DevilFISH Challenge

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Are you Wave Surfing? Trying to get it perfect? There are a lot of things a wave surfer needs to address. One major thing is dealing with simple targeters with good and/or provocative movement. Marcelo's DevilFISH 1.3 is a bot that fires using some kind of Linear Targeting. And it also tries to fight very close. Evading enemies that are too close can be as simple as just spiraling away from them. But that's not very smart against Linear Targeting, is it? Here's the results from my latest CassiusClay b... uhmmm meeting DevilFISH 1.3 in a 1000 round battle:

1st: pez.rumble.CassiusClay 140571 50000 10000 67142 13428 0 0 1000 0
2nd: Marcelo.Alpha.DevilFISH 1.3 5952 0 0 5952 0 0 0 0 1000

See if you can beat that. Let's make it a contest. Grab DevilFISH 1.3.


Bot Author Score share
DrussGT 2.8.12 Skilgannon 99.969%
Nene MC60x Chase 99.699%
Dookious 1.534NDS Voidious 99.680%
Diamond 1.8.22 Voidious 99.49%
PulsarMax 0.6.33 Pulsar 99.079%
WhiteFang 2.2.1a Dsekercioglu 98.833%
Phoenix 0.312b David Alves 98.701%
Engineer 0.2.5 wcsv 97.709%
SilverSurfer 2.42 Axe 96.251%
CassiusClay PEZ 96.078%
GrubbmGrb 1.2.1 Stop And Go GrubbmGait 95.578%
DarkHallow jim 95.232%
SilverSurfer 2.35 HOT Axe 94.614%
GresSuffurd 0.3.12 GrubbmGait 94.339%
Cyanide 1.41.2 Alcatraz 90.721%
CassiusClay with HOT PEZ modified by David Alves 90.004%
Rage 1.0 QP 57.000%