/second to 3.44 requests/second.

Rednaxela18:30, 4 December 2011

RoboRumble result

What's the means of "APS","Survival","ELO Rating","Glicko-2(RD)","Battles","Pairings","PL Score" in the RoboRumble?And how to work out them?

Lcya8611:24, 14 November 2011

"APS","ELO Rating","Glicko-2(RD)": Darkcanuck/RRServer/Ratings
Premier League: [1]

Survival - it's average percent of rounds where robot survive
Battles - it's count of battles in which robot takes part
Pairings - it's count of another robots with which robot has battles
PL Score - it's count of wins in pairings (score percent > 50) * 2

for example robot A has 2 battles with robot B with score percents (45, 60) and no battles with robot C. In this case APS will be (45 + 60) / 2 = 52.5; battles will be 2; pairings will be 1; PL Score will be 1 * 2 = 2

Jdev13:20, 14 November 2011

soga,thank you ^_^

Lcya8608:17, 15 November 2011

Turbo Boost and Robocode

I just switched to a Sandy Bridge computer recently, which I believe has the most aggressive Turbo Boost nowadays (not counting the AMD Bulldozer, which I am not sure). I find that a lot of older robots started to skip turn like crazy (DrussGT is like skip 1 turn every 10 turns). I think the reason is that when Robocode calculate CPU Constant, it concentrates the extreme math to single core, which trigger the boost (to 2.9GHz in my CPU), but when the battle is being run, there are several threads running (plus the CPU temp would be higher due to more calculation being done), so the boost is not triggered, hence the cpu run at base speed (2.0GHz in my case).

Personally I run my Robocode at 1.5x the original CPU Constant. I don't know which CPUs you guys are on, but I think this may be a problem, especially on RoboRumble clients. What do you think? Should I fire a bug report?

Nat Pavasant12:41, 12 November 2011

I don't have such an issue on my AMD box, but that's a very good point. Hmm... --Rednaxela 16:48, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

Rednaxela18:48, 12 November 2011

I also have an increased CPU constant, approx 1.5 times the original. Just because I still have a single core P4 and sometimes I want to do something without stopping my client. It does not seem to hurt anyway.

GrubbmGait03:23, 13 November 2011

RoboCode Mentors

I'm new to robocode, and the learning curve is quite steep.

To phrase that another way, at one point my robot was locking on quite nicely to other robots, but subsequent versions (and prior versions) never appear to do anything sensible.

I'm an experienced programmer with lots of C and a bit of Java under my belt, so it's not the programming I'm struggling with.

I can get help with the specific physics questions (how do you get the angle between two headings? for example), so it's not that either.

I really just need someone who I can fire off a question "what does this do?" or "how does this work?" and get a simple response or a link to a wiki page.

I think if some sort of "big brother" mentorship programme were set up, a lot of people who would otherwise be put off by the massive learning curve might be encouraged to join in. More robots = more challenge = more fun. Right? :)

Until such a programme is set up, is there anybody out there who'd like to take a newbie under their wing? Please? :)

Cbrowne00:37, 11 October 2011

I would say just make yourself at home on the wiki and post all the questions you like. You'll probably get better / faster responses giving everyone a chance to answer them. Most of us watch Recent Changes and are happy to help. =) I'd also love to hear what kind of intro / tutorial pages would have been helpful to you, once you get your footing.

Welcome to the RoboWiki!

Voidious02:58, 11 October 2011

Yeah, just ask away. If you're not sure where to ask, just ask on your user page. It also helps if you keep some sort of documentation of what you're doing, it doesn't have to be fancy, but more like a changelog - it makes it easier for us to give suggestions. I'd think that the majority of the stuff is already here on the wiki, but knowing what to call it and where it is needs a bit of experience =). Fresh blood is always appreciated! So go wild with the questions.

Skilgannon08:32, 11 October 2011

Ok, I guess the format of the Wiki and the highly-conversational style are throwing me a bit. I wasn't expecting a response so quickly (or at all, for that matter).

I think a brief primer on the physics/maths calculations you'll need for robocode would be useful, eg:

- how to calculate the difference between two headings
- how to calculate the relative velocity of another bot vs your bot (don't know if this is used in any of the 'top' algorithms, but it feels like it could be useful to newbie bot authors)
- how/why to normalise headings to relative angles (I know the Utils class has this, but it would be useful for newbie bot developers to know how to do it themselves and why it's useful)
- how to calculate the distance between two headings (subtle difference between this and the first point)

If this already exists, could someone point me in the right direction?

Cbrowne15:04, 11 October 2011

I'm not sure if this is covered explicitly anywhere - I know for all of the geometry problems I run into I sketch it on paper then solve it traditionally.

That said, the difference between two headings is just (scan1 - scan2). You might want to use normalisation - either relative or absolute - to put it in the range you want.

On this wiki we generally refer to relative velocity in terms of its components - Lateral_Velocity and Advancing_Velocity. The pages for those explain how to calculate them, and yes, they are used in a lot of the more advanced algorithms =)

Relative normalisation is used for determining how far something is to the left or right - for instance, whether you should turn your gun left or right. It puts the angle between -Pi and +Pi (or -180 and +180). Absolute normalisation is usually used to figure out where something is 'relative to North' and gives a value between 0 and 2*Pi (or 0 and 360).

As to your last question, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Perhaps you want the absolute value of the heading difference? If so, take the relative normal angle first so you don't get the situation where one is on 355 degrees and the other 5 degrees, and the difference between them is 350 degrees instead of 10.

Skilgannon16:03, 11 October 2011

scan1-scan2 is over-simplified, if you want the -shortest- difference between the two headings, which is more useful, it should be: `360 - Math.max(scan1,scan2) + Math.min(scan1,scan2)` I think. Different when dealing in radians (obviously).

The last question is a little difficult to phrase, but no I'm not talking about the absolute value of the heading difference. I'm talking about calculating the distance between two points on two given headings. Using trigonometry. Eg "where is the bullet the robot I just scanned just fired? if he fired one", I know this specific example is impossible to model exactly, but for modelling best-guesses of enemies' guns I would imagine this kind of equation would come in handy.

Thanks for the links to Lateral and Advancing Velocities, it makes sense that they're used a lot in the more advanced algorithms, but those algorithms are all pretty much magic to me at the moment so I had absolutely no idea what is and isn't used.

I'm also not asking for specific answers to these questions, just asking if it might be wise to set up a wiki page that has some basic physics for the purposes of other newbies who don't have answers to the questions (I do, because my dad teaches A-level physics). But thanks for your answers nonetheless, as they did help clarify one or two points I wasn't sure about. :)

Cbrowne16:41, 11 October 2011

I'd take the difference, then normalise it relatively and take the absolute value.

As for the other one, you probably want to look at projecting a point from an origin location, a certain distance at a certain angle. If you look in the source of Raiko (or pretty much any other open source bot) you'll see the 'project' function. Once you have the new location of the point, you can calculate the distance the normal way, sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2).

Skilgannon17:11, 11 October 2011

Oh, and if you want to have a starting point for more advanced algorithms, I suggest Pattern_Matching. It's what I started with, and it makes a good introduction =)

Skilgannon17:13, 11 October 2011

Virtual bullet doesn't line up with real bullets

I have a virtual gun that fires a virtual bullet, for some reason it's just slightly off when i actually fire.


What's the proper way to align and fire? I think my timing is just off.

Ultimatebuster23:56, 3 October 2011

I would guess this is the result of the Robocode idiosyncrasy where a bullet is fired before the gun is turned (so if you do setTurnGunRightDegrees(10), setFire(3), execute(), the bullet is fired before the gun is turned right 10 degrees). So your actual aim is probably the aim from the previous turn, while your predicted is from the current turn.

Skotty00:28, 4 October 2011

Well... can't really tell without more information what's wrong, but my first guess about what's wrong, is that perhaps you're not accounting for how within a tick, firing happens before gun turning does. The angle you fire at when you call setFire() is the angle resulting from the prior tick's setTurnGun() type call.

Rednaxela00:28, 4 October 2011

Yeah that's correct, the setFire is from the last tick.

What's a typical pattern for robocode as to code placement? I'm currently placing the gun turning code in the while true loop and the firing code in onScannedRobot

and it's wrapped with if (getGunHeat() == 0.0)

Should I change that layout? (also add && getGunTurnRemaining() == 0.0 to the fire wrap?)

Ultimatebuster03:03, 4 October 2011

Using onScannedRobot or run is totally just a matter of preference - for 1v1 it won't make any difference, really. It could also be an off-by-1 error in the bullet source location - it should be your location on the tick you called setFire. Or your target angle was farther than your gun could move during that tick, in which case the getGunTurnRemaining == 0 check would solve it.

Voidious03:18, 4 October 2011

I know if i combined the 2 logics in 1 function, the code would fail (for me at least) Nevermind i figured it out.

(Also Voidious: I'm testing my bot against yours now because it has pretty debugging graphics and I can see my weaknesses :P Also I perform better against your bot (diamond) if i don't fire :P)

Ultimatebuster03:58, 4 October 2011

Also, am I suppose to, with my virtual guns, determine the fire direction using last tick's information, since gun turns after bullet fires...

Right now this would f with my simulated hit rate, as sometimes a bullet might hit but not a virtual bullet, or vice versa.

Ultimatebuster04:25, 4 October 2011

Yep, you should, though the impact is probably quite minor.

Voidious05:48, 4 October 2011

Hm. Even last turn's angle doesn't match with the actual fired one. Idk what's going on, also I think the virtual bullets also hits better..

Anyway to compensate the gun turn after the bullet fire?

Ultimatebuster18:15, 4 October 2011

My bullets were not lined up either, until in March this year, I finally solved the problem with GresSuffurd 0.2.28. It turned out that when using the estimated bearing of the next tick (firing tick) position iso the bearing this tick (aiming tick), my real bullets indeed lined up with my (correct) virtual bullets. It gained me 0.2 APS, but I reached spot #11 with slightly misaligned bullets, so it is really not that important. Also keep in mind you have to aim at the opponents next tick position.

GrubbmGait00:39, 5 October 2011

Wait i'm not sure if i understand what you mean by the next tick's position. How do I accomplish that?

Here's what I roughly have:

   while (true){
       if (getGunHeat() == 0.0){
           fireVirtualBullet(enemyCurrentAbsoluteBearing); // Just use Head on targeting as an example because it's simple

I know this would be wrong. I just don't know how to fix it =S

Ultimatebuster05:03, 5 October 2011

He means something like:

Point2D.Double myNextLocation = project(myLocation,getVelocity(),getHeadingRadians());
Point2D.Double enemyNextLocation = project(enemyLocation,e.getVelocity(),e.getHeadingRadians());
double nextAbsBearing = absoluteBearing(myNextLocation,enemyNextLocation);

I've tried this, and using it to predict the enemy location didn't help me, although it did help for my own location. I think it depends on the way you define wave hits and starting locations in your gun. In DrussGT I wait until my gun-turn remaining at the beginning of the tick is 0, then fire. I put my bullet on the wave from last tick. As long as you make the same assumptions everywhere it should be ok.

Skilgannon07:21, 5 October 2011

Yeah that doesn't help me either, predicting my next location and then aiming via that doesn't make it line up either. I also wait until gun turn is complete.... Still not aligning..

Also, how does bullets collision work? I thought it's a line segment that's between last tick's location and this tick's location (length of the velocity). Whatever the line segment intersect will be collided (other bullet lines or robots)

Ultimatebuster16:10, 5 October 2011

Maybe try staying still while shooting to see if that is the problem? If it still doesn't line up, it is some sort of gun alignment issue.

Skilgannon08:33, 11 October 2011

Yes, that is how bullet collisions work. Maybe take your last aim and align the bullet to that? What I do is mark my previous wave as having a bullet the moment setFireBullet() returns a non-null result.

Skilgannon17:40, 5 October 2011

Saving data between rounds

Can I save data between rounds in the static variables of other classes other than my main robot class?

Ultimatebuster21:45, 6 October 2011

Yep. Anything that's static will stick around in any class.

Personally, I model most of my stuff so the main robot class has objects that are static (gun, movement, etc) and then everything else is non-static in those classes, but you can model it however you'd like.

Voidious21:55, 6 October 2011


Skotty21:56, 6 October 2011

while true loop

How is the while (true) loop actually broken down? Does robocode executes the code there 1 iteration per turn? Or..?

Ultimatebuster21:49, 28 September 2011

Generally, yes - when you call execute(), the Robocode engine processes one tick, including firing all the events on your bot, and then your run() method continues executing. So most of us have an infinite loop that calls execute() at the end, and each iteration is one tick.

But there's no magic to it - you could have a run method that goes:

public void run() {

And that would be perfectly valid. Or you could call execute() every third iteration of your loop. In Dookious, my run method used to have a loop that was while (notWonYet) ..., then a victory dance.

Voidious23:00, 28 September 2011

The timing thing for me is very confusing...

For example, if i want to fire at a certain angle, i have to rotate to it.. by the time i do.. i have another angle... which requires more rotation.. etc..

Same thing for turning the robot and going ahead.. I never know how to correctly time them. (Effectively stuck)

Ultimatebuster01:36, 29 September 2011

For gun aiming, see Robocode/Game_Physics#Firing_Pitfall. This can cause your aim to be a tick behind. I think most robots don't worry about it. But if you do worry about it, what I do is predict robot positions 1 tick into the future and use that for aiming. It's not exact, but works well enough for me.

Skotty08:11, 29 September 2011


Just installed LiquidThreads... Hope we all dig it. =)

Voidious19:41, 3 September 2011

We might!

Chase-san20:39, 3 September 2011

Liquid threads are kind of better, but still not ideal. My main concern is that this still requires you to go to different pages, some are difficult to get to (have to know it specifically or get refered). For example, if someone were to ask a question/start a discussion on certain type of targeting etc.

Personally I think a forum works the best, as it can break things down into different categories and list everything out in a manageable fashion.

The Facebook group is good, but it lacks the community involvement, in my opinion.

Google+ seems cool, but I can't sign up for it with my Google Apps account..

... and who uses yahoo? :P

Ultimatebuster03:17, 5 September 2011

That's what the Special:RecentChanges is for - you can see modifications made anywhere on the wiki. Questions can be asked on the person's homepage and moved later, if necessary.

Skilgannon12:39, 5 September 2011

It will take a while to get used to. But there is no need to diff the discussion pages anymore. Neither convert local times to UCT every time I write something. Nice work.

MN03:59, 5 September 2011

Just doing 4 tildas (~) will automatically do a UTC timestamp, plus signature.

Skilgannon10:40, 5 September 2011

I have only one complain. LiquidThreads is polluting the Recent Changes page.

MN04:03, 5 September 2011

Ultimatebuster: With regards to a forum, personally the problem I would have with a traditional one, is that conversations are often with regards to a specific concept that either has or should have it's own wiki page anyway. The tight linkage between pages and talk pages encourages cross-pollination between the two sides, with discussion inspiring wiki pages and wiki pages inspiring discussion. Plus, I feel that the categories that would be created in a normal forum would be too broad for robocode and cronological sorting within such large groups too limiting.

Rednaxela07:12, 5 September 2011

A forum would be much more open for beginners to ask questions though. you shouldn't try to put everything into categories but just leave it to different threads in topics. --Peltco 06:15, 5 September 2011 (UTC)

Peltco08:15, 5 September 2011

Maybe it would make sense to have a page using liquidthreads which is specifically for asking questions when a specific page is not known? Perhaps do something like prominently link it from the main page, or even embed it?

Rednaxela17:43, 5 September 2011

Well, although beginners may not know, but I believe with our not-so-large community you can ask questions on almost any talk page, and if it seems inappropriate, someone will move the conversation to the right place. I really think we should have a bot that post welcome message to user, since IIRC it tells that you can ask question on your talk page.

Nat Pavasant14:56, 6 September 2011

Simplify recent change details from thread

Basically reduce the amount of data from the post that is set in the recent changes area. Lots of it has been wrapping, and that makes it harder to read. If possible half of what it has now. If possible even a "ABC has replied to thread XYZ". ;)

Chase-san06:27, 6 September 2011

Talk from old wiki

Personally, I think with the LiquidThread installed, every talk from old wiki should be put into the Archived talk namespace, or discussion header. My main reason is that discussion from old wiki would be uing old-style link, and I don't know how to programme a wikibot to edit a LiquidThread (plus my old converting code would work with the discussion header without modification)

Nat Pavasant12:27, 5 September 2011

I don't like leaving conversations in the discussion header, since it pushes the LiquidThreads stuff way down the page and I don't think that's what he header is for. I think moving to Archived talk is appropriate in most places, and you can just link to it in the header (like I did in Talk:Main Page).

I'm not sure how to deal with current conversations on the new wiki. I don't want them in the header. Archiving them is OK in most places, and maybe we could do it with a bot, but it feels pretty drastic to do it across the whole wiki. I wish I could just convert them to LiquidThreads conversations...

Voidious17:05, 5 September 2011
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