View source for Talk:RoboRumble/Participants/GigaRumble

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Nominations 2020-08-20119:22, 20 August 2020
Nominations 2018-10-08219:22, 9 October 2018
Nominations 2017-091911:07, 8 October 2018
Nominations 2017-11-251515:27, 30 November 2017
Going official722:53, 7 May 2013
Nominations414:56, 26 March 2013
Impact of bullet shielding223:12, 25 March 2013
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Nominations 2020-08-20

Updated ScalarR, WhiteFang and Neuromancer to the latest versions used in RoboRumble. Removed Midboss, Seraphim and PulsarMax as they don't qualify in the top-30 anymore. Re-added Garm and GresSuffurd. The only problem I have is with Raven. I added it, but I am unable to run battles for it as I use Java 8.

GrubbmGait (talk)14:08, 20 August 2020


I compiled Raven with Java 8 but I am not sure if I actually did =) (I have had issues with IntelliJ similar to this before)

There is always a little chance I made an accidental change to the robot so it would be better to wait for rumble rankings to stabilize.

Dsekercioglu (talk)19:22, 20 August 2020

Nominations 2018-10-08

After almost a year, we have new entrances

{'aaa.ScalarBot 0.012n2.9.14b',
 'aaa.n.ScalarN 0.011d.149',
 'dsekercioglu.mega.WhiteFang 2.5.0',
 'jk.mega.DrussGT 3.1.6',
 'jk.melee.Neuromancer 7.3'}

and also some bots disappearing

{'aaa.ScalarBot 0.012n2.8.14c',
 'cs.Mint 0.16',
 'gh.GresSuffurd 0.3.25',
 'jk.mega.DrussGT 3.1.4',
 'jk.melee.Neuromancer 7.0'}

I'll update the list accordingly and run the client then.

Btw I have a script to calculate the list difference, and may have an automated one latter, and then we may set up some daily task to update the list whenever the ranking is stable.

import json
from pprint import pprint

with open('giga.json') as f: #
  old = json.load(f)

with open('giga_new.json') as f: #
  new = json.load(f)

olds = set(a['name'] for a in old)
news = set(a['name'] for a in new)

pprint(news - olds)
pprint(olds - news)

however this script cannot process tie broken rule automatically yet.

Xor (talk)10:48, 8 October 2018

Snif, I disappear from GigaRumble . . . and one day later I am on par again with Midboss. Oh well, see it as a kick in the ass to do something about it.

GrubbmGait (talk)13:10, 9 October 2018

Well, that randomness in PL adds some opportunism, but making your bot strong enough will definitely make it more guaranteed.

Xor (talk)19:22, 9 October 2018

Nominations 2017-09

Seems like the following adaptions should be made:

Whether these last ones (except Mint) should be added now, or that that has to wait for a 'stable' version, seems up to the developer.

GrubbmGait (talk)15:29, 14 September 2017

Is there a problem specifically about GigaRumble on adding a non-stable version then update it along the way?

About Roborio: it will be retired as soon as Knight surpasses it, and that won't take too long since I used this an opportunity to rewrite parts of Roborio from scratch (I'll retire it because they have too much in common). Therefore, I think it shouldn't be added.

The others make sense, GigaRumble seems to be a quite interesting rumble.

Rsalesc (talk)15:47, 14 September 2017

These all look good to me =)

Skilgannon (talk)20:57, 14 September 2017

Looks good to me. I approve of these changes, especially since GigaRumble hasn't been updated since 2014.

We will need copies of gigarumble.txt and meleetop30rumble.txt, as well as the accompanying .bat/.command/.sh files to run the rumbles, though...

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)23:09, 14 September 2017
Edited by author.
Last edit: 03:55, 15 September 2017

Looks good to me =)

Current version of ScalarBot is already a "stable" version, althrough optimized for APS not PL. I would like to update it one more time in the gigarumble after the gun is reworked (not touched since initial), but that would be long after...

Xor (talk)01:05, 15 September 2017

I think we can always add or drop a bot from GigaRumble. Once you tuned the bot up, just switch the version at the wiki page.

The real challenge is to retune your clients so they run the GigaRumble.

Beaming (talk)02:26, 15 September 2017

that's true. afaik the RumbleSuperPack contains everything you need to run that, but i don't know whether the RumbleSuperPack is still available...

Xor (talk)03:55, 15 September 2017

It is fairly easy to do yourself. Modify or copy and edit to point to Gigarumble config, i.e. make something like

cd "${0%/*}"
java -Xmx1024M  -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp libs/robocode.jar:libs/roborumble.jar:libs/codesize-1.1.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/GigaRumble.txt
cd "${pwd}"

Create 'roborumble/GigaRumble.txt' with the following content and change the 'USER'

# GigaRumble..txt - Configuration file for GigaRumble (1v1 battles)

# Username. It's highly recommendable that you change this to use your name

# USER      The username used when uploading the results to the RoboRumble
#           server. Hence, you should replace 'Put_Your_Name_Here' with your
#           name, which could be the initials you use for your robot(s).


# Exclude filter used for excluding participants. Use with care!

# EXCLUDE   A comma separated list of all the participants you want to exclude
#           from the competition. Excluded participants will not be downloaded
#           or take part in battles. This way you can exclude participants that
#           cannot be downloaded due to web servers that are down or hanging,
#           the repository is down, robots/teams that crashes for some reason or
#           cause other trouble. 
#           You can use the filename wildcards * and ? in the filter. Example:
#           EXCLUDE=xyz.*v1.?, *Nano*


# Properties for controlling the rumble. Use YES or NOT

# DOWNLOAD  Download data like participants, missing robots, rating files etc.
#           from Internet if these have not been downloaded for 2 hours.
# EXECUTE   Execute battles. Battles files are first created and old battles
#           files are deleted before the battles are executed.
# UPLOAD    Upload results to the RoboRumble server specified by the RESULTSURL
#           property.
# ITERATE   If set to NOT, the rumble will only execute battles once.
#           If set to YES, the rumble will restart with new battles every time
#           the battles have been executed, and it will run infinitely until
#           terminated.


# MELEE     Must be set if this rumble is meant for melee battles.
# TEAMS     Must be set if this rumble is meant for team battles.
#           This flag is necessary, as jar files for robot teams are different
#           from jar files for ordinary robots.

# MELEE=NOT as this property file is not meant for melee battles.
# TEAM=NOT, as this property file is not meant for team battles.

# Do not modify these properties!


# Properties for the battle engine

# FIELDL      Battlefield width measured in pixels.
# FIELDH      Battlefield height measured in pixels.
# NUMBATTLES  Number of battles performed per rumble.
# ROUNDS      Number of rounds per battle.

# These are standard values for the RoboRumble. Do not modify these properties!


# INPUT     Input battles file that is generated by the rumble automatically.
#           The rumble uses this file for selecting which robots that must
#           battle against each other.
# OUTPUT    Battle results file, which is the output of running the rumble.


# Properties for retrieving robots from Internet

# BOTSREP   The robot repository where downloaded robots are put.
# TEMP      Directory containing all temporary files for RoboRumble.


# Properties for updating participants from Internet

#           URL to the web page containing all participants of the competition,
#           which will be used for updating the participants file specified with
#           the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.
#           File containing all the participants for the competition.
# STARTAG   Tag marking the start and end of the participants on the web page
#           pointed to with the PARTICIPANTSURL property.
#           URL used for removing old participants, which is used for updating
#           the participants file specified with the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.




# Properties to control the way battles are run 

# RUNONLY   If left black or set to GENERAL, a new battle file is created where
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random. The number
#           of robot pairs will match number of battles defined the NUMBATTLES
#           property. 
#           If set to MINI, a new battle file is created similar to the one
#           for GENERAL, but it will only contains robots that are MiniBots,
#           which has a code size < 1500 bytes (calculated by the codesize tool).
#           If set to MICRO, a new battle file is created similar to the one
#           for GENERAL, but it will only contains robots that are MicroBots,
#           which has a code size < 750 bytes (calculated by the codesize tool).
#           If set to NANO, a new battle file is created similar to the one for
#           GENERAL, but it will only contains robots that are NanoBots, which
#           has a code size < 250 bytes (calculated by the codesize tool).
#           If set to SERVER (recommended), a new battle file is created which
#           will first of all contain priority battles for robots that that has
#           priority over other robots until they have fought a specific number
#           of battles specified by the BATTLESPERBOT property. The number of
#           battles fought by the individual robots are extracted from the
#           rating files, which are downloaded from the server if the DOWNLOAD
#           property is set to YES. When no more priority battles are left,
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random similar to
#           GENERAL.
#           The number of battles a robot has to fight before it will no longer
#           have priority over other robots in battles. Prioritizing a robot
#           makes its rating more reliable faster as its number of fought
#           battles increases faster than when it is not prioritized.
#           The priority battles file that is generated automatically by the
#           rumble when the RUNONLY property is set to SERVER.




# Properties for uploading the results to the server

#           URL used for uploading the results to the server. 
#           File containing the number of battles fought by the robots, which is
#           returned by the server when results are uploaded to the server.



# Properties for related competitions

# Related competitions are competitions where participants are a subset of the
# participants in the general competition.
# The MiniBots (code size < 1500) are participants of the MiniRumble.
# The MicroBots (code size < 750) are participants of the MicroRumble.
# The NanoBots (code size < 250) are participants of the NanoRumble.

# Do not modify these properties!


#           The code size file that is generated automatically by the rumble in
#           order determine the code size of each individual robot.

# Properties for URLs and file names for the rating files to download

#           URL to where ratings files are located on Internet.
#           File name for the rating file of the general RoboRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the MiniRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the MicroRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the NanoRumble.


Beaming (talk)02:08, 16 September 2017

nanoGigaRumble ? Are you kidding?

I think giga rumble is very different from the general rumble. We should try to find the official one

Xor (talk)02:51, 16 September 2017

This file is destroying minirumble. You should remove


for it to work.

Xor (talk)11:07, 8 October 2018

All proposed changes are made, GigaRumble is running fine now. Also mn.Combat is updated from 3.23.1 to 3.25.0 (December 2016). I have only one problem: Roborio and XanderCat are Java 8 specific, and I am running from Java 7, so I can't run battles for those bots.

GrubbmGait (talk)16:46, 17 September 2017

Can you post the gigarumble.txt? Maybe we can even ask Fnl to add it to the default robocode install.

Skilgannon (talk)17:04, 17 September 2017
# gigarumble.txt - Configuration file for top-30 RoboRumble (1v1 battles)

# Username. It's highly recommendable that you change this to use your name

# USER      The username used when uploading the results to the RoboRumble
#           server. Hence, you should replace 'Put_Your_Name_Here' with your
#           name, which could be the initials you use for your robot(s).


# Exclude filter used for excluding participants. Use with care!

# EXCLUDE   A comma separated list of all the participants you want to exclude
#           from the competition. Excluded participants will not be downloaded
#           or take part in battles. This way you can exclude participants that
#           cannot be downloaded due to web servers that are down or hanging,
#           the repository is down, robots/teams that crashes for some reason or
#           cause other trouble. 
#           You can use the filename wildcards * and ? in the filter. Example:
#           EXCLUDE=xyz.*v1.?, *Nano*


# Properties for controlling the rumble. Use YES or NOT

# DOWNLOAD  Download data like participants, missing robots, rating files etc.
#           from Internet if these have not been downloaded for 2 hours.
# EXECUTE   Execute battles. Battles files are first created and old battles
#           files are deleted before the battles are executed.
# UPLOAD    Upload results to the RoboRumble server specified by the RESULTSURL
#           property.
# ITERATE   If set to NOT, the rumble will only execute battles once.
#           If set to YES, the rumble will restart with new battles every time
#           the battles have been executed, and it will run infinitely until
#           terminated.


# MELEE     Must be set if this rumble is meant for melee battles.
# TEAMS     Must be set if this rumble is meant for team battles.
#           This flag is necessary, as jar files for robot teams are different
#           from jar files for ordinary robots.

# MELEE=NOT as this property file is not meant for melee battles.
# TEAM=NOT, as this property file is not meant for team battles.

# Do not modify these properties!


# Properties for the battle engine

# FIELDL      Battlefield width measured in pixels.
# FIELDH      Battlefield height measured in pixels.
# NUMBATTLES  Number of battles performed per rumble.
# ROUNDS      Number of rounds per battle.

# These are standard values for the RoboRumble. Do not modify these properties!


# INPUT     Input battles file that is generated by the rumble automatically.
#           The rumble uses this file for selecting which robots that must
#           battle against each other.
# OUTPUT    Battle results file, which is the output of running the rumble.


# Properties for retrieving robots from Internet

# BOTSREP   The robot repository where downloaded robots are put.
# TEMP      Directory containing all temporary files for RoboRumble.


# Properties for updating participants from Internet

#           URL to the web page containing all participants of the competition,
#           which will be used for updating the participants file specified with
#           the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.
#           File containing all the participants for the competition.
# STARTAG   Tag marking the start and end of the participants on the web page
#           pointed to with the PARTICIPANTSURL property.
#           URL used for removing old participants, which is used for updating
#           the participants file specified with the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.




# Properties to control the way battles are run 

# RUNONLY   If left black or set to GENERAL, a new battle file is created where
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random. The number
#           of robot pairs will match number of battles defined the NUMBATTLES
#           property. 
#           If set to SERVER (recommended), a new battle file is created which
#           will first of all contain priority battles for robots that that has
#           priority over other robots until they have fought a specific number
#           of battles specified by the BATTLESPERBOT property. The number of
#           battles fought by the individual robots are extracted from the
#           rating files, which are downloaded from the server if the DOWNLOAD
#           property is set to YES. When no more priority battles are left,
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random similar to
#           GENERAL.
#           The number of battles a robot has to fight before it will no longer
#           have priority over other robots in battles. Prioritizing a robot
#           makes its rating more reliable faster as its number of fought
#           battles increases faster than when it is not prioritized.
#           The priority battles file that is generated automatically by the
#           rumble when the RUNONLY property is set to SERVER.




# Properties for uploading the results to the server

#           URL used for uploading the results to the server. 
#           File containing the number of battles fought by the robots, which is
#           returned by the server when results are uploaded to the server.



# Properties for URLs and file names for the rating files to download

#           URL to where ratings files are located on Internet.
#           File name for the rating file of the general RoboRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the MiniRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the MicroRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the NanoRumble.


GrubbmGait (talk)17:11, 17 September 2017

Also, I was running Melee Top 30 for ages with the following '' script

cd "${0%/*}"
java -Xmx1024M  -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp libs/robocode.jar:libs/roborumble.jar:libs/codesize-1.1.jar roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/meleeTop30rumble.txt
cd "${pwd}"

and config 'meleeTop30rumble.txt'

# meleeTop30rumble.txt - Configuration file for MeleeRumble (meleeTop30 battles)

# User property. It's highly recommendable that you change this to use your name

# USER      The user name used when uploading the results to the RoboRumble
#           server. Hence, you should replace 'Put_Your_Name_Here' with your
#           name, which could be the initials you use for your robot(s).


# Exclude filter used for excluding participants. Use with care!

# EXCLUDE   A comma separated list of all the participants you want to exclude
#           from the competition. Excluded participants will not be downloaded
#           or take part in battles. This way you can exclude participants that
#           cannot be downloaded due to web servers that are down or hanging,
#           the repository is down, robots/teams that crashes for some reason or
#           cause other trouble. 
#           You can use the filename wildcards * and ? in the filter. Example:
#           EXCLUDE=xyz.*v1.?, *Nano*


# Properties for controlling the rumble. Use YES or NOT

# DOWNLOAD  Download data like participants, missing robots, rating files etc.
#           from Internet if these have not been downloaded for 2 hours.
# EXECUTE   Execute battles. Battles files are first created and old battles
#           files are deleted before the battles are executed.
# UPLOAD    Upload results to the RoboRumble server specified by the RESULTSURL
#           property.
# ITERATE   If set to NOT, the rumble will only execute battles once.
#           If set to YES, the rumble will restart with new battles every time
#           the battles have been executed, and it will run infinitely until
#           terminated.


# MELEE     Must be set if this rumble is meant for melee battles.
# TEAMS     Must be set if this rumble is meant for team battles.
#           This flag is necessary, as jar files for robot teams are different
#           from jar files for ordinary robots.

# MELEE=YES as this property file is meant for melee battles.
# TEAM=NOT, as this property file is not meant for team battles.

# Do not modify these properties!


# Properties for the battle engine

# FIELDL      Battlefield width measured in pixels.
# FIELDH      Battlefield height measured in pixels.
# NUMBATTLES  Number of battles performed per rumble.
# ROUNDS      Number of rounds per battle.
# MELEEBOTS   Number of robots that participate in a melee battle.

# These are standard values for the MeleeRumble. Do not modify these properties!


# INPUT     Input battles file that is generated by the rumble automatically.
#           The rumble uses this file for selecting which robots that must
#           battle against each other.
# OUTPUT    Battle results file, which is the output of running the rumble.


# Properties for retrieving robots from Internet

# BOTSREP   The robot repository where downloaded robots are put.
# TEMP      Directory containing all temporary files for RoboRumble.


# Properties for updating participants from Internet

#           URL to the web page containing all participants of the competition,
#           which will be used for updating the participants file specified with
#           the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.
#           File containing all the participants for the competition.
# STARTAG   Tag marking the start and end of the participants on the web page
#           pointed to with the PARTICIPANTSURL property.
#           URL used for removing old participants, which is used for updating
#           the participants file specified with the PARTICIPANTSFILE property.




# Properties to control the way battles are run 

# RUNONLY   If left black or set to GENERAL, a new battle file is created where
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random. The number
#           of robot pairs will match number of battles defined the NUMBATTLES
#           property. 
#           If set to MINI, a new battle file is created similar to the one
#           for GENERAL, but it will only contains robots that are MiniBots,
#           which has a code size < 1500 bytes (calculated by the codesize tool).
#           If set to MICRO, a new battle file is created similar to the one
#           for GENERAL, but it will only contains robots that are MicroBots,
#           which has a code size < 750 bytes (calculated by the codesize tool).
#           If set to NANO, a new battle file is created similar to the one for
#           GENERAL, but it will only contains robots that are NanoBots, which
#           has a code size < 250 bytes (calculated by the codesize tool).
#           If set to SERVER (recommended), a new battle file is created which
#           will first of all contain priority battles for robots that that has
#           priority over other robots until they have fought a specific number
#           of battles specified by the BATTLESPERBOT property. The number of
#           battles fought by the individual robots are extracted from the
#           rating files, which are downloaded from the server if the DOWNLOAD
#           property is set to YES. When no more priority battles are left,
#           robots from the participants file are paired at random similar to
#           GENERAL.
#           The number of battles a robot has to fight before it will no longer
#           have priority over other robots in battles. Prioritizing a robot
#           makes its rating more reliable faster as its number of fought
#           battles increases faster than when it is not prioritized.
#           The priority battles file that is generated automatically by the
#           rumble when the RUNONLY property is set to SERVER.




# Properties for uploading the results to the server

#           URL used for uploading the results to the server. 
#           File containing the number of battles fought by the robots, which is
#           returned by the server when results are uploaded to the server.



# Properties for related competitions

# Related competitions are competitions where participants are a subset of the
# participants in the general competition.
# The MiniBots (code size < 1500) are participants of the MiniRumble.
# The MicroBots (code size < 750) are participants of the MicroRumble.
# The NanoBots (code size < 250) are participants of the NanoRumble.

# Do not modify these properties!


#           The code size file that is generated automatically by the rumble in
#           order determine the code size of each individual robot.


# Properties for URLs and file names for the rating files to download

#           URL to where ratings files are located on Internet.
#           File name for the rating file of the general MeleeRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the Melee MiniRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the Melee MicroRumble.
#           File name for the rating file of the Melee NanoRumble.


Beaming (talk)17:42, 17 September 2017

Thank you for this effort. I'll try to make Roborio Java 7 compliant soon.

Rsalesc (talk)17:29, 17 September 2017

To MultiplyByZer0: seems that Chalk is getting zero scores in your setup. Could you verify that? You can ignore that bot by setting 'EXCLUDE=cjm.* in your gigarumble.txt

GrubbmGait (talk)21:21, 17 September 2017

DrussGT, XanderCat, and Roborio bullet-shield Chalk to death, explaining the low APS and Survival. I don't see zero scores anywhere else in the ranking table, and its rank in GigaRumble (#26) is actually above its rank in RoboRumble (#34).

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)21:31, 17 September 2017

Lol, hadn't thought of that. I had not expected though that someone that vulnerable to bullet-shielding would get that high in the PL.

GrubbmGait (talk)21:40, 17 September 2017

Nominations 2017-11-25

Seems that an update is appropriate, as rsalesc.Knight(#4) and cb.Firestarter(#5) would enter. Next to that, updated versions of aaa.ScalarBot, gh.GresSuffurd and jk.Neuromancer and the re-entrance of ags.Midboss. Alas ags.RougeDC, kc.Hydra and pulsar.pulsarMax will (temporarily ?) disappear from the list. I will update the list tonight and try to start running a client.

GrubbmGait (talk)18:40, 25 November 2017

Updated to Java 8, but I can't run battles for rsalesc.Roborio and xander.XanderCat. Seems that they are made with Java 9 specific things. So if anyone else with Java 9 can also run Gigarumble, the ranking can become complete.

GrubbmGait (talk)23:21, 27 November 2017

Suddenly Roborio works, with some luck XanderCat will also . . .

GrubbmGait (talk)02:35, 28 November 2017

Team rumble and Twin Duel are broken in Java 9. I won't upgrade until the Robocode engine is fixed.

MN (talk)02:38, 28 November 2017

The battle bugs (Bug-389, Bug-390) have been fixed, but only with version The rumble is still stuck on version, because the server won't be upgraded until a regression analysis is made, and no one has yet volunteered to do that.

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)11:40, 30 November 2017

Both works fine here in Java 8, so maybe restarting the rumble/cleaning the caches helps? btw I would like to run Gigarumble as well, may you post a working config file for it? Hope that is included in the next release of robocode.

Xor (talk)07:00, 28 November 2017

I removed the caches from all installations (RoboRumble and GigaRumble are separate installs), and now XanderCat also works! I can't run battles till I get home though, as the firewall at work prevents download/upload of necessary files and results.

My config file is listed in the discussion below. The gigarumble.bat file contains:

java -Xmx512M -cp libs/robocode.jar;libs/roborumble.jar;libs/codesize-1.1.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/gigarumble.txt
GrubbmGait (talk)11:56, 28 November 2017

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Return to Thread:Talk:RoboRumble/Participants/GigaRumble/Nominations 2017-11-25/reply (5).

There are 4 bots vulnerable to BulletShielding present: Phoenix (#16), Chalk (#21), CassiusClay (#22) and Seraphim (#27). They earn their presence as they kick a lot of butts. But you are right, DrussGT only clings on the first place due to its Bullet Shielding. Diamond on the other hand does not use it.

GrubbmGait (talk)12:21, 28 November 2017

Yeah, sure they do, but these are bots we can probably assume that won't receive new updates, so they will be BulletShielding-susceptible forever and, let's be honest, they will eventually be kicked off from top30. Maybe it will take very long, but they will. And of course, they will be kicked from top30 in part because of the legacy they left behind :P

Rsalesc (talk)23:52, 28 November 2017

And just to clarify, I would love to be wrong about those bots not receiving updates :P

Rsalesc (talk)23:55, 28 November 2017

And I'm curious about why there are so many bots NOT vulnerable to BS ;)

Xor (talk)06:14, 29 November 2017

Going official

What do you think about bringing the GigaRumble participants to the main roborumble page, and adding the gigarumble.txt and files to the superpacks?

Skilgannon21:21, 24 March 2013

Totally cool with me, I do think it's a pretty interesting rumble. Worth noting that it requires a little maintenance to actually sort the main rumble by PL and update the participants list from time to time, but the top 30 doesn't change that often.

Also open to discussion about the number of bots/format/name and such, all of which I dictated when it was just me playing around.

Voidious21:25, 24 March 2013

Does this mean I should start keeping my own entry updated on the participants list? At the moment, XanderCat 11.4 is still in the GigaRumble, which is quite a bit out of date.

Skotty23:01, 25 March 2013

Once you are on this page, you have your ticket in. Feel free to edit.

Voidious, I'm sure you could automate the page generation?

Skilgannon23:07, 25 March 2013

Er, yeah, I guess I could. Sort main rankings by PWIN, take top 30, update GigaRumble participants list - right?

I really should get all this stuff running from the RoboWiki server. It's funny sometimes when I turn off my laptop for travel, then come back online and see a few @roborumble tweets come in. ;)

Voidious23:11, 25 March 2013

Could you update your gigarumble.txt file to the new URL and add it to the superpack?

Skilgannon10:35, 7 May 2013

As a note, I just updated to ensure that always includes versions in the GigaRumble participants list as well as the other versions. This is to cover the case of the main participants list getting a new version before GigaRumble.

(Also tomorrow makes for the 1-year anniversary of the cron job for being started, and hasn't failed since :))

Rednaxela17:56, 7 May 2013

Nice! It's a great resource, we all owe you a thanks for setting that up.

Voidious22:53, 7 May 2013


I nominate the following robots for admission into the GigaRumble: Nene, Neuromancer, CunobelinDC, RaikoMX, and SandboxDT.

If anyone else would like to nominate a robot for the GigaRumble, feel free to use this thread to do so.

Sheldor03:26, 26 March 2013

Well, Nene has more than earned its place at #11 in PL. As for the others, my vote is definitely to stick to "top x bots" instead of hand picking bots we like.

Top 50 would include all those bots... I still like 30 and personally feel like even that's erring on the high side. (A bot at #30 has almost no chance vs DrussGT.) What do other people think?

Voidious03:46, 26 March 2013


  • Nene, top 10 bot. I have no problems with someone entering it, but its turned for simple bots.


  • SandboxDT, impressive for its age. But not impressive enough.
  • RaikoMX, see SandboxDT.
  • Neuromancer, great at Melee, only decent in One on One.
  • CunobelinDC, entering it in the gigarumble just isn't fair.


  • Seraphim, decent post-debug, holds #10 Vote and #22 PL (PWIN). Tuned against surfers originally.
Chase05:23, 26 March 2013

If you want Sandbox DT you should do a separate "Classics" league. ;)

Wolfman08:47, 26 March 2013

That crossed my mind too. :-) Then I thought it's kind of silly to have an active rumble for bots that never get updated. And also, how to treat a bot like Shadow? Totally classic, but updated a lot more recently than others like DT.

It's not a sign of disrespect to leave those bots out of a "strongest bots rumble". Pretty sure most of those authors would want to earn their spot anyway, if they were active.

Voidious14:56, 26 March 2013

Impact of bullet shielding

Man, you know what's crazy, DrussGT may take the GigaRumble crown with the bullet shielding destroying Hydra and Phoenix. It's funny, this might be more likely to motivate me to add it than the RoboRumble APS gains...

Voidious22:25, 25 March 2013

I know exactly how you feel. It's a lot harder to lose something than to not have what you don't have already :-p

Skilgannon23:08, 25 March 2013

Yeah, I remember that feeling... vaguely... :-P

Voidious23:12, 25 March 2013
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